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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by reverie

  1. How much protein are you eating per meal? How BIG is your meal?
  2. What's hunger to you? Is your stomach growling or is it head hunger? Are you eating high Protein meals? (Aim for at least 20 each meal.) Maybe I'm wrong, but hunger never goes away, I think it's a misconception with the band. The band wasn't placed to make you not hungry, it's to increase how long you feel 'satisfied' as well as for portion control. In the end, hunger is normal, and it should happen. Do I get hungry? Sometimes, but rarely. Why? Because I eat every 3 hours, before hunger kicks in. It's like taking pain meds after a surgery before the pain comes. You anticipate that you'll be hungry, so you eat. Again, maybe I'm wrong and maybe that's all just how I feel, but in the end if you're seeking the "not" hungry feeling, I don't know if a fill provides you with that.
  3. Some people have different exercise goals. I started off slow and have gradually increased the amount of exercise I do. Nowadays I workout for about 1.5-2 hours a day. Why? Because I have the time, I like how it makes me feel, and I want to tone as much as possible before I consider having PS. Would I call it over achieving? Hardly. An obsession? Maybe so, but at least it's a healthy one. Does this mean you have to do the same? Nope. If 30 minutes a day or every other day is keeping you sane and is helping the pounds drop, I'd stick to it. Of course when your weight loss slows down as you near your goal, you may want to intensify what you're doing, but no, there is no need to overwork yourself by doing exercise if you don't want to/don't have the time for it. Exercise should be a de-stresser, not the other way around. Find an exercise routine you like and it'll become more of a fun activity rather than a chore.
  4. reverie

    Hi I'm new!

    Congrats on your decision! I was banded in May 2010 and don't regret it one bit. Please do your research about the band and definitely ask any questions you have.
  5. I'd say you're too tight. Maybe you need a complete unfill again. What size band do you have? To me the band is about portion control, not something that should dictate what you can and cannot eat. If you can't keep solid Protein down then I'd go back to the doctor, explain, and hopefully an unfill is in store though I'd be worried from the get-go at the fact that you couldn't even keep protein down in the very beginning... Good luck.
  6. reverie


    Though I'm not a ketchup person I have used it in recipes (ie. homemade barbecue sauce) and Heinz does sell a low carb/low sugar ketchup. It's called Heinz Reduced Sugar Ketchup. It's 1 carb per tablespoon. A bit pricier than normal ketchup but it's healthier!
  7. reverie

    I'm New Here--banded 2/17

    Congrats! The pain and discomfort will diminish over time. Good luck at reaching your weight loss goal.
  8. If you look around you may be able to find an April 2011 bandsters thread. Either way welcome and congrats on your date.
  9. reverie


  10. reverie

    First Forum Post

    Welcome!! I too became addicted to this place when I was newly banded. I had all sorts of fluctuations and even at 9 months out I still have them! I remember thinking if I really needed to banded and thinking holy crap I could die and then I thought wow this surgery could really change my life and now 9 months out I can say it really has. Sit down and weigh the pros and cons of surgery; the pros outweighed the cons in my book by far.
  11. reverie

    Newly Joined

    Well, what is making you doubt whether it's the right surgery or not? Are you doubting WLS as a whole or just being banded? Have you considered another type of WLS?
  12. Welcome and AMAZING loss both inches and weight wise. You're doing great.
  13. reverie


    I use "light" salad dressings; usually Italian though I've found a pretty decent light ranch dressing with good macros. That's about all I use; not a ketchup/mustard fan. I use low-carb Pasta sauce though I found a sauce made by Classico that is only 3 carbs per 1/4 cup so I picked up some of that. I also use the new Philadelphia Cooking Cremes when I'm making a stir-fry or something similar. I used soy sauce a lot but even the low sodium kind is outrageously high in salt levels so I've gotten rid of it.
  14. reverie

