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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by FinsUP

  1. I just added a photo taken a couple of weeks ago. What do you all think? Can 68lbs really make that much of a difference when you're only 'half way' there? The first photo - which is the one of me on the ferry (yellow railings), was taken when I was up around 314lbs. Then Easter, just about 2 weeks post op. Then in the summer, and so on, to October photo taken in Cuba. I'm pretty happy and thrilled to go 'shopping' in my own stored clothing bins!! "Normal" clothing is here, and getting better all the time. Down from a 4XL and 24W, to a 16W/16 and XL for the most part - yayyy me!!:wink2:
  2. FinsUP

    day after surgery

    This photo is the day AFTER surgery??? Where are your incisions and tape!???
  3. They're in the Photo Albums, under the photos tab at the top! LAP-BAND See if the link works!
  4. I have been struggling with this as well. It's very difficult not to eat and drink at the same time, and very hard to re-learn habits. I'm 52 yrs old and it's tough! Now, I'm finding that if I drink before my meal, then NOT during, I'm okay. If I do take a sip - it's almost like it plugs me up. I can't eat and drink at the same time anymore. 6 months post op, and I'm still learning!
  5. I keep seeing this on here, and I'm not exactly sure what that means. Is the B for burping? I was banded on 4/20, and I've had 3 fills since then; I'm now at 5.3 (was 5.4 but I just had her take out .1cc because it was too tight for me and I was getting stuck at every meal.). When I "do" get stuck, it's very painful, hard to swallow, and I end up walking around the house, raising my arms over my head and taking some deep breaths. If it's really bad, I'm in the bathroom putting my fingers down my throat to try and throw up the offending piece. This is coming from someone who is 52 yrs old, and I'd NEVER EVER THROWN UP IN MY WHOLE LIFE, until I was banded and got stuck. Sometimes I throw up the slimey stuff, and sometimes the offending piece of food that I didn't chew right. I know this is going to take some time, but damn, it's hard to relearn habits you've had for your entire life. I am trying my best, but sometimes I forget and eat too much, or don't chew it enough times, and it would get stuck. The first time I got stuck was the beginning of June, when I was away with my step daughter, in Mexico, and I ate a piece of sausage that I didn't chew enough...holy hell that scared the crap out of me, and for the very first time, I made myself throw up. I never ever knew I even had the gag reflex so I could do it because even as a baby my mother had told me I'd never thrown up. Who knew?!!! So..........now I've digressed...what is PBing? Sometimes after a 'full' feeling in my throat, when the food finally decides to go down, I can let'er RIIIPPPPPPPPPPPP with the most awesomely loud burps, that just feel 'wonderful'. lol. My husband looks at me like I'm crazy, and I just give a 'woot'...YES!:biggrin:
  6. I had 5 incisions as well, with the major one being almost under my left breast/upper stomach area, that's where the port is. I actually had bruising around the incision below that one - and the bruising lasted for about 3 weeks! Are you sleeping on your back, with pillows to brace your sides, so you don't roll over too much. I think I slept on my back for almost a week, then would just nudge over to the right slightly after that. I found one of our generic brands of low sodium beef broth, and decided that I LOVED it! I hadn't had anything like that for soooooooo long I'd forgotten what it tasted like. I think that about 10 days after surgery, we were on a plane and away for hockey playoffs and spent almost a week at a forest type resort where we had a 1 bedroom unit with a kitchen. I bought a bunch of Protein shakes (Ensure, etc), Soups, and broth and stuck with those. When we ate out for lunch one day they had home made Soup on the menu. There was smoked ham and spring veggie soup - I asked the waitress to ask the chef if he could puree it for me. He did and it tasted awesome! Just like it should - only no lumps bumps or solids. It was great! When we got home, I made some beef stew. I pureed a normal full serving in my magic bullet, which I portioned out into about 5 lap-band servings...and yup...tasted exactly like beef stew! While you're home and recovering, use the time to search our recipes, read your booklets and check online cookbooks. I have 2 books I ordered from amazon, that are receipes for living after weight loss surgery. Recipes for those who've had gastric bypass, and lap band surgery. Pretty cool! Good luck!
  7. I'm sorry some of you have experienced severe pain and unhappiness after surgery. Do you normally have a low pain threshold? You DID have your lap band inserted laproscopically, didn't you? I didn't experience any of the things your speaking of. I was yakking up a storm with my nurse in recovery - talking about swimming with the turtles in Mexico and I was actually giggling with her. (I'd actually just returned from one of my Mexico trips the day BEFORE my surgery, and did 1 week of my pre op liquid dieting while I was away.) My post op pain was not severe, