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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by reverie

  1. It's very normal to be a little up in the air, though, if you're doubting this WLS as well, you may want to take some time to really decide what you want before you go through with it. It seems like you're looking for the "easy" surgery, which doesn't exist, honestly. I can't say I considered any other type of WLS besides the band; and honestly it isn't as hard as it seems. You eat right, you exercise, you drink your water, and the scale usually cooperates. While with gastric many say the weight does fly off, you still have to follow the same principles: eat right, drink your water, and exercise. It's not going to just come off without hard effort on your part. You didn't put all of your weight on overnight and it's not going to come off overnight, no matter what type of surgery you choose. Gastric still requires work on your part as well. All of the surgeries are tools, not quick fixes.
  2. reverie

    Pain meds after surgery

    I was given Dilaudid (good stuff, btw LOL) and used it for 4 days and then I was fine. So out of a bottle of 50 pills I took 4 I believe. I only used them at night when I had some discomfort laying down to go to sleep; other than that the pain is very bearable. I'd say a 2 or 3.
  3. reverie

    Hi Everyone!

    Welcome and congrats on deciding to get banded! December will come quickly.
  4. To me, bypass is the most invasive WLS and I don't think that it was suitablr for me. I didn't like the malabsorption part of it and it scared me to know that 1. people have died from the surgery 2. the whole "dumping syndrome" and 3. that i'd have my insides cut out/re-routed. I also really like that with the band the weight loss is slower which gives your body the chance to adjust. I'd never steer someone away from Lapband or bypass simply because some surgeries are better for some people than others.
  5. Definitely exercise, without a doubt. I used to be the laziest person out there. I'd walk for a week, stop, and maybe walk again in a few months. Now I exercise for 45 minutes each day and I will purposefully schedule things around my exercise. It's crazy how I've made a complete 180. Exercising is something I love doing now. Even though it can be a pain sometimes, especially with a busy schedule or if you're just feeling lazy that day, it really does help with weight-loss. The good thing is that you can start off with small exercises that don't take up too much time. Go outside and walk for 15 minutes twice a day. Or buy small 2-3lb dumbbells and walk for 15 minutes using them and then do another 15 minutes of weight-lifting. You don't have to start off running a marathon or doing some insane workout video that lasts an hour. Start little and work your way up. It really does help improve your body overall. You feel so much better after doing it and you also improve your health internally. Of course the external benefits are great too!
  6. reverie

    Halloween Challange?

    I don't think anyone has started one. It would make sense to wait until this Sunday to start it so that we have an even 8 weeks for the challenge.
  7. reverie

    Head hunger/breaking old habits

    I keep myself on a schedule each day (meals, exercise, etc.)and try to stay as busy as possible. If I'm not doing anything, I get bored, I wander to the kitchen, and then it goes downhill; or I just start to think about food, but this was really only in the beginning. I can't say head hunger is a huge issue nowadays.
  8. reverie

    Praying for "sweet spot"!!!!

    Fingers crossed that this is where you need to be!
  9. Well, congrats on your loss! That is truly an amazing amount. I stalled when I did nothing but walk. I guess it can work for some, but I need to do cardio/weight-lifting to get my body into the shape it needs to be. I was pretty out of shape and doing the exercise that I do has really improved my energy levels and I can do more for longer.
  10. Restriction =/= weight loss. Yes, it does help, but just because you've reached restriction doesn't automatically mean the scale is going down. If you aren't tracking what you eat, start. See how many calories you're getting a day. You may not be eating enough, or you may be eating too much. Are you exercising? Exercise is really a must, and just walking really won't cut it. Try to up your exercise; do something a little bit more intense. It all comes down to calories in calories out. I learned the hard way with that but when you burn more calories than you eat, you lose weight.
  11. Best of luck with your surgery! You seem to have everything covered. I'd also keep a heating pad handy just in case you have gas pain, etc.
  12. reverie

    How many eggs?

