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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by reverie

  1. Nothing or no one said you can't ever have McDonald's again. Would I suggest it? No. But can you have it in moderation? Sure. A lot of people think that being banded means saying goodbye to food, and it doesn't. It means limiting your intake of food and gaining some portion control. The food you can tolerate all depends on the restriction level you choose. I keep a loose band and I can eat pretty much anything. However, I don't. I just recently started adding whole grains back into my diet as a near my goal. Sit down and make a list of pros and cons; I'll guarantee the pros outweigh the bad by far.
  2. reverie

    Liquids Question

    Ready to drink; pre-made.
  3. reverie

    Liquids Question

    I think you're okay, just be sure to pick a good RTD. Keep an eye on the sugars/sodium in them.
  4. reverie


    Congrats on your loss and welcome! Glad to hear Disney went well. Great thing about the band is that it's always there when you're ready to get back on course
  5. Hope all goes well for you. I do know that the 4cc bands are no longer used today (except in Mexico) as they were known for causing/having all sorts of problems. Maybe contact Allergan for some help and explain your situation? Good luck.
  6. They do sell unflavored Protein Powder but I think it has a taste to it. I mean it's "tasteless" but it's not like Water or anything. I don't know how to explain it. It's more of like a grainy taste. I didn't like the kind I bought. If you're making smoothies try to find a good vanilla powder to use. I'm not sure how unflavored would taste in a smoothy. I guess it depends what you're adding to it.
  7. reverie

    Getting back to cabbage meals!

    Never baked mine. Too lazy/impatient for that. I put it in the microwave after I cut it in half in a long-ish dish with Water. Put it on for 5 mins (depending on the size) and it usually comes out fine.
  8. If you haven't already try a few RTD Protein shakes. MM Light is not too bad and Myoplex is okay as well. I drink Labrada Lean Body chocolate Ice Cream and it's pretty good. I am not a protein drinker either so I feel your pain! The smell of the powders makes me nauseous LOL. You may also want to look into buying Isopure Protein drinks. They come in glass bottles, 40g protein each, and they taste a bit better than most powders/RTDs. The flavors are more fruity though they are very sweet. They're good to dilute with Water. I found mine at the Vitamin Shoppe though I'm sure GNC sells them as well.
  9. Hmm..I don't think so. I hated drinking the shakes though. I have started drinking them again as I've decided to incorporate weightlifting into my exercise but nowadays I can add all sorts of stuff to them to make them taste much better. Why exactly do you want to avoid drinking them?
  10. reverie

    obsessing about band slipping

    The most common signs of a slipped band are acid reflux, vomiting, not being able to eat solid foods, some people can't even keep liquids down; it really depends on the person. If you're that worried maybe talk to your surgeon and schedule an endoscopy/upper GI. I would just try to relax; that's probably easier said than done as I don't have a very obsessive personality but worrying about slipping is just like worrying about getting into a car accident each time you drive. It's okay to keep it in the back of your mind but don't let it ruin your journey. Of course it can happen but can doesn't mean will or has.
  11. I think 3 weeks. It wasn't long at all. My insurance approved within a day and I had to do a pre-op diet for 2 weeks.
  12. reverie

    Does this happen

    Try not to eat 3 hours before bed; might help. If it happens again maybe try sleeping propped up for a bit using a few pillows. It's never happened to me but as long as it wasn't acid reflux I wouldn't worry too much.
  13. reverie

    Getting back to cabbage meals!

    I eat plenty of calories including those from alfredo sauce I prefer to make my own however; less processed BS. But if you're relying on "restriction" to jump the scale, well..good luck. My restriction was only $400 lol. Spaghetti squash is a good substitution as well for Pasta @ the other poster.
  14. Where do you live? Ask about your insurance's requirements. I was banded pretty young but not 16. Maybe someone in the Teens forum can help you?
  15. Remember it's all uphill now! Glad to see you're feeling better. Take things slow however and continue to rest
  16. reverie

    Getting back to cabbage meals!

    Good luck..though restriction doesn't guarantee weight loss. Enjoy your cabbage.
  17. reverie


    Congrats on your loss thus far and great tips for those who are banded/looking to get banded. Welcome to the forums!
  18. reverie

    Lap Band TOMORROW!!!!!!

    Take Gas-X with you. Bring comfortable clothes to go home in. Use a heating pad. Walk as much as you can to help the gas pain. Sip sip sip your Water. Take your pain meds before the pain comes (you'll learn to anticipate it.) Maybe sleep on the recliner. My surgeon prescribed me an anti-nausea medication just in case. It's good to have on hand if you ever catch a stomach-bug. Good luck!
  19. May 10th :) You've made awesome progress as well!

  20. reverie


    I went to one pre-banding.
  21. reverie

    Weight Loss

    From a similar thread... 1. The first 6 weeks are for healing. You cannot expect to lose weight for the next 6 weeks, and if you do count yourself lucky. Stay off the scale. 2. The scale isn't your only measure of success. Take your body measurements. Are you feeling better about yourself? Those all count as well.
  22. reverie


    Why are you spitting up/PBing? Are you not chewing your food and taking small bites? Too tight? Figure that out first then move from there. It's up to you to eat right and get yourself back on track. Some people like to go back to the beginning and go on liquids then soft foods then solids. Others do the 5-day pouch test (Google it). If you aren't logging everything you eat, it may now be ideal to start doing so. Be sure you are getting all of your Water in and make sure your Protein levels are at least 60g; I think for men it's more around 75g or even 80g a day. Good luck and congrats on your loss thus far!
  23. Congrats on your date! Keep your head up and stay positive. You have plenty of support both here and in real life to keep you motivated. I love my band and I have lost 112lbs in 9 months. Just remember that it is a tool and it does require work on your end. Yes you will need to eat healthier and yes exercise may be necessary. Some people say oh it's another diet and so on. I don't and have never felt like having the band is a diet. To me, the band helped me learn how to eat properly. I no longer pig out on bags of rice, bowls of Pasta, etc. Now I can eat those things, in moderation, and not feel like I'm missing a thing. Best of luck and continue to come to the forums!
  24. I didn't choose; I let my surgeon do so. I have the Lapband.
  25. I've never had a c-section but having the Lapband was my first surgery ever and I am a pain baby (or was). I am scared of needles LOL. I will honestly say the pain was a 3/10, maybe a 4. If anything it's just uncomfortable. The gas pains are annoying and can hurt at times but Gas-X, walking, and a heating pad are a great cure. I was put on Lortab. I took them for the first 3 days I think and then didn't need them anymore. I went back to work 2 weeks after. Most go back within a week though because of a long commute I wanted to ensure I was fully healed. Often times people do too much too soon.

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