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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by reverie

  1. reverie

    I'm hungry

    Does your surgeon allow JellO or anything? If not maybe ask what kind of foods you can add in to keep you from being so hungry? The protein shakes will keep you full for awhile but definitely not for too long! I'd call and ask for suggestions as to what you can safely eat. In the end, keep your head up and keep pushing! These few weeks will seem like a breeze once they're over with.
  2. I didn't really try to conceal it; a lot of people I work with know that I had some sort of surgery, others I just told them I was doing a detox (LOL). But, it was definitely hard to eat soup/mushed stuff for weeks when everyone else was enjoying pizza. We had 2 office parties during that time and it was SO hard. As for the protein shakes I'd make them at home and bring them along with me. I also bought the ones that are pre-made which made things a lot easier. I never got weird looks drinking protein shakes; seems a lot of people around here bring them in for snacks, etc.
  3. reverie

    NERVOUS... even though...

    You will be fine!! Don't worry so much. As long as you meet the requirements and you're willing to commit to the changes required, you'll get approved. No need to stress out; it only makes the waiting worse.
  4. reverie

    Rice! Eat or leave alone

    I wouldn't eat rice 4 days post-op. It does expand in the stomach and 4-days after surgery seems a little bit too early to have to deal with that. Rice is known to cause issues with a lot of bandsters.
  5. reverie

    Just Started

    Congrats on starting and best of luck! Sounds like your journey is off to a really smooth start.
  6. Definitely if your insurance covers it, stay. If not, I'd go home. My doctor planned for me to stay but I was up and walking what seemed like miles around the hospital floor so he released me.
  7. reverie

    Banded on August 23rd

    Congrats on being banded! As for advice..there's definitely a lot, but for one remember that the next few weeks are for healing. Don't get discouraged if the scale isn't doing what you want it to do. Focus on your water/protein and things will get better! Try to follow your post-op diet as closely as you can; slip-ups happen (I had a few) so don't get down on yourself. Though it really does help to follow your post-op plan as it allows you to heal properly and allows you to be able to see the lifestyle/eating changes you have to make. Best of luck!
  8. reverie

    august banding

    I was banded in May but I just wanted to say welcome and good luck on your journey!
  9. reverie

    Solid Food

    I'd try a soft protein..maybe fish, beans? It's really up to you. I wouldn't eat something like pork or beef; try to stick to something that is solid but isn't so tough to digest.
  10. reverie

    Why cant I burp???

    It will go away. Take some Gas-X and walk, the gas will start to spread out. Try a warm compress on your shoulder if it hurts that bad. You'll be able to burp again but I wouldn't worry too much right now.
  11. reverie

    My band slams shut!!!!

    Definitely happens! Stress = tightened band for me. You may want to stick to liquids/soft foods for the rest of the day. Hopefully you feel better tomorrow!
  12. reverie

    Had LapBand 8/24

    Congrats on being banded! The gas pains you're feeling will go away with time. Just be sure to walk and take Gas-X strips, they really do help. Don't worry too much about your protein levels right now; really focus on your water. Your body has enough stored protein that you will be okay if you fall short. Focus on healing!!
  13. reverie

    I'm commited to doing this!

    Congrats on deciding to get banded! It's definitely one of the best decisions I've ever made for myself despite the fear of the needles and the pain. A few days of discomfort seems like nothing once the weight starts to come off! Good luck!
  14. reverie

    Diminished Restriction

    Why don't you contact your doctor?
  15. Woo hoo for May 10. I'm doing great; losing 3lbs a week. No fills. Eating right + p90 is really getting me where I need to be. Hoping to be at my goal by Jan. 29 (20th birthday) Hope everyone else is doing great.
  16. Hope everyone is doing well! I think I'm ahead of the curve but we will see!
  17. I'm going to say that your swelling from surgery has gone down and you're in the lovely "bandster hell." While you've found out that you can do all of these things, you need to find the strength to realize that you aren't making the changes you're supposed to be making. Because you don't have a fill yet, you're not going to have restriction; and while the band will work for you once you have proper restriction, right now you need to work with it and not go back to the old ways that got you to where you are. Yes you can probably eat anything and everything right now, but, you know you aren't supposed to. You need to find a way to get yourself to follow the rules. That means chewing, no drinking with meals, etc. It'll get easier once you get your fills going, but for right now it's all up to you. As for your port site, it will be tender for awhile. Try using a hot compress if you need it.
  18. reverie

    3 months out and no loss

    We were banded the same month and I've lost plenty of weight. Maybe you need to sit down and take some time to examine what you're eating each day and how much exercise you're doing. Count your calories/protein levels and see where you're at.
  19. reverie

    today is day 5

    Were you not prescribed medications to help calm nausea? If you weren't maybe you can call and ask for some?
  20. The band is usually tighter in the morning. Try a hot cup of tea or something to help loosen it up.
  21. reverie

    your scale of Drs?

    I use my own scale and I measure each Sunday on my rest day from exercise. I don't see my surgeon much and I like to at least know where I'm at. My scale from home and my doctor is usually a 2-3lb change, due to having clothes on and food in my stomach.
  22. Congrats and good luck! You'll do great. My surgery was very early in the morning (I was the first guinea pig of the day) and I surely didn't mind!
  23. reverie

    Hopfully this is the last one!

    Fingers crossed that September 13 will be your day! How cool that it's so close to your birthday. Now you can celebrate 2 days in a row. :biggrin:
  24. reverie

    Wanting to make a change

    To start the process you want to call your insurance company to make sure that they cover bariatric surgery. From there they will tell you what type of criteria you have to meet; ie a certain BMI, comorbidities, etc.
  25. Welcome Brian and congrats on choosing to get banded! It's awesome that you're pushing to beat another obstacle in life. You'll do great. :biggrin:

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