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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by reverie

  1. reverie


    Congrats!! I love the feeling of being able to buy smaller clothes. Size 20 to size 6; XXL tops to S? Loving it!!!
  2. You can get it together Negativity is definitely a show-stopper. Take little steps and get yourself back on track. Clean all of the junk food out of your house. It's cold most places in the winter, you can always exercise inside. YouTube is full of all types of exercise workouts that you can try AND they're free. You can do it!
  3. reverie

    Why am I losing weight?

    Congrats!!! That is an amazing weightloss so far, you're doing awesome! Keep doing what you're doing because it's working flawlessly!
  4. reverie

    Why am I losing weight?

    Katie I don't think there is a challenge for Valentine's Day that has been set up. I made up that ticker for my own use, just one of my mini goals. I'm sure one will pop up soon though!
  5. Think about it..you're 15 days post op and you just put your body through a pretty invasive surgery. You can't expect your body to keep on shedding the pounds. Let yourself heal and by most surgeon's ideas healing takes 6 weeks if not more. Don't stress over the scale right now. I did the same thing and looking back I realized how frustrating it was, but I was doing it to myself! Stay off the scale for awhile. Stick to your post-op rules and the scale will go down in time. There's no saying how long your "plateau" will last (not that it can even be called that really.) Allow yourself time to heal. Drink your Water and get as much Protein in as you can, it helps you heal faster. Good luck!
  6. reverie

    No weight loss before fill?

    Remember that the first 6 weeks after surgery should be focused on healing. You've lost 45lbs so far, reward yourself. That is a lot of weight to lose in 6 months. Give your body time to heal from surgery. My advice: keep on trucking, stay off the scale, measure yourself now and then measure yourself again in a few weeks, I bet you'll see a decrease in those numbers even if it doesn't show on the scale. If you aren't gaining then you're doing something right, right?
  7. reverie

    Rash all over my body

    Are you on any other types of medication? My surgeon put me on pills to keep my gallbladder in check. I was allergic to this medicine and had a rash that spread everywhere as well but I didn't develop the rash until about 1-2 months of using it. The rash I had sounds similar to yours. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you're allergic to some type of medicine you got during or took after surgery. I dealt with mine for 2 weeks then went to one of those walk in clinics, got prednisone and it cleared up in 2 days. Maybe try another doctor/go to a clinic. Cortisone and benadryl creams did nothing for me. I'd check with another doctor!
  8. reverie

    Why am I losing weight?

    No I've lost 100lbs total in 8 months.
  9. reverie

    Where is my port?

    Your port is located near the biggest scar. It will be tender for a few more weeks. It's all part of the healing process; certain movements will hurt for a little as your port is sewn to your abdominal muscle.
  10. reverie

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    Meeee! Finally. About 20 more to go, maybe more; not sure where exactly I wanna stop.
  11. All part of the process; you're healing. Your port site will be tender for awhile.
  12. Happy New Year!!! You're looking awesome =)

  13. Congrats! I started off in 20s and I'm in 6s now! I have 20lbs more to lose so I'm seeing a size 4 in my future, maybe!!
  14. reverie

    Kids Meals

    I have the card as well but never order off the kid's menu. None of the things offered at most restaurants are any type of healthy. Chicken fingers? No thanks! I stick to ordering salads w/ chicken.
  15. I do p90m now but started off on the treadmill as well. Remember to build yourself up slowly.
  16. reverie

    Hair Loss

    My hair fell out a lot! It's pretty thin now and since I had pretty thick hair, it is definitely a change, but it's slowing down finally now that I'm close to goal and I know it'lI grow back in time. I think it's all part of anesthesia/weight-loss itself. I've eaten 100g+ of Protein a day and my hair still fell out. I don't think you can do much to avoid it. Taking Biotin and folic acid may help, but usually not because your hairloss isn't due to a lack of those Vitamins. Some people lose hair, some don't. Just remember it will stop, you won't go bald. Try to find a good shampoo and avoid high/tight ponytails.
  17. Normal. Your port is sewn to your muscle; your muscle is getting used to it. Coughing, sneezing, laughing, etc. uses your stomach muscles, so you'll feel some discomfort where your port is for awhile.
  18. It's your port more than likely..
  19. I was banded on May 10 and since then I have lost 93lbs.
  20. reverie


    Play with your calories. Up them one day, drop them the next. Are you exercising a lot? Getting the last 30-40lbs off can be rough. If you aren't exercising intensely, I'd say get on that. If you have been exercising, maybe switch it up a bit.
  21. How many calories are you eating a day? Carbs? Protein? Maybe you're not eating enough, or maybe you need to exercise more (ie. 5 days week.) Switch things up. In the end, plateaus happen. I was at the same weight for about a month but dropped a pant size. Now I'm back to losing 2-5lbs a week. Just wait it out if that's what it comes to. Hard? Extremely. But your body does/will take time to adjust.
  22. reverie

    Why am I losing weight?

    No. My BMI was hovering at 43 I believe?
  23. reverie

    Why am I losing weight?

    I've lost 90lbs+ without a fill, so yes, it is possible.
  24. reverie

    TOM cause tighter band???

    Very common; my first stuck episode happened during that time. It was horrible!
  25. Nothing is up, and you're not doing anything wrong. In all likelihood, you haven't gained weight. You are reintroducing normal food back into your body which could lead to a little bit of Water retention. Being up a pound on the scale is nothing, especially if you've been following your doctor's post-op rules. Though it sucks to see the scale go up, know that you didn't gain a pound. Unless you splurged at Thanksgiving, I wouldn't worry. You'll see it go back down soon. In the mean time, you won't lose as quickly as you did pre-op. Keep that in mind. Keep your head up and stay off the scale for a few days.

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