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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by reverie

  1. reverie

    Exercise/5 day post op

    Too much too soon. Your body requires 4-6 weeks to heal and recovery from a very invasive surgery, though you may not see or feel it as being such. I was not cleared for any strenuous exercise for 6 weeks, and while biking is an amazing exercise, I'd give my body time to heal before I jumped into biking. While you may feel good, internally your body may not. Give it the time and relaxation it needs to heal so that you can avoid problems in the future. Good luck!
  2. reverie

    What the Heck???

    1. First 6 weeks are about healing; not weight-loss. Of course we all want to continuously see a drop on the scale but you need to let yourself heal. Doing too much too soon can cause damage and will slow down the healing process. Also, the 13lbs you lost pre-op were mostly Water weight, not a true fast loss, so you can't expect to continue to lose that much. Very rarely is weight-loss stable or linear. You'll learn that weight goes up and down and sometimes it stays for a few weeks. 2. Why are you weighing yourself everyday, especially this early out? Your weight can fluctuate 10lbs in a day. Stick to weighing once a week, twice max. 3. My advice: breathe, relax, focus on healing and not so much on the scale. Put it away for a few days. Keep doing what you're doing and the scale will follow in time. Good luck!
  3. reverie


    Eggs, turkey bacon, bacon, dry cereal, oatmeal, oat bran, yogurt with granola, fruit, protein pancakes, cottage cheese and fruit..uhh..whatever you want to eat?
  4. Exactly Being banded or having any type of WLS doesn't and shouldn't mean getting rid of food permanently. I did cut myself off of carbs for 6-7 months, but nowadays I eat them like they're nothing.
  5. reverie

    My day is tomorrow

    Congrats!! Here's to a quick surgery and an easy recovery
  6. reverie

    swelling on band

    Probably did too much too soon. I wasn't cleared to do anything but walking for 6 weeks. Let the area rest and use a heating pad. If it doesn't go away, call your doctor.
  7. Eat more. Eat the foods you binge on in smaller amounts. Don't deprive yourself. I eat chocolate, kids cereal, ice cream...there's no point to cutting out any foods unless you cannot tolerate them due to your restriction level. Eat them in moderation and you'll be fine.
  8. Normal I think. Sometimes we tend to wake up more restricted and the band loosens throughout the day. Have something hot to drink before you drink milk or anything cold; it'll help open up the band.
  9. reverie

    banded yesterday

    Plenty normal. Just keep resting and taking your meds.
  10. Congrats on your loss!! Glad to hear things are going well.
  11. It depends on your level of restriction. I don't know about steak as I am not a red meat fan, but I eat bread almost everyday with no problems at all.
  12. reverie

    Just made it under 200...exciting!!

    Yay welcome to onederland.
  13. reverie

    need idea for exercise dvd

    Any of the beach body programs. I live/swear by them. TurboJam seems to be popular.
  14. reverie

    Eat before or after workout?

    Doesn't matter really; meal timing is irrelevant, do what works best for you, there is no right way. I eat an hour before I workout and then within 30 minutes once I am done. Don't eat then exercise right away; give your food/stomach time to settle.
  15. reverie

    New to this site

    Welcome! Remember that this is a SUPPORT forum and those who are looking for support/help are often those going through problems, so you're bound to see more questions and concerns rather than people boasting of their success. There is a lapband success sub-forum here; you should check it out. Also look at the before and after pictures. Plenty of people here have been successful and plenty happy with their band. I like to put myself in that group; down 113lbs in 11 months. Size 20 to size 2. No complications at all.
  16. reverie

    messed up

    Breathe..you're fine Simple mistake! The whole idea behind not drinking with eating is so that the food doesnt flush right through your band. Rarely can/will it cause damage, but it can be uncomfortable.
  17. Mushies and solids You're welcome!!
  18. Rarely do liquids keep you full; they flow right through generally. Plenty normal.
  19. reverie

    Help I'm Stuck!

    Stick to liquids for a few days; you've probably irritated your stoma/pouch. Drink hot tea, broths, water, etc. and give your body some time to settle back down. I haven't been filled and sometimes eggs are a problem in the morning for me as well, especially around my TOM. When you go back to solids, try drinking something hot before eating, it will help open up your band.
  20. reverie

    Help I'm Stuck!

    Papaya enzyme works. Try moving/jumping around. Sounds silly but it does eventually pass, or it all comes back up. Be sure to chew even more next time and take smaller bites.
  21. I'm not a guy and I didn't need to lose 150lbs (120lbs or so) but I will say that men generally lose faster, so you do have something on your side. You may find more responses in the men's forum here. Good luck!
  22. reverie


    Here's to hoping you get some sort of restriction! I too have had to deal with the "food guilt" but I'm slowly realizing that no food is bad; honestly, nothing. All food has some sort of nutritional value, the idea is to ensure that it fits within your caloric/macronutrient needs (ie. carbs, fats, etc.) I eat kids Cereal every other day. "Healthy?" Probably not, but man do I love cinnamon toast crunch. I also eat almonds like a fiend along with dark chocolate. At the end of the day, as long as I exercise and keep track of what I eat, I know I won't gain and I try to push those guilty feelings far away. I will say that early post-op I didn't allow myself most foods. I was strict, did low carb for 6-7 months then let myself just much more lax. Good luck!
  23. I didn't want any part of me cut out; I'm not sure my parents would have approved and that was an important part to me. I like that the band can be taken out and adjusted as required. I simply needed something that would help me control my portions and keep me full. The band has done just that for me. Though I will say the sleeve is an awesome WLS and I have seen a lot of people with success who have it done. Good luck with whatever you choose!
  24. We tend to focus on the negative pre-surgery; I did as well. I went as far as to think holy sh!t I could die. But really? I could have also died being 120lbs overweight. I could die driving 50 miles to work each morning. I knew about the complications and I realized that hey, complications will and can happen. If I did have complications I had complete faith in my surgeon and his team for any help I'd need. Keep in mind that this is a support forum, and while there are some of us successful bandsters who stick around, a lot of those who are successful stop coming here once they've lost their weight. People who seek out support and help are generally those who are having trouble. Why would someone who is successful come to a support forum? I advise you to find the lapband successes forum and see that while there are people with complications, failures, slips, erosions, no restriction, etc. there are also people who this tool works for amazingly. I like to put myself in that group. 113lbs down in 11 months. No fill, no complications. It was my first surgery, I'm a huge pain baby, and I made it through just fine. Only uses my pain meds for 2-3 days. I started off in size 20 pants, I'm now wearing size 2. Down from XXL tops to S and sometimes XS. It's important to know about the failures and the complications, but also surround yourself with the positive. I have a strong belief that the band works when you work it; simple.
  25. Snack: Grapes/apple chips Breakfast: Protein pumpkin filling (pumpkin, greek yogurt, cinnamon, vanilla protein powder, etc) topped with Kashi; 2 eggs Snack: Protein bar Lunch: Salad with chicken, broccoli, and cheese Snack: Protein bread with dark chocolate PB Dinner: Tilapia w/ sweet potato fries and veggies

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
