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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by reverie

  1. Congrats! I think exercise is a must do. I started off small as well. Went walking then jogging and now I've pushed myself to do P90X. I can't say I hate exercise because the results have been great but I do have my days when I don't even want to be bothered with it.
  2. I responded as well. It sounds like your incision is infected and you need to see your doctor. A 'sunburn' feeling isn't normal.
  3. Just chiming in; there truly is no need to say goodbye to food though you do say goodbye to overeating, binging, etc. All foods are good in moderation, keep that in mind. I stayed away from bread up until about a week ago. Why? I need more calories and healthy carbs, so I now eat low carb/whole grain bread. Of course what you can/cannot eat will be dictated by your band tightness. Mine isn't too tight but just enough so I don't have many problems eating anything.
  4. I'd go see another doctor, maybe the doctor who banded you. Acid reflux isn't something to ignore. Your band may be too tight which could be causing the reflux. Definitely see a doctor.
  5. reverie

    Two days into post op

    Normal. Don't worry about your weight at this point, it isn't a true weight gain. Put the scale away until you start eating normally again. Try using a heating pad/taking your pain meds for the discomfort, though that's all part of the post-op recovery fun. Walk as much as you can as well.
  6. I'm female though men do lose faster. And yes I just turned 20 a few weeks ago. I'm not sure if age has a huge role. I guess maybe age is on my side but I know people older than me here who have lost just the same. It's all about how hard you wanna push, and after surgery I came out ready to lose.
  7. reverie

    Protein bar of choice

    I rarely need to supplement my meals with protein. I only supplement on the days when I'm weightlifting and aiming for 130g+. If you're eating 3-4oz of dense protein a meal you can generally hit 60g+ with that alone. You can look at Pure Protein bars. I also used Quest protein bars.
  8. Agreed! I 100% believe constant fills and unfills make the band a bit less..stable. I too am scared of having to deal with all that problems that can come about with fills. I'll thank my lucky stars for my fill-less restriction.
  9. What a laughable response. Obviously the band can and has been used effectively without needing fills. If you've ever done some reading, there are some patients who have restriction with just the band. If you have restriction, there's no need for a fill. I have nothing in my band and I am full eating a cup of food. Could I be tighter? Yep. Could I eat less? Yep. Do I want to? No. I don't see a point in keeping a very tight band. I saw my surgeon yesterday and out of the 3 of us there, 2 of the others were in for unfills. I'm glad I don't have to/may never need to deal with that. Anyway, I'll say it myself. Congrats to everyone who has been very successful with the band without needing a fill, and congrats to everyone who has been successful with a fill. Point is we're all losing someway or another, no need to come down on people in the thread.
  10. reverie

    When will the weight come off?

    I'd say you're not eating enough honestly.
  11. reverie

    When will the weight come off?

    What are you eating? Calories? Carbs?
  12. reverie

    Protein Drinks

    I do MM Light and Labrada Lean Body on-the-go in chocolate.
  13. reverie

    Tasty Soups?????

    Egg drop soup worked for me.
  14. I'm glad! Looks like you're off to an amazing start. Awesome success in just 2 months.
  15. I'm not sure how gastric bypass teaches you to eat better than Lapband or any other type of WLS. Can you explain that? Because really it's not the tool that teaches you how to eat, you teach yourself. Having part of your stomach cut and rerouted isn't going to trigger a switch in your head that tells you how and what to eat, nor is a band around your stomach. That all comes down to you. There's no surgery in the world that will teach you how to eat, just my opinion. I would get banded again in a heartbeat. I'm 9 months out, 108lbs down, and I couldn't be happier. I've had no problems at all. Keep in mind that all weightloss surgeries can and do fail. It's up to you to work with what you've got. Yes bypass promises quick weightloss in the beginning but there also comes a time when you need to maintain. Also keep in mind the bypass doesn't mean you're gonna lose all of your weight overnight. I sleep on my stomach just fine and nowadays doctors usually put in low-profile ports automatically which usually don't poke out. I say explore your options. Maybe talk to a surgeon who offers all types of WLS and sit down and consider which one will be best for you. Take some time to read over forums. You'll find Lapband success stories and you'll find Lapband failures. You'll also find the same for gastric bypass and any other WLS. Good luck!
  16. reverie

    Waiting and Wishing

    Approval took 2 days, was in surgery about 2 weeks later I believe. Approval time will depend on your insurance company.
  17. reverie

    Food Diary

    Congrats on taking the steps to figure out what you were doing wrong! I would keep your protein up!!! Maybe lower your fat content otherwise you're at pretty reliable levels.
  18. Follow your post-op diet, get yourself on a schedule and stick to it. I religiously eat at the same times each day, I workout each day, and I eat pretty clean. Keep track of your calories/carbs/fats and find levels that work for you. I'm eating 1200 calories a day, 50-60 carbs, and 50g of fat or less. These are levels that fit me; they defintely won't work for everyone so play around and see what gets the scale moving. I started off doing a South-Beach ish type diet and have adjusted it to my needs.
  19. I love it! I'm only on day 3 today (I finished up P90M first last week) and I definitely feel it..everywhere. I'm doing the lean version, not the classic version, so it's more cardio than it is lifting (3 days cardio, 2 lift days). Your son would probably want to do the classic version. I didn't pay for it but you will probably be able to find it cheaper on eBay. Check out Craigslist as well. PM me for some ideas if you want. Even if you can't do the entire video, you will be able to in time, that's the great part. If you can only do half of it right now, so what? In time you'll see your progression. I started out doing Slim-in-6, then went to P90, then P90M, and now P90X. After X I plan to do a mix between it and Insanity. I think you'd get great use out of it. Like I said even if you can't finish, or you have to pause a lot, the fact is you completed it , and in time you'll be able to breeze through it with no problem. I say go for it! When I started with slim-in-6 I was panting like a dog the first week but by the end of week 6 it was easy. Progression is key. I don't think you'd regret buying it.
  20. Sunburn feeling? Do you mean your incisions feel hot to the touch? I've never heard of the 'sunburn' feeling nor did I experience anything like that. If your incisions feel warm to the touch, they're infected, and you need to see your doctor ASAP.
  21. Meee! 108lbs down, no fill, 9 months out. It's plenty possible.
  22. reverie

    2 weeks post op

    Congrats; glad you're feeling better. Be careful with the foods you eat. While you may feel great your stomach needs 6 weeks to heal, so don't progress outside of your doctors post-op diet.
  23. I eat a cup each meal, excluding my snacks. Meal size will depend on the tightness of your band. I was told at full restriction 1/4 cup would be filling.
  24. I work out 6 days a week doing P90X. 1200 calories or below. No more than 60 carbs, 50g of fat, at least 105g protein a day. I think it's worked well...16lbs to go.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
