Had my final appt. w/Dr. Lautz this morning and things took a major major turn. Due to some esophagus problem I'm no longer a candidate for the lap band. As the band gets tighter I would may not be able to swallow. He is willing to perform a bypass and feels like I would be successful.
So needless to say I'm slightly devastated by this news. I've done my research and I was all set and prepped for the band. Now I have to start this whole thing over. I'm about 80% sure that I will have the bypass because I just can't continue living with this weight. I feel like I've tired to do this on my own and I'm just not successful.
I'm going to give myself the weekend to get my head right. I will make a final decision on Monday
So I guess this is goodbye :biggrin:
YaY on the first fill Jennifer! You sound like you have been doing pretty good on your on though. I can't WAIT to get this ball rolling. I have my last appt w/Dr. Lautz tomorrow. That is when he will find out that I've gained 15 pounds...so not looking forward to the side eye he is going to give me.
Tiny..I love spinach but this newbie won't be putting them in her protein shakes for a long long long time.
Have a great day everyone!
So we are all heading into the final stretch. I'm SO nervous about the liquid diet. I truly think I'm going to starve to death. I'm setting up another appointment with the dietitian before 8/9 so I can know exactly what I can and can't have
Hey All,
Thanks for checking on us Paige.
Carol it's great to know that your doing well. I'm hoping that I have the same success when my time rolls around. Are you feeling any sort of restriction or your just being a good girl with the eating?
Glad your feeling better Jay.
I have a question for the BWH banders. Has anyone dealt with a person named Jennifer Johnson? Is she always rude or could I have done something to piss her off? I'm seriously thinking about speaking to her manager about her attitude problem.
Hi Guys!
I plan on attend the next Faulkner Meeting. I missed the BWH one so I'm feeling a bit lonely support wise.
Hope everyone is doing well :confused:
The group was ok. They helped answer a few of my newbie questions. There was one gentleman there who is very passionate about his journey. If he reads this he may want to consider giving others a chance to get a few questions in. Other than that it was ok and I plan on returning again this month. When does the Faulkner group meet? I need all the support I can get these days