Well, here I am, making my first journal entry here. What to say??? hmmmm..... Well, let's see, let's just get caught up to where I am. Well, I've always been overweight, and I have always been treated as such. I am an optimist, which has helped me through, because if I weren't, who knows where I'd be now. Life has been cruel to me in some aspects. It's hard when, no matter where you go, the main thing you are known for is that you're fat. I'm known as the funny fat guy who always has a smile, and never gets the girl. I know, kinda sad and depressing, but it's just a fact. I have tried everything else, and now it's time for the last resort. In most aspects of my life, things are great. I have a good career, I'm talented, successful, fun to be around, and in general, pretty darn good. The only thing missing is to have someone to share my life with. That special someone. It's time to make a change.