    Banded on Dec 29th, 2010

    I was banded in May 2010 so I'm not exactly the person you're looking for I just want to say that comparing your weight-loss to others is well..useless to put it bluntly. You'll find that some people have lost more, some less, and some about the same, but if you're like most of us here, you'll only focus on those people who have lost more, you'll wonder why you haven't lost the same amount, and it's a down spiral from there. Keep in mind that all of our journeys are different. You're not going to lose like another December 2010 bandster. Also the average weight loss with the band is 1-2lbs a week; what more are you expecting? 2.12lbs a week is a great loss and it's on par with what is expected; if anything you're above the losing curve. You're losing at a great rate and you should truly be happy. You may see it as "only" 17lbs, but it's 17lbs gone forever, right? I used to use the word "only" a lot. Now I look back and laugh when I want to say I've "only" lost 110lbs+. As for your fill/restriction level, it's the quantity of the CCs in your band and I can guarantee you'll probably need more fills until you reach the restriction level you're seeking, whatever that may be. Overall, you're losing perfectly. Don't compare yourself to anyone else here.
  15. Congrats! Your date will be here ASAP!
  16. reverie


    I'm on week 3 of P90X and loving it. If you want to start off doing P90X, I'd recommend only doing half the video or simply do what you can. Do the amount of reps you can and over time you'll be able to do more. I personally and from experience would recommend starting off with a less intense workout to prepare for P90X, such as P90 or P90M. I did them all and felt that they helped once I started to do P90X. I eat about 1300 calories a day doing P90X and have lost 1.5-2lbs a week. I'd also recommend doing the "Lean" version unless you're a guy looking to bulk, then stick to the classic. Be aware that you don't need to follow the P90X eating plan. Find a caloric level that works for you and eat as cleanly as possible. Take a look at Michi's ladder and you'll see what I mean. Good luck!
  17. reverie

    What the heck??? How backwards!

    Are you eating enough to workout? How many calories are you eating on a daily basis? You have to up your calories when you exercise.
  18. Good thinking! Congrats on realizing it's a head game as well.
  19. Clearance racks, though I'm hoping I'm at my final sizes: S shirts and size 4 jeans, though some 4s are loose.
  20. I got a card but have rendered it entirely useless. It's more of a assle than anything and the kid's menus are probably the unhealthiest meal options available. Fried chicken tenders, burgers...yuck. I find that I just order a normal meal, portion it out, and take the rest home.
  21. You seem frustrated to the max. Take a step back, breathe, and realize some things. For one, there is no set amount of weight you *should* be losing. I don't care what any calorie counter, exercise counter, or piece of gym equipment tells you, there is NOT a set amount of weight you should be losing. With the band the average weight loss per week is 1-2lbs. Some weeks you'll hit this range, other weeks you won't. There is no guarantee of what you will or should be losing. Also, the scale is not the only measurement of your success. Do you feel better physically? Have you dropped any clothing sizes? Have you taken your measurements and compared? The scale is just one part of your weight loss journey. How far are you walking? How fast? I didn't lose a lot of weight while just walking. Maybe you can incorporate something a bit more strenuous that will get your heart rate up. Try some cardio or maybe even light weight-lifting. You can find PLENTY of free exercise videos online. I say be patient, play around with your calories, exercise more, and...breathe.
  22. reverie

    weight loss

    I ate like this for a long time and lost a lot, though I eventually stalled for a few weeks and decided to up my calories. Since I'm doing pretty intense workouts I'm eating 1300 calories a day at the least. Is there any reason you're only eating 4oz? Is that what fills you up? I eat 4oz of meat a meal, crazy!! As long as you're losing I say go for it. Your protein is at a great level as well. Just remember we all lose at different rates eating different things though I'd be hesitant to stick to eating 630 calories a day.
  23. reverie

    weight loss

    The normal range of weightloss a week with the band is 1-2lbs. Some weeks you will lose in this range, some weeks above, it, some weeks below it, and some weeks you won't lose a thing. Remember that your journey is your own, and you won't lose like anyone else on here. Our bodies are entirely different from the next, so I'd advise not comparing your weightloss amounts to others as we all lose at different paces.
  24. reverie

    Question about carbs

    How many carbs are you eating now, where are your carbs coming from, and how intense is your exercise?
  25. reverie


    That's a great loss though please remember that the first six weeks are for healing. Weight-loss should really be the least of your concerns at this point though seeing the scale go down is never a bad thing! Cream of wheat is fine to eat. I didn't eat it during the mushy stage as I kept myself on a low carb diet and I am just now introducing grains back into my diet.

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