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LAP-BAND Patients
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About sarahbob

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  • Birthday 09/15/1972
  1. Happy 40th Birthday sarahbob!

  2. I was banded 9-1-09 (so 10 mos ago?). I have lost 130 lbs so far (YAY!!) and am the smallest I have ever been as an adult. I have done this with no fills at all. Nothing. My band is completely empty. Even the 2cc of Fluid that came in it has been removed. I had to have my port removed last Nov (3 1/2 mos post-op) due to an abcess around the port and he removed that 2cc then. So I don't have a way for my band to be adjusted, even if I wanted it. I have exceeded what my surgeon projected at my pre-op appt. He says he has had a couple of patients to have success with minimal fills, but none to have no fills.....until me. My question is this: has anyone else experienced this? I am just wondering how common this is. I am definately NOT complaining (or trying to brag)! ROFL! I watch my carbs/sugars/fats very closely and work with a trainer 3x a week. Am I just weird?
  3. I am new here (been lurking for months, but this is my 1st post). I jsut had to reply to this post though. I had my surgery Sept 1, 2009, so I am almost 7 months out. I have not had ANY fills to this point and am down 105 lbs to date. I have PLENTY of restriction, trust me. I had some drama about 4 months post op and had to have my port removed (due to an absess around the part area), so I don't even have a way to have a fill. My dr says he has had a couple of patients that have gone 6+ months before their 1st fill, but they had not lost as much as me. So we are in no hurry to put the port back in. Just had to put my 2 cents in.

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