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LAP-BAND Patients
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About slimboyfat

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  • Birthday 12/05/1970
  1. Happy 42nd Birthday slimboyfat!

  2. slimboyfat

    New Band, Advice please.

    just an update, i have to have a bloodtest tomorrow something to do with body salt? also increase Protein intake with 2 pints of milk with added milk powder in addition to the rest of my daily diet. Awaiting more responses from consultants etc. Thanks Hummingbird, I think a lot of the issue is where everyone is categorised in the same bubble and treated the same, yet things work differently and should be based on the individual, not a pre-set of guidelines.
  3. slimboyfat

    New Band, Advice please.

    Thanks finallyncontrol, I have tried mixing meds with similar and the liquid form, unfortunately to no avail. I just empty heave and gag. Probably my bodies natural defence now to prevent further OD's. I am off to see the nurse at my GP today, see if she can shed any light as well as look into my BP. @coloradobanding, I am not focusing on the failure rate nor setting myself up to fail, I just look at things from all angles realistically. If I set myself up and think....yes yes yes this will work and then it does not I am not equipped to deal with that failure after so much getting my hopes up, the mental effect of this can be devastating or even dangerous, so I have to set myself up 50/50 accepting it may or may not work. I guess you have to suffer mental health to understand that perhaps. There is an element of self preservation. My feelings about surgery will not pass, coming out of surgery, not being able to breathe and seeing my life flash before me will never go away, it was hard enough prior to that what with the agoraphobia and social phobia, just being in hospital was a major thing as it was and difficult to keep me there. What does severley pain me is just how disorganised and unsupportive the experience has been. Prior to acceptance for surgery the consultants were very worried about my mental state and ability to cope, however it was accepted and given the go ahead. First time around I was advised against the band and to have a gastric sleeve. The consultant scribbled a diagram on a scrap of paper and gave me a link to a weight lose surgery website that costs money to subscribe, which in turn had lots of contradicting topics. On the day of surgery everything went wrong, surgery postponed, my ivs not working, nurses trying to give me sugar drink when i am diabetic, trying to stick me on a ward when I can only be in a single room, standard bed, not bariatric, a sheet to cover me as no gowns to fit, the list went on, I got cold feet and bolted. Second time around, same consultants, advised No No No to gastric sleeve due to lots of issues, one common one being that they leak. Hmm. perhaps my sixth sense to bolt was right then. I am advised Gastric banding, another crude hand drawing on scrap of paper, absolutely no documentation given at any stage! With such surgery full ducumentation should be given pre-op including what the future will be like, indication of diets and what to expect etc, the good and the bad, people should be suitably informed. What is bugging me the most is SUPPORT. There just is none at all. When I was giving up smoking, I had to sit and speak with a qualified smoking cessation trained Doc, i would then have to come back weekly for support, progress updates and further help, surely any form of gastric surgery should include similar support? Not just discharge from hospital and say....see you in 6 to 8 weeks for the band to be filled and then sent along your way again, no checks or follow ups, no support or anything whatsoever. I knew more post-op when handed a diet booklet, stuff I should have known pre-op. Anyway better cut as I got to go docs now.
  4. Hi everyone. I have just come out of surgery for gastric banding (Laparoscopy). (14/03/2010) all appears to have gone well, all but a couple of dodgy days in intensive care and a nasty experience coming out of the anesthetic. I am now back home and 7 days into my life with a band. Staples due to be removed 24/3/2010 To be honest I am struggling and I am wondering if anyone can give some advice. I have my diet plan and info and I have been following everything set out, week 1 to 4 I am on a liquid diet. Problem is I am hungry all the time, stomach rumbling like made even after meals, feeling sick through pure hunger. I feel bloated all the time (not full up). My body feels like it just does not have the fuel to power it. Its a bit like putting 50 pence worth of petrol in and expecting 50 miles, but reality says that will only get you 1/2 a mile....if that makes sense. When I stand or walk i get headrushes and dizziness, i feel weak and have no energy. I suffer from serious depression and this experience is making me feel very very low. I am drinking as much as I can, but I dont feel I am urinating enough to reflect that, unless my body is absorbing the fluids. My urine is also very dark, which may indicate dehydration? I cannot concentrate for very long now either. To make matters worse, I suffer severe immobilising back pain, but can not take my medication for that, as I am not allowed to take tablets, only soluable or crushed. Due to depression and previous overdoses, just the raw taste of most medication makes me gag and I cannot take it, even trying to disguise in other flavours. Tramadol for my back and other pains i can not stomach, my antidepressants (Citalopram) was changed from tablet to oral syringe, again makes me heaves, so i am off that too, as well as my Simvastatin, paracetamol, Omeprazol, longterm antibiotics (oxytetracycline), Gliclazide, Varenicline. So i am on no meds at all with the exception of the twice a day injection of Enoxaparin Sodium for prevention of DVT. Luckily my blood sugar is quite balanced at present. My blood pressure is very irregular, last readings were: 154/102 pulse 112, 156/111 pulse 117, these were taken whilst seated and relaxed for at least an hour. the top number varies between 151 and 158. Incidently when in Hospital blood pressure was a concern. Pre-Surgery my bp was text book. Here is an idea of my daily diet it does not vary that much at all: 8 AM Breakfast Milkshake (Buildup) or Bovril drink + Multivitamin liquid. 12 Noon Slim Soup 3pm Milkshake with some extra dried milk or Smoothy 6pm Buildup Soup or shake 8pm Smoothy, Shake or Hot chocolate. drinks in between = Water, flavoured water, semi skimmed milk, tea, all zero fat, zero calories etc. No carbonated drinks. Mobility and excercise a little early right now due to still being swollen, staples still in place, zero energy due to combination of general fatigue and fatigue through obstructive sleep apnoea. Excercise also difficult due to immobility due to lower back pain, inability to get out due to agoraphobia and social phobia. When I do have a little energy I try to walk about a bit. Something else that is giving me intermittent but at times severe pain is my left shoulder, it was both shoulders, right is quite mild, left is agony, assume something to do with surgery (Gas pains) how do I alleviate this, have tried massage, movement, nothing shifts the pain. The way I feel right now, I am regretting the surgery, I was fat, but content as I could be taking into consideration my other ailments and mental issues. Now I am fat, miserable, uncomfortable and worried. I am fully aware that the band does not work for all, I think I was quoted a 10% failure rate, I am scared of further surgery, my vow is only one more and that will be to remove band. As when coming out of surgery into recovery, I came out, could not breathe, panicked, scariest experience I have ever had, enough so, getting me back in will be hard work to say the least. Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated.

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