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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by loppylee

  1. Hi there, I was banded on the 26th April - and do I know about gas pain HELL!!! i'm living it every minute for the last 4 day's and nothing seems to work, indigestion liquids, peppermint, long walks even had my husband and mum winding me!!!! could do with the biggest wind evacuation ever..... other than the port side is sore but feeling quite good. I think if the pain in my shoulder,neck and mid back would just go away things would be so good!!! But I No it's not forever and heres to all our futures!!! long and less of us!!
  2. I would love to join your buddy group, I am being banded on Monday 26th April as well. I completly agree about unhealthy eating habits for celabrations and happy time family gatherings etc,etc.
  3. I Completely agree with your comment on telling people, and whether you will get any negative response from people. I have been battleing with the same demons do I tell anyone or not. To be truthful I feel that I am cheating if I have the surgery. I feel like A faliure because I can't do it by myself and am resorting to weightloss surgery. I know that it's for my own health and my families future

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