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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by reverie

  1. Have you tried Gas-X strips? I used them and they worked pretty well. If you're really uncomfortable put a warm compress on your shoulder/chest. It does get better, trust me! Just keep walking when you can.
  2. The insurance requirements vary so much. It really is best to call your provider and ask what requirements you need to meet in order to have WLS covered. It's not rare that an insurance company wants a patient to do a diet before surgery. You can appeal if you get disapproved but I don't believe you can appeal the criteria.
  3. reverie

    Labor Day Challenge

    Surpassed my goal. Good luck to everyone! You can do it. Make this last week really count.
  4. reverie

    Any Regrets?

    None at all. I love my band and I'm glad I got it done when I was young instead of waiting.
  5. It may be helpful if you post what you are eating, your calorie amount, protein, fat, etc, and the kind of exercise you're doing so that maybe someone can spot something you may be doing wrong. Remember though, not everyone can eat the same and do the same exercise and lose the same amount of weight. Everyone's journey is different and sometimes slower can be better! Just remember that you have lost weight and that's always something to be very proud of, no matter the amount. I've lost about 65lbs since May but I do vary my calories/exercise daily. If you want to know the details just message me and we can talk.
  6. Congrats! You're definitely doing an awesome job; keep working your band! I haven't had a fill either and things are going so smoothly. No complaints from me!
  7. It's where your port is located and it'll hurt for awhile. Mine still gives me a little reminder when I move the wrong way or bump into something. It will get better! Try to use a warm compress to ease the discomfort.
  8. It doesn't hurt to sit (I hope I don't get there but I do have another 60 to go!) but I know I can't do sit ups/crunches on hard floors anymore. The bone where my butt is starts to ache like crazy!
  9. reverie


    Best of luck! As long as you meet the requirements you'll get approved. Keep the positive thoughts going.
  10. Is it possible you could appeal to your insurance to provide proof that medically you need some sort of WLS? I know a lot of people have been able to successfully appeal. You may want to check out the insurance forum on here or look into getting banded in Mexico. Either way, kudos to having the strength/push to get what you know is best for you! There are plenty of people who were self-pay and definitely don't regret the decision one bit.
  11. reverie

    New Here

    Congrats on being banded and congrats on your loss already; that's awesome! I'm a bit younger but we started out at the same weight.
  12. reverie

    seminar information

    First congrats on starting your journey to get banded! Sorry to hear that your family isn't too supportive, but we all support you here and you know what's best for your health, right? Per the seminar it is usually general information. How the Lapband works, what to expect after surgery, pre-surgery preparations, the type of lifestyle changes that will have to be made, etc. It's a good chance to meet your surgeon indirectly. I didn't see my PCP before the seminar; in fact she was clueless as to what the Lapband is. :cursing: In any case, going is up to you. Maybe you want to go to the seminar, get a good grasp and things, and then if you decide you're ready to be banded, I'd then visit your PCP if all signs are pointing towards yes. Best of luck!
  13. Congrats on what sounds like a great surgery!! I couldn't imagine being poked 6 times; I hate needles, a whole bunch. I think I was most afraid of them! Either way, great to hear that surgery went well. Take it slow and get your rest. You'll be losing in no time. :cursing:
  14. reverie


    Recently I've been doing p90 which involves weights and sculpting on one day and cardio the next. I've been doing the ab portion that comes with it as well (crunches) and nothing has been bothering me until this past week. Usually I can feel my port (its moved though) but yesterday after doing my crunches I was pretty sore near my port area. I assumed it was nothing and just went on about my day. Today after doing push-ups I realized that the area near my port incision was sort of tender. If I touch it it hurts. If I press a little bit I feel something about the size of a ping pong ball. It's sort of hard but it hurts to push on. Could this be an adhesion? This is the first time I've felt this and I just got off the treadmill and man did it hurt to run. I had to hold that area the entire time. Any ideas? I don't see my surgeon until Sept. 13.
  15. reverie

    size ? How many have you gone down?

    I'm wearing size 14s now; started in 20s. My goal is to be a 6, but who knows. :thumbup:
  16. reverie

    What to say!?!?!?

    I started off being protective and some people still don't know, but I have told more than I thought I would, ie. coworkers. In any case, it's great that you have such a great support system. It is so helpful to have one throughout the journey.
  17. reverie

    another new guy

    The emotional/mental issues definitely don't just fix themselves. Even after being down 60+lbs and getting a new compliment each day, I still really struggle with the self-confidence factor and while I do see a skinny(ish) person in the mirror, I do still feel like I weigh 245lbs, not 180lbs. I'm guessing it comes with time but I can say I do feel a little bit better about myself. Seeing the scale drop and buying smaller clothes does help in a sense!
  18. reverie


    Leave them on! If they are the steri-strips (sticky and applied right to the skin) you want them on for as long as possible. If the ends start to fray you can cut them, but definitely don't take them off. Pulling them can pull your skin apart plus they are good to have on to allow your skin to bind back together. I think mine stayed on for a good week or two and my scars look great.
  19. I do low carb but nothing extreme. I do still eat bread sometimes but I do stay away from the rice and pasta. I usually try to stay under 50 carbs a day. My biggest problem before the band was eating rice/pasta, so I've tried to steer clear of it before I reach my goal. I don't think you should do NO carb, that is silly. Your body does need carbs but it's a matter of getting in the healthy complex carbs and not the ones from junk food.
  20. You'll be fine; many just prefer to use Splenda or some other sweetener that is considered to be a bit more "healthy."
  21. reverie

    Gained a pound.... sigh - week 4

    Just like Betsy said, you're okay! Don't worry about a pound. There is no way that you gained a pound unless you went completely crazy this week. Remember that you're just now introducing normal food back into your system, so it may take a few extra days for your body to get the hang of things again. Don't dwell on it and don't let it get you down! You're doing great; keep your head up.
  22. reverie

    totally bummed out.

    It will get better! It's all part of the rollercoaster sadly, but after awhile things do change. I remember my parents going out to dinner and having the nerve to ask if I wanted to go with them, while I was on the liquid diet!! But today it's definitely a lot better and hardly an issue. Keep chugging along, its all worth it in the end.
  23. reverie

    Half-Way Through my Journey

    Congrats; you look great! I'm half way as well and can't wait to be at my goal.
  24. reverie

    Surgery tomoro

    Good luck with your surgery! As for the next few days post-op, definitely focus on healing and getting the rest you need. Don't push yourself to do anything and definitely don't force yourself to get in all the protein that is recommended. Try to sip as much water as you can and definitely walk when possible. It helps greatly with the gas pains as does Gas-X.
  25. reverie

    14 Hour Countdown

    Congrats! Surgery will go great. Keep the positive thoughts and best of luck on your journey!

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