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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by trishfish

  1. I always have to do at least three days of liquids...i swell so easy so I get small fills every time. I do drop a few lbs which is nice, but I don't do it for the extra loss.
  2. trishfish

    2nd Fill - Too Tight???

    had my third fill on wed and was fine that day with my liquids...had to sip tiny amounts, but was getting stuff down. my husband had a horrible health scare thursday and I could barely get anything liquid down at all from thursday night to sunday. sunday I loosened up so I could have mushies and today had my first solid. all this to say, it may losen up...if you feel you need liquids for a few moore days my doc says its ok, as long as I can get my protein shakes down.
  3. trishfish

    A little advice pleeeze

    I'm a massage therapist too...i took two weeks off, went back to work for three days and then took another week off....i was so sore! I would maybe take tomorrow thru wed off just to rest some. the things we do to our body as therapists is insane!
  4. trishfish

    Help! I've overeaten

    at the beginning I over ate...it was and is such a horrible pain!! what I did was got in the bathtub and took a warm bath...it helped me relax to the point of being a lot more comfortable....hope your feeling better!
  5. trishfish

    Halloween Challenge

    I'm in! I'm on my phone so I can't add mine right now...but ill be in for a 17 lb weigt loss...that would put me at 190! :smile: amazing :bored:
  6. trishfish


    well, naturally you are going to "stretch"...out stomachs wee made to give a little. but as far as over stretching just make sure you are measuring and weiging all your food for the first few months. when you start on solids really listen to your body! so you have 4 oz of foood on your plate but if you get full....STOP EATING!! its normal at the beginning to stress about the band inside of you, but over time, you will start understanding and knowing what your body is saying!
  7. You may not be able to lose that amount of weight by then...but that doesnt necesarrily mean you wont be fitting into that skirt. I stalled for almost six weeks on the scale...but i went down a whole pants size in that time period ( i was exercising daily...sometimes twice a day) so you may be able to wear the skirt by then...who knows!
  8. trishfish

    How many eggs?

    i make one egg and and about three tbs of milk. some days i can eat it all, other days i can only eat about half of it. I am doing the p90x workout program and i laughed when i was reading their diet plan...6 egg white omlet with veggies and cheese...that would feed me for the whole day i think...haha
  9. trishfish

    starting weight 255

    From the album: the journey

  10. trishfish

    yay me! :)

    well, after stressing all week about how this weekend was going to go....i came home and weighed myself, and i'm so happy to say I have lost 3 lbs this weekend! :thumbup: yay!!!
  11. so I was so worried about this weekend....we are at an all day softball tourney sat-mon. I was worrie about my food intake. today I did awesome! had a protein shake in the am. then midmorning a yogurt. lunch had refried beans and half a chicken taco (had no choice about lunch...fastfood was the only option) snack some almods and dinner baked chicken and broccoli form TGIFridays. and so far have drank 80 oz of H2O....i feel so good about my choices. now heading to the hotel gym to walk my three miles and possibly the pool too! :biggrin: happy weekend everyone! :scared2:
  12. trishfish


    I'm sure you have tried the following but i'll tell you what I do. I walk (alot), reach for the top ot a door frame and ssttrreettcchh....and while stretching I take deeeeep breaths. and I also try a few papya enzymes. and if you still can't get it to pass, bend over and cough till it comes out. make sure you do a day or two of liquids either way...good luck!!
  13. trishfish

    Sweets....ever okay?

    had small piece of cake at my mom's 50th in june....home made ice cream on 4th of july....1 cupcake at little brothers birthday in august...and you will bet I will have a piece of cake on my birthday in september! so, once a month for a special event or birthday. though in october the hubby and I are going gluten free/sugar free for one month. so we'll see how that goes! its all about moderation and not deprivation!!!
  14. I see a lot on here about favorite protein shakes...but I was wondering about protein bars? where do you get yours? what's your favorite brand/flavor.....and how many grams of protein do you look for in a bar? thanks for your input!
  15. trishfish


    its my sign I ate too fast or that I'm stuck...it helps (at least for me) everything move around and I feel better after i've had them
  16. I ate like crap yesterday and today! :biggrin: PMS does this to me every month, and usually i can curb it...but i have no idea what my deal is! so to compensate for my eating of chips and reese cups i worked out three hours yesterday and today...so now i can barely get off the couch. this cycle has GOT to stop!! and im stressing a little because we are going away this weekend to a softball tourney fri-mon and i know my food options are not going to optimal. *sigh* i should wear mittens so i cant get the bags open...haha:blush: thanks for listening to my rant about myself....
  17. trishfish

    Ice Cream?

    my hubby and I stop at DQ once in a blue moon and they have a new mini size....its perfect for the ocassional treat. and I don't even finish it all....i find that high fat/high sugar foods gets all clumped up and makes me so sick feeling...
  18. trishfish

    Ice Cream?

    my taste buds totally changed after surgery! I don't really care that much about the ice cream anymore....i find this to be so helpful :thumbup: hehe
  19. I haven't had any problems with meat...and I have prett good restriction. I always marinate our steaks with some evoo and s&p and the use a tenderizer to poke holes in it. as for chicken...i love salsa over my chicken. what I do is raw chicken in a casserold dish, a can of salsa and bake till chicken is cook and then sprinkle some cheese over top. super moist and so yummy if you are needing a mexican kick!
  20. now I am opposite. I cannot eat high fat foods....it gets all clumped together and I end up sliming horribly.....a couple times I PB'd a clump of fatty gross stuff. I loved queso preband and the fat does not agree with me. same with anything fried and especially really sugary fatty foods. guess you could say i'm one of the lucky ones!
  21. trishfish

    What did I do wrong?

    I would think it was just a little too thick for you and possibly a little too much @ one time. I too was on liquids two weeks post op. my esophogeous and small pouch are really sensitive so I have to be really careful. if I ate something that caused any irritation or swelling i'm back on liquids for a few days. when you try your mushies again try thinner things...like thinned out cream of wheat or applesauce. best of luck to you!!
  22. trishfish

    What won't you give up?

    I have found that a lot of my previous favorite foods I don't really like anymore (pasta, rice and pizza). but what I can't give up is jiffy peanut butter!! I have tried the all natural stuff and I just can't do it. I am having a hard time eating all my calories so my nut suggested peanut butter in my shakes or instead of a plain apple eat it with 2 tbls of peanut butter (somedays the bad doesn't allow the peanut butter though...) I live it! also, real tortilla chips. my hubby makes the most amazing fresh salsa...and you just can't eat it with a spoon. so I count out my serving of tortilla chips, put the bag away and enjoy with no guilt! I have lost almos 50 lbs since may (i started at 253) so I don't think my little indulgences are hurting.
  23. my doctor said ocassional use of ibuprfin is ok. I have an old shoulder injury that still sometimes gets inflamed and take something for that. as far as the pill possibly getting stuck....this just happened to me on an antibiotic (even though it was cut in half). I would recomend doing liquids for at least 24 hours. I didn't and attempted to eat and had a horrible pb episode cuz I was still swollen from the pill episode. soooo morale of the story? drink your liquids to help ease the swelling! feel better soon!
  24. trishfish

    Need advice

    your doctor should be on your side! I would go to one more visit and tell it to him straight...and be completely honest! I am sorry to hear that you can't talk to your dr without feeling like the bad guy.....i sincerely hope you can get the restriction you need and want!

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