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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by LilaZules

  1. Hello All. I am a 21 year old junior in college. I was banded during my spring break last Tuesday (3/14/10), and tomorrow will be my first day back on campus. In addition to taking classes, I am also running for SGA Secretary so I will be campaigning from today until Election Day which is April 6th on top of taking classes, and being a part of 3 organizations on an executive board level.

    What I'm most worried about is stopping to eat because I am never hungry. Before surgery, I didn't eat Breakfast because it was too early in the morning, and I would pick sleep over eating any day! I recently started to eat lunch with my three best friends in between classes 12:30 and 1:10, which was something I only did maybe 3 out of 5 days a week so I am changing my schedule to allow for time to eat. What made me stop to eat last year was the fact that I would have hunger pangs or loud stomach growls in the middle of a lecture. Now that that isn't happening, I'm worried that I won't be eating enough. When will my stomach start to tell me I'm hungry again?

    Tomorrow, I move to stage two of the liquid diet. How different is it really from the first week diet? I've had about 8 pre-op nutrition classes prior to surgery, but we all know it's not the same once you actually have the surgery done. Can I just stay on my week one diet until I move to the mushy stage?

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