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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by reverie

  1. reverie

    Double digits!!!!

    Woo hooo! Congrats!! :confused:
  2. reverie

    Never wake up...

    Lapband was my first surgery ever as well and I did think about not waking up. However, the chances are extremely rare. If you're worried, talk to the anesthesialogist before surgery. Tell him what happened previously and he will make note of it. It's definitely a valid concern, but if your doctors know your medical history, you'll be fine! Relax and before you know it you'll be waking up out of surgery banded on your journey.
  3. reverie

    One obstacle to another..

    First congrats on losing 111lbs, that is truly amazing! Sorry for this recent obstacle but keep your head high, things will get better. You'll be in my thoughts for a speedy recovery!
  4. reverie

    Hypothetical question.

    I'd have it done as long as I had enough time to recover/get off of the post-op diet. I wouldn't want to go on vacation hurting or having to deal with doing a mushies or liquid diet.
  5. That is a lot of vomiting and I'd go see a doctor. You're obviously eating the wrong foods, not chewing, or not taking small enough bites. No you aren't throwing up acid as the food is the food from in your pouch and it hasn't yet reached the lower stomach where the acid resides. As for long-term effects, you can cause your band to slip, which is often only fixed by a complete unfill or a complete removal. I'd really consult a doctor.
  6. reverie

    Am I Kidding Myself?

    Some people do lose very quickly after surgery as well as during the pre-op diet. The only time I stopped losing was when I wasn't taking in enough calories. I lost 12lbs during the pre-op and post-op for about 2 weeks I was losing about 7lbs a week. That of course slowed down, but that's expected. Everyone's body is different.
  7. reverie

    Am I Kidding Myself?

    I think that is plenty doable if you stick to the rules and exercise.
  8. Wow that is awesome!!! I'd love to be able to run for more than a few minutes but something about running with my mouth wide open just doesn't work too well LOL. I need to work on the breathing properly too. Either way, congrats. That is an awesome victory and you're right, there is no limit as to what we can do.
  9. reverie

    P90x Diary thread for everyone!!

    My doctor said about 2-3 weeks, but I really took it slow, just to make sure everything was healed and that my port was no longer hurting so much. I remember doing a sit up hurt like hell the first time, but now it's nothing. P.S. I plan to do P90X after I finish P90, though I want to do a hybrid between P90X Lean and Insanity. Down 11lbs, a few inches, and only 3 weeks in. Exciting!
  10. Oddly enough I really know the feeling! I eat about a cup of food, sometimes less, and there are times when I'm just like, ugh, have to eat. It's funny how food was my go-to before the band now I have to remind myself to eat!
  11. reverie

    I need to move away from the scale...

    I know all about this! I've been able to stop and reduce it to once a week (Sundays, my rest day from exercise). I used to do it several times a day and it would often ruin my mood because the scale would be up a pound or so. Now it's a huge surprise to step on it and be down some pounds!
  12. reverie

    Tuesday 8/24/10

    Congrats! Tuesday will be here before you know it. You'll do great. Just remember to walk/sip your water after surgery. It helps with the gas pains.
  13. Woo hooo. Congrats! First stone along the path.
  14. A pouch is formed whether you have a fill or not. I haven't had a fill and I'm 3 months out mostly because I don't need one and my restriction is at a point where after 3/4-1 cup of food I'm full for hours. Can I eat whatever I want? Yes, probably. I do eat 100 calorie bread slices every now and then, but I stray away from the unhealthy things. No ice cream, no rice, no candy, etc. Maybe once in a blue moon. The point of the band isn't to restrict what you eat, it's really how much you eat. You are the one who makes the call to whether or not you eat healthy and sensibly.
  15. Early snack - 1/4 cup of grapes Breakfast - Eggs w/ bacon Lunch - Stirfry (chicken, cabbage, broccoli, and carrots) Dinner - Salad with turkey burger
  16. reverie

    To much food?

    Dense proteins mainly include meats, like chicken, turkey, lamb, and lean cuts of beef. But also nuts, soy, and some beans.
  17. reverie

    Words from the Wise

    Congrats on being approved!! As for what you asked: Good: You lose weight. You get healthier. Smaller clothes. More confidence. You just overall feel so much better. Bad: Sometimes people have difficulty with recovery, ie. gas pains. Your port will be sore for a few weeks but that is truly minimal pain. Overall surgery was a breeze. Walk when you can and drink your water. Again, congrats and good luck!
  18. Welcome to the forums! Your best bet is to call your insurance company and talk to them to see if Lapband (WLS) is covered.
  19. reverie


    Congrats on being banded and welcome to the forum! Good luck on your journey and soon enough you'll be celebrating your own success. :biggrin:
  20. reverie

    just another newbie

    Welcome!! When it comes to food, sometimes it's a trial and error type thing. Many people have issues with bread, rice, sometimes lettuce, etc. Ask your nutritionist what kind of food he/she thinks may be troublesome. Just remember small bites and to chew.
  21. reverie

    Lap Band Vs Roller Coasters

    You will be FINE!! Try to think positive. Before you know it you'll be at the park and fitting comfortably! You've come a long way and I definitely don't think you need to worry about fitting into one of the rollercoasters. Have fun! :biggrin:
  22. reverie

    Goodbye 200's

    Congrats! Getting to onderland is an awesome feeling. I loved seeing a 1 on the scale.
  23. reverie

    Post Op Diet

    I would try to stick out, as they are your doctor's orders. But, if you're really having a big problem with it, just call and confirm that you can move onto the next stage; don't just decide for yourself.
  24. reverie

    Any banded teens want to talk?

    I was banded at 19 :smile2: Congrats penguins for getting banded. Good luck on your journey! And nikki you will want to call your insurance company (your parent's im assuming) to see what the requirements are for lap band. Many times you need a BMI over 35 with comorbidities or a BMI over 40. Comorbidities are like..diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, joint pain, etc.
  25. reverie

    To much food?

    Usually 3/4 to 1 cup. Nothing more. Eat slow and get your dense protein in, and you'll be full.

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