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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by reverie

  1. reverie

    Got banded on 03/08/11

    Try taking some Gas-X. Maybe walk a little bit, even if it's inside your home.
  2. I know pineapple works but it may not be good with steak. I've never seen a salt-free meat tenderizer. Maybe look online?
  3. Try drinking it at room temperature, it may help a little bit.
  4. I've heard Zumba is fun! I'm too lazy (lol) to go to a gym though. I like working out at home. Each day usually I do P90X, jump rope, run for 10-20 mins, and medicine ball squats, twists, and sit-ups.
  5. reverie

    Surgery Monday

    Good luck!! Surgery will go fine!! Just remember to sip your water, use Gas X, and walk when you can. Most importantly, rest! You'll be in my thoughts for a speedy recovery
  6. This. Give yourself a little bit more time to feel better. Rest as much as you can. Feel better soon!
  7. Wrong. I eat up to 150g of protein a day and I haven't gained a thing. If anything people losing weight should up their protein as to lose FAT and not muscle mass. Also to build lean muscle mass to replace the fat lost. Too much protein doesn't trick your body into anything. Body builders aren't gaining weight, they're gaining muscle mass, there is a huge difference and body builders don't gain mass because of protein, it's working out and heavy weight-lifting . One should eat .8g-1.8g of protein per kg, on the higher end if you exercise regularly. Anyway, thanks OP for the thread. My weight hasn't been moving like I want it to but I have to eat 1500 calories a day and that isn't happening in 3 meals. I plan 6 per day so I don't see it as "snacking" since I plan the meals, especially my pre-workout meal.
  8. reverie

    When do you exercise?

    At 6PM each day. There's always time for exercise. Break it into 15 minute increments or something.
  9. reverie


    Congrats!! Good luck on your journey.
  10. reverie

    Struggling with weight loss

    Are you tracking what you eat? Just because you can eat anything doesn't mean you should. Start counting your calories, carbs, etc. Make sure you're getting enough protein and water in each day. Exercise and get your fill. Hopefully that'll restart your weight-loss.
  11. reverie

    Getting Started

    Good luck. The time really depends on how long it takes your insurance to approve of surgery and their requirements. ie. 6 month diet, etc.
  12. reverie


    Maybe because you shouldn't eat solids with liquids (ie. milk?) That or because most cereals are ridiculously high in carbs/sugar. I eat cereal though; just the healthy kind.
  13. reverie


    Congrats and welcome!! Hopefully you get a date soon enough.
  14. I understand the cold feet and the doubts, I too got them but mine was a few days before surgery. First things first: breathe, breathe, and really, take a deep breath. I'm not going to go into anything long, but I will say that I don't regret having my band placed for anything. Yes I eat too fast sometimes and I get an uncomfy feeling and may PB, yes it can be a little tighter during my period, but it really has changed my life. I'm not like most here; never got a fill, never wanted one. I wanted to learn how to eat. I needed that *something* to keep me full, and the band has done that for me. 112lbs down in about 9 months; down from a size 20 to a possible size 2 (4s are getting loose). I'd have never imagined as I've never been small. But in my head it's not even about all of that. I feel so much better. I can do things now and not feel winded or out of place. While I am still a big foody, I've learned that all foods are okay in moderation. I've found *healthier* replacements for foods I used to indulge in. Keep in mind that getting banded doesn't mean you're parting with food. It really is about learning how to eat, and what works best for you. Good luck. I say go for it! You seem ready mentally; you'll get there emotionally
  15. reverie

    First fill/ feel like I am eating more!!

    Rarely do you get restriction on the first fill. While you may be able to eat anything in bigger portions, it doesn't mean you should. That choice is yours I doubt your next fill will be as big and if you reach restriction too fast you can always have an unfill..
  16. reverie

    Who stole my body??!

    Same. And I hate it I'm not sure if I feel like I'm not in "my" body, I'm just not used to how I look now. I've been heavy since 5th grade so I really never knew my frame was so small; I guess it'll take some getting used to.
  17. Congrats. Hope your next appointment goes well! The food counting/measuring is tedious, but very much so worth it.
  18. reverie

    The Kind Words of Strangers

    Yes! I know exactly the feeling and it's great. My new boss and a few other employees who are new to the office all said that they can't imagine me at 245lbs; I'm 132 now! It's crazy but the compliments are so nice. Still not used to them though.
  19. 20. 112lbs. My tummy mostly. Haven't tried any of those as they're generally a waste of money. Once the skin is stretched it's stretched. No lotion is going to fix that. Weight-lifting can help otherwise plastic surgery is the answer.
  20. reverie

    I'm back on the band-wagon!

    Good job on picking yourself back up. The band is always there when you're ready to start again. Good luck
  21. reverie

    New frog on the block :)

    Welcome!! You'll have a date soon enough
  22. reverie

    Surgery today

    Hope your surgery goes well! Happy healing and remember to sip your water and walk when you can. Good luck!

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