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Blog Entries posted by diznediva

  1. diznediva
    Well, I jumped in the car and drove a thousand hours to see my new 2 week old nephew... We just decided to do it spontaneously. I feel great these days and am able to do alot more. I was supposed to have my monthly visit to my surgeon yesterday but had to cancel when we decided to come back home for a visit. I am from Philadelphia and the Flyers are playing in the Stanley Cup this week so lots of family get togethers and BBQ/pool parties to pass the time. I used one of those scales that they have where you give it a quarter and they give you the "bad news"... well, in my case it was good news... this last month I lost another 16 pounds... :smile2: So 60 pounds total, a long way to go to goal but I'm on my way. I don't know how accurate those scales are but since I'm not going to the doctor again until July1st.. I'll take what I can get. Please follow my other more detailed blog at mybigfatbandgeeklife.blogspot.com *Maria*
  2. diznediva
    I feel great these days. I don't own a scale so I can't tell you how much I've lost since over 2 weeks ago when it was up to 44 pounds... I love this band life... I don't eat alot of carbs and instead mostly protein. That diet is giving me energy galore and i feel wonderful. I know it's a long road to get where I'm going but every day I see that I am headed in the right direction. It's amazing! I've only had one 4cc fill and I think I'm ok for a while. I can't wait to check out the rewards of my hard work. The energy and overall improvement in my health is my biggest reward. The weight loss is just a bonus. :thumbup:Check out my other more detailed blog at mybigfatbandgeeklife.blogspot.com
  3. diznediva
    I am not sure what my problem is today...I've had other days like this... I feel hungry? I think... It's like I can't get full even though I'm full. Weird? right? I guess I should think about what I ate or did to trigger this... I am so tired of analyzing my diet, or lack of it. I am doing well and really want to continue to do well. I need busy work to keep my mind off of food.
    I started a more detailed full length blog about my life and journey... check it out! http://mybigfatbandgeeklife.blogspot.com/
  4. diznediva
    Well, today was my first fill. I was nervous about not knowing what to expect and being forced to drink til i choke...LOL. I couldn't believe how easy it was to get through. I took photos... well, my Mom did. It wasn't painful or a struggle of any kind. I still feel great but will be on clear liquids again for the next 2 days. I got 4cc put in my band today. I look forward to seeing how much restriction that gives me. I am glad to be on the next part of my journey.... And I lost a little over 10 more pounds which makes 44 pounds lost so far all together. Yippee! :smile:
  5. diznediva
    I can't believe this thursday is my first fill... It was a long ride to the finish line but my new life is in play. I am nervous about my first fill... Not the needle so much as the forcing liquids til I gag thing...I hope it's not as bad as it sounds. Otherwise, I feel great. I have more energy and less pain already. I don't miss the excessive carbs and sugar but emotionally I want the comfort that they provided for so long. I need to find another stress reliever.... maybe exercise. I am thinking of joining the YMCA since they have a pool and lots of classes to choose from. I never really liked working out so I want to make it fun. I will blog again once I get my fill... Thursday, May 6th. :smile:
  6. diznediva
    Today, I went to the surgeon for the first time since I was released from the hospital... after my surgery. I had only lost 11 pounds so far but I was happy with that. The doctor was thrilled with my progress so I guess I am doing well. I am scheduled for my first fill on May 6th... I am excited and nervous too... I feel great. :tongue_smilie:
  7. diznediva
    :biggrin:Well, 2 weeks have gone past and I feel great... not perfect but so much better every day. I am still on liquids but I'm finally on full liquids... I have my first post-op appt. with my surgeon a week from tomorrow. Luckily, I went to my primary doctor and he found i have an infection in one of my incisions... that we are treating with a strong anti-biotic... The small incisions from the lapband installation have been healing well and besides a little itching are not bothersome but the incision for the filter for blood clots and the incision to fix my hernia are still a pain in my a$$... Hopefully, I will be feeling completely like myself soon... I went to the movies once with my husband, it was hard to sit up for 2 hours but nice to get out.... I missed the popcorn...LOL I went scrapbooking for a couple hours yesterday with a bunch of friends and that felt great... So I'm doing so much better. I'm excited to be taking this journey with you all.
  8. diznediva
    Well, tomorrow will be one week from my surgery... I'm a Band Geek finally. :thumbup:It's has been a hard week for me since my Band Leader, Dr. Rehnke had to fix a large hernia while installing my band so I just got home from the hospital yesterday.:thumbup: I'm still sore from the large incision to fix my hernia but my other small incisions don't hurt at all. I have one more week of my clear liquid diet before adding in full liquids which i look forward to the change... even though i've been forcing myself to take the liquids since i never feel hungry yet. :rolleyes2:My additions to the band lingo besides Band Geek(Me) and Band leader(Surgeon)... also our Supporters(friends, family, and you all) are my Bandaids. I'm feeling more like myself... I missed me.
  9. diznediva
    I met with Dr. Rehnke today for the last time before my surgery... I had lost 14.6 pounds in the last 12 days on my liquid diet... not a bad start. I am more excited than scared about tomorrow now... My surgery is late afternoon so i can sleep late and relax. I am putting it in God's hands now... where my life belongs.
  10. diznediva
    Well, Tomorrow is the day to see my progress on this liquid diet and get my final weigh-in... I was very nervous and anxious but I am starting to get really excited too. One more day of my old life and then my new improved life begins... :mad:

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