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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by azstonewall

  1. It's true that you don't need his permission to take care of your own health. Not sure this operation is something you can just tell him about later. Gonna be tough explaining those 4-5 scars that will be healing on your stomach! And why you can't lift heavy things for a few months. It is troubling that he hasn't shown compassion for others in our situation. If your partner is going to be the last person to know, it's troublesome to me. Are you shielding yourself from his reaction or shielding him from the real you and your need for some support? I'm no expert, but I have been with my partner for 21 years and keeping a secret has never been a good thing. If someone doesn't support you unconditionally, then they/you need to really figure out why. Not trying to bum you out! Good luck with the surgery and keep posting here for support!

  2. I was banded on June 16 2010. So far I've lost 30 lbs including the pre-band time. It's a 14cc band and I now have 5.9 ccs in it. Think I'll be getting a little more restriction on Aug 10 because there are still times when I can eat more than I feel I should be able to. It's definitely a learning situation!

  3. Don't be nervous. Definitely stick to the food plan so your liver doesn't give your surgeon any trouble. Before I got banded, I watched a video clip of a lap band surgery on youtube. Not for the squeamish, but it's interesting. Odds are you won't remember anything about the surgery itself. The only thing I remember is moving from the gurney to the operating table. Two hours later I woke up in recovery. Your tummy won't be pretty afterwards (I have 5 incisions), but this is no time for vanity. That comes later! Good luck!

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