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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Dray1873

  1. Dray1873

    Cruise March 2011

    From the album: After Surgery Pics

    Very chubby still @ 201lbs. but making progress!
  2. Dray1873

    Feb. 2011

    From the album: After Surgery Pics

  3. Dray1873

    Cruise-March 2011

    From the album: After Surgery Pics

  4. Dray1873

    4th fill and super tight!

    How much did they fill you on the last visit? Just curious because I'm at 5cc's and feel no restriction yet.
  5. Hey, hey, hey!!!

  6. Side Ache Pain around my port sometimes?? Very uncomfortable, is this normal? Banded 2/2/11
  7. Hi Kristi, I noticed since you were banded a week after me, I'd compare notes w/you a little :) How are you doing on restriction? I had restriction the first week and it went away and I felt nothing. I went in for a fill on 2/17. My nurse gave me 4cc, but still I feel nothing. I'm going to call tomorrow and see if they can get me back in. I'm watching my diet though. Congrats on ur 22lbs!

  8. Dray1873

    Side Ache Pain??

    Yes it's right under my left rib cage around my port. It feels like I drank to much water and went jogging. It hurts but goes away. I wonder if it's gas maybe?
  9. Dray1873

    Just got approved!

    So excited for you! I just got banded on 2/2/11. It really wasn't bad at all, my stomach was just sore from my incisions. It felt like I had done a million sit-ups! Take it easy the first week and try not to do to much other than lay around. The first week I felt restriction just with liquids but the second week not so much (due to the swelling going down). My first fill was scheduled for next Thursday (2/27) but I called them and bumped my appt up a week because I have been able to eat pretty normal. They said you will always be able to eat more before your first fill than after your fill. Either way I lost 18 lbs already, so I'm doing something right! I had my first fill yesterday- 4cc's (piece of cake), Oh yeah...I was only out of work a week and that was plenty of time (if you have a desk job). Good luck and don't worry, it's an exciting process! Desiree
  10. Hi. I was going to start my liquid diet today but then when I started reading my paperwork it read, "liquid diet 5 days prior to surgery". So really I can start Friday but I'm going to try and start tomorrow. Not looking forward to it at all. The headaches are usually carb withdraws, they should pass in a few days. When did you doctor tell you to start? What stuff r u drinking? :)

  11. Dray1873

    15 months post op - side vew

    Amazing!! Girl you look HOTT!!!
  12. Dray1873


    From the album: Weight Gain Pics

  13. Dray1873

    Me at 230 - 240 pounds

    Still Beautiful
  14. Dray1873


    Beautiful!! Congrats
  15. Dray1873

    At the beach... 2 Jan 2011

    WOW....you look AMAZING!!! Looking at your pics really gets me excited for my journey starting 2/2/11!
  16. Dray1873


    From the album: Pics before weight gain

  17. Dray1873

    Xmas 2010

    From the album: Weight Gain Pics

    I feel SO GROSS! I can't wait till Feb. for my surgery!
  18. Dray1873


    From the album: Weight Gain Pics

  19. Dray1873


    From the album: Weight Gain Pics

  20. Dray1873


    From the album: Weight Gain Pics

  21. Dray1873


    From the album: Weight Gain Pics

  22. Dray1873


    From the album: Weight Gain Pics

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
