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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by reverie

  1. Maybe your vitamin D is low? Are you taking a MV? Either way a busy day will drain anyone so..
  2. reverie

    Breakfast anyone?

    I eat a snack at 5AM (hour after waking up) and breakfast at 8:00AM.
  3. reverie

    Shocked Again at Weight!!

    Congrats. I too have learned that the phrase you must eat to lose is so true! Down another 2lbs this week. Hiking my calories to 1200 tomorrow as I start P90X!!
  4. reverie

    port swelling

    My port was tender for weeks. I'd give it time.
  5. reverie

    just got out of band surgery

    Congrats on being banded! When you feel up to it move as much as you can (walk) to help alleviate some of the gas pains. Gas-x and a heating pad work as well. Definitely use your pain meds BEFORE you start feeling the pain. Here's to a speedy recovery.
  6. reverie

    Loosening the Band

    My doctor specifically told us at his seminar that getting unfilled for holidays isn't an option. If you're gonna commit, commit all the way. You can still enjoy holiday food without going overboard. When you get pregnant most women do get unfilled as that's a totally different scenario.
  7. reverie

    Pre-op Diest

    I wouldn't.
  8. reverie

    Healing wounds

    Normal. Itchy means healing, and healing is good!
  9. reverie

    Hello ...i'm new :)

    Wow that's a great loss! You're doing amazing. Keep up the good work. You may get more hits by posting in the post-op forum.
  10. Congrats on your date! It'll be here before you know it. My advice is to read, read, and read more so that you have an idea of what to expect.
  11. Probably something outrageous. Lots of grains here. They sound yummy but I'll stick to something a bit-less carb filled.
  12. reverie

    Gaining weight back! Help!

    Weight gain is plenty normal when you move to solid foods. My suggestion is to really stay off the scale. Focus on what you're eating (hopefully it's healthy things) and in time the scale will move back down. You're not a failure in the least so head up. Your journey just began!
  13. I'd wait until 6 weeks+ post-op before you do any type of strenuous exercise. Focus on walking maybe jogging for a few minutes here and there.
  14. Nothing short of amazing! Great loss in just a year. I can't wait until May; I'll hopefully be well at my goal. Great job and you'll do fine in maintenance!
  15. I love peanut butter and in moderation it isn't bad for you at all. Fatty? Yes, but they are GOOD fats. Either way one option for you may be peanut flour (you sweeten it on your own) or look for PB2 Peanut butter. Both are tasty and less fattening.
  16. I'd say you're too tight..and not eating as you should. Maybe go in for a small unfill and talk to your nutritionist to get you back on track.
  17. Do you track everything you eat? Are you getting enough protein? Water? How intense if your exercise? I have never been at a long stall; the longest was almost 2 weeks and I ate more/upped my exercise and my weightloss hasn't stopped since.
  18. I didn't gain much and during that time and I generally I stayed off the scale. It'll drop off; give it some time. In the meanwhile, put the scale away maybe?
  19. reverie

    getting enough protein

    How much Protein are you getting overall food wise? I'd say eat a lot of Beans, fish, chicken, turkey, etc. Try to find some high protein foods. Maybe this list will help you http://commonsensehealth.com/Diet-and-Nutrition/List_of_High_Protein_Foods.shtml.
  20. What are you eating? Do you track your food? Do you drink enough water? Daily protein amounts? Give us some insight as to what you eat on a daily basis, etc.
  21. reverie

    First Month Questions??

    The above post is spot on, it depends on the person. I came out of surgery with restriction and haven't needed a fill at all. Do I get hungry? Yep. However, please keep in mind that hunger is normal and that you will get hungry. It's important that you're able to decipher between head hunger and real hungry. I eat every 3 hours, 4 hours max. Maybe you can put yourself on a schedule that allows you to eat in x amount of time throughout the day.
  22. reverie

    1 year band-aversary

    Congrats! I can't wait for my one year bandaversary.
  23. reverie

    Can you "overstretch with fluid?"

    No, liquids generally flow right through.
  24. reverie

    Down to my next 10 lbs!!!

    Congrats! It's great that you're setting and celebrating these mini-goals. You're losing at an awesome pace! I'm doing great; 18lbs to go. Starting P90X in a week and I'm more than ecstatic!
  25. I used to, not anymore. I will measure my chicken and cheese, but other than that I just sort of eye the amount of lettuce and carrots I use. Salad goes down easy for most people and some consider it to be a slider food but it always keeps me full.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
