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LAP-BAND Patients
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About coley1221

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 12/21/1988

About Me

  • Biography
    Graduate student, I got my lapband in July 2008, although I am having a lot of health problems (possibly from my lapband) I am currently living a healthy life (Gluten Free due to Celiac Disease) and just enjoying life!
  • Gender
  • Interests
    traveling, writing, reading, music, art, and so on.
  • Occupation
    Graduate student
  • City
    New Haven
  • State
  1. coley1221

    gas meds

    I was banded over four years ago and I still have gas and extreme bloating problems. Anyone else having this issue? I never had any of these problems until I had the surgery :/
  2. coley1221


    It very normal! I too was very nauseous day one of post/surgery. I even threw up (even tho there was nothing in my body to throw up..except bile). You're going to be okay
  3. coley1221


    I didn't know what being bloated felt like until I had my surgery. 3 moths post-op my body woke me up in the middle of the night with extreme bloating and incredible pain! We had no idea what it was...still kind of dont (GI thinks its probably severe ibs). It comes when I'm stressed or during my cycle (so it's possible), but other times the bloating and pain is so severe I have shortness of breath and had to call 911 a couple of times because I had no idea what was wrong with me. Still have these reoccurring pains/extreme bloating in lower abdomen. Possibly surgically induced ibs or whatever...I just wish I would stop Any one else have this issue?
  4. coley1221

    The size of plates

    Me too! I look at the full sized dinner plates and now wonder "how did I ever eat off that big plate!" Or " no wonder Americas are over weight...look at the big plate!."
  5. Just stay positive and remember it will get better
  6. Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with a severe gluten intolerance two years after my surgery (but I probably had it 3 months after surgery). I've struggled with it just because my body doesn't like any grains but I'm much healthier now (minus all the other complications I believe the lap band have given me). Has anyone been diagnosed with gluten intolerance/ celiacs disease post surgery? I just ask because I am the only one in my family...and my family believes it's the Lap band (they hate it lol but I don't blame them because of all of issues I've had). Thanks! Coley
  7. Happy 24th Birthday coley1221!

  8. Happy 23rd Birthday coley1221!

  9. coley1221

    2nd Fill

    It's been a week since my 2nd fill, and I definitely feel the difference. It took me an hour yesterday just to eat something. And I'm getting fuller usually off of three or four bights of something which is great! If I don't eat for atleast two hours my stomach growels lol so I usually eat a little something to keep my metabolism going, but other than that its been going great! Hopefully by this time next year I will have reached my goal weight :] Only 30 more lbs to lose! also...I really think I need to go to support group or visit a psychologist, because I had the surgery when I was 19 years old and now that I am 21 and haven't lost weight in a while I feel lost, confused, and lonely (even though I am surrounded by loved ones). Oh life...also, I'm graduating from SCSU in Decemeber, maybe I can find a job in this field and help people lol.
  10. coley1221

    2nd Fill

    Yesterday, March 24, I had my 2nd fill since my surgery almost two years ago. My doctor told me that I would have trouble eating and my band would feel very tight so on and so forth, but I feel no different. My stomach feels sore and I look bloated, but when I do eat I feel no different. Will it take time? I had 4ccs filled? (all together 7 in the past two years).
  11. coley1221

    2nd Fill

    Yesterday, March 24, I had my 2nd fill since my surgery almost two years ago. My doctor told me that I would have trouble eating and my band would feel very tight so on and so forth, but I feel no different. My stomach feels sore and I look bloated, but when I do eat I feel no different. Will it take time? I had 4ccs filled? (all together 7 in the past two years).
  12. coley1221

    hmmmmm i wonder....

    I totally agree, my first couple months with my band it took me literally forever to eat, that I actually hated sitting down and wasting my time eating. Almost two years later, I literally have no time to eat (Senior in college and always on the go), so I have to make time to eat something, which is my downfall.
  13. coley1221

    belly pic!

    Nice belly! Looks just like mine too! It's been almost two years since my surgery, and I used scar cream to help, but it didn't help with the bigger cuts (port and actual band), but it's totally ok, it's a good story to tell!! And as for pesky stretchies, they begin to fade too, but still somewhat noticeable. Good luck!!
  14. coley1221

    first fill

    Wow! They put 2ccs in during surgery!? Wow! Holy cow! I know what you mean! I just had my second fill today. I feel no different physically (yet anyway, just some what disappointed). How long ago was your surgery?

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