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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by reverie

  1. I like Labrada Lean Body on the Go in chocolate and Syntha 6 (only good if you're working out/taking in a lot of water). Maybe buy a more basic type protein, like Muscle Milk in vanilla and add stuff to it like berries, SF chocolate syrup, peanut butter, etc. for some flavor.
  2. Congrats! Great goal and awesome loss. Keep going !
  3. reverie

    Suddenly Restriction!

    Weather, stress, time of day, if your period is coming, and hormones all play a role in your band's tightness. I say enjoy it lol
  4. They don't use your surgery day weight. It goes by your pre-op weight.
  5. Sorry to hear about your situation though it is best that you are going to see your surgeon. Your band may be too tight or like you said, it may have slipped. Usually the fix to a slip is a complete unfill which allows your stomach to rest in hopes that the band repositions itself in a proper position. Sometimes surgery is required to fix it though studies show that the chance of a second slip are highly likely when one has occured previously. Of course it depends on how bad the slip is, how long you've had it, and so on... If your band hasn't slipped I do think you can pick yourself back up and start over again. You have what you need, now use it. Go back to the beginning; do a liquid diet for a week, eat right, exercise, limit the sweets, etc. I was never a big sweets eater but find a way to get them out of the house and then find a healthier replacement. For example, I love Reeses. Instead of indulging on them I'll eat a mini one every now and then, or I'll make a chocolate Protein shake with PB. Not the same but it hits the spot. Good luck and know that you always have support here.
  6. I think 1200 is fine; better than the 600-800 I started off with.
  7. reverie

    Carbs = downfall

    Low carb crackers are hard to come by and most of them aren't your normal "cracker." Low carb bread can be found online usually. I eat P28 Bread, which is high protein/fiber and pretty low carb. You may want to do a Google search for "low carb bread" and see what you find. Thomas makes pretty low carb english muffins, and you can find low carb wraps as well. Not exactly bread but a good replacement. Eating carbs may make you crave even more carbs, especially if they aren't used.
  8. Yep! Too big of bites and/or not chewing enough. I get it sometimes when I'm not paying attention.
  9. reverie

    Band slippage

    Doubt your band has slipped. It usually takes a lot of vomiting and over-tightness for that to happen. Symptoms vary but usually include being unable to keep food and liquids down, acid reflux, loss of restriction, etc.
  10. reverie

    Feeling nothing :(

    Your swelling has died down therefore your 'restriction' from surgery is gone as well. You won't feel restriction until after a few fills many times. Hang in there; good luck.
  11. That's the joy of protein. Enjoy! LOL. But yes, it happens, especially if your body isn't using the protein (ie. you're not working out/lifting weights)
  12. reverie

    Second thoughts... again

    It depends on your restriction level. The only food I can say I have a problem with is bread early in the morning so I eat bread later on in the day. Otherwise, nothing, and I can eat anything without a problem.
  13. reverie


    That's what I meant, the amount. Maybe try upping it to 100g+ and do some weightlifting. Avoid cardio but weightlifting will help you gain muscle. Even starting off light helps.
  14. reverie

    Sleep Help....

    I slept on my side for awhile and have become a back/side sleeper. You'll be able to sleep on your stomach once your port/incisions are fully healed. I had no issues sleeping as my pain meds knocked me out for the first 3 days and after that I was comfortable enough to sleep normally. Maybe try sleeping in a recliner or propped up in bed.
  15. Pasta, but I don't exactly miss it, and with the amount of exercising I'm doing, it won't hurt to have it every once in awhile. I could also say pizza, but I just make my own pizza that is healthier. I pretty much eat what I did before, just healthier portions/types. (ie. brown rice over white rice and not a bowl full of it)
  16. reverie

    Off the Band-wagon?

    I think being aware is one thing, knowing what could happen is another, and believing it will happen to you is different as well. YES being banded comes with plenty of chances of failure, complications, slips, flips, erosions, and so on. Any WLS surgery comes with complications. Are your chances of developing complications highly decreased if you work with an experienced and well educated bariatric surgeon? Yep. Are they decreased if you follow the rules? Of course. It comes down to how much risk you're willing to take. Are you willing to risk trying to diet and exercise on your own? Is having WLS a risk you want to take? I was young when I got banded, 18, and while I knew about all the risks, I also knew I couldn't do it on my own. While I was never a huge yo-yo dieter or someone who spent ages and ages trying to lose lots of weight, and the fact is that I did not WANT to become a yo-yo dieter or someone who went into my late 20s still morbidly obese. Being fat had changed my life for the bad and I was tired of it. My main problem was portion control and the band was advertised to do such. Has it? Definitely. I'm down 112lbs in 9 months. But along with success stories comes even more failures. My advice to you is to weigh the pros and cons of surgery. Whether it's the band or the sleeve, sit down and really think. If you decide to wait, why don't you try to do diets that bandsters or those who are sleeved follow? Maybe put yourself on a cup of food a meal diet along with exercise. Will it be harder without WLS? Surely. But you could at least relate to us who have had WLS and can come for support. Good luck with whatever you decide Do what is best for you.
  17. Pre-op diet is for everyone, not just for people with a BMI over 50. Mine was 45 I think; I still had a pre-op diet. Either way if your doctor prescribed one to you, you need to follow it. It is very hard to do but in the end your body is well-prepared for surgery and you'll heal a lot better. Maybe try cutting down or cutting out the exercise as you're probably not even eating half of what you were. Good luck.
  18. reverie

    Running shoes

    I like Nike Shox and Asics.
  19. reverie


    What are your protein levels like? Lifting weights while eating your bodyweight in protein (1g per lb) most definitely wont result in muscle loss.
  20. Congrats on your date! Your doctor will give you more clarification as to what's allowed on the liquid diet. I was able to drink Protein Shakes, broth, Water, creamy Soups, and I think that's about it.
  21. 12lbs to go..maybe reassessing my goal as these last few don't seem to want to budge, but I'm dying to see the 120s. What do you guys think?

  22. reverie

    Please help

    You can use websites such as fitday.com or myfitnesspal.com to track what you eat to get a rough estimate of how many calories, carbs, and protein you're taking in each day.
  23. Normal. Your port was sewn to your abdominal muscle. It's gonna hurt for awhile, usually a few weeks. Try using a heating pad.
  24. reverie

    Please help

    How many calories are you eating? It seems that you're pretty active, so your calories need to reflect that. If your calories are low, try bumping them up a bit. Scary but the more active you are the more calories you need. Also keep in mind that you've lost a good amount of weight (congrats!!) and your body may be adjusting. I can tell you that first hand this does happen at times. Right now I have been stuck at 132-134 for the last 2 going on 3 weeks, but my jeans are getting looser. Sometimes you lose inches rather than pounds; remember that as well. Good luck!

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