    When I used to eat eggs I'd have 2 of them. Since then I've stopped eating them just because the cholesterol in them is insane. I use Egg Beaters now or just plain egg whites; usually 1/4-1/2 cup.
  13. reverie

    Three Weeks Out

    That's plenty normal! It will get better. Try using a warm compress on your shoulder; it really does help.
  14. reverie

    Protein shake that I LIKE :)

    Yes you! What an awesome Christmas present that would be. You can do it. :thumbup: But yes, I would choose the normal MM over the light, both are doable though.
  15. reverie

    Protein shake that I LIKE :)

    I second the Muscle Milk comment. Though I don't drink them much anymore, the Muscle Milk RTD Chocolate is awesome. I did the Muscle Milk Light RTD Chocolate as well; both are good and an easy way to get some protein in. PS. Your new avatar shows the difference in your face, you look awesome! Congrats.
  16. reverie

    Gallbladder issues???

    Definitely go to your doctor! Hope things turn out okay for you. My surgeon puts all of his patients on gallbladder medication (Ursodiol) to prevent gallstones. They're common when you lose a lot of weight quickly. Sadly I had an allergic reaction to it so I've been off of it for about 2 weeks; hopefully he can prescribe something new.
  17. reverie

    To Weigh or Not To Weigh

    Since you're so newly banded, I'd say, step on the scale, then stay off for a week. Weighing yourself once a week is enough, especially if you're seeing changes elsewhere. I did the 10x on the scale thing and it really just ruins your mood. I only get on the scale on Sunday mornings, other than that I stay off (except yesterday when I snacked on Labor Day food :thumbup: and weighed this morning) Since you're seeing/feeling your clothes fitting different, take pictures. Measure yourself, write your measurements down, and compare in a month or so, you'll really be shocked at the difference. I can't tell you how many times the scale has said one thing and my measurements another. Bodies are crazy! Just don't let the scale get you down; it's not worth it and it's not our only measure of success.
  18. reverie

    very sore

    Plenty normal. Your port incision will hurt for a few more weeks. Try to not bend as much and use a hot compress on it when you need some relief.
  19. Yeah; bandster hell, however, during this time you have to find ways to control what you're eating. Through the stress of a divorce (which I can imagine is hard, I've only experienced it as a child), you've got to find a method to controlling what you eat. Losing 10lbs in a month and 1/2 really isn't too bad, but you can be sure that because of the foods you're eating, you're not gonna lose very easily and your loss will be slower. I've been eating a cup of food ever since I got to solids. While I do eat bread sometimes, pizza and a breadstick is not a healthy food choice. The band is all about finding out what foods you can eat that allow you to lose weight. Sure you can treat yourself to a slice of pizza once in awhile, but if you're eating nothing more than unhealthy foods in large portions, then you're really not using your band at all. Per the protein, I've gotten in up to 120g in a day. I'd say you need to go back to eating more protein, as it keeps you full for longer. All I can say is is to go back to the bandster rules. Eat a cup of food, 3-4oz of dense protein, vegetables, and a grain if you're still hungry. Even though you may hate counting your calories, carbs, etc. sometime it is a necessary evil. It helps to see what you're eating and how much of it each day. If you decide to start, try fitday.com or myfitnesspal.com, both are great. Best of luck.
  20. reverie

    How am I doing?

    The 16lbs you have lost is a great loss! Remember, you can't compare your loss to anyone else's on here; all of our bodies are so different that not one person is going to lose like the next. This is your own personal journey and while others may be losing quickly, you're losing as well, and you'll get to your goal, maybe just not as quickly. Just remember that the scale is going down, not up. Keep your eye on the prize; you'll get there.
  21. Almost 4 months post-op, 67lbs.
  22. My calories range from 850-950, sometimes more. Protein is always 90g or more. Fat stays around 30-40g. Carbs stay under 50g. I've been losing 2-3lbs a week doing P90. Hope this helps!
  23. reverie

    I've Hit Onderland!!!!

    Congrats! Nothing like seeing a 1 as the first number on the scale. I know how excited you are! Good luck on reaching your next goal!
  24. Most I'm giving away. I'm keeping a few (jeans/shirt) to compare once I get to goal. The others are history!
  25. reverie

    Orange County Bandsters?

    You may want to check out the California forum!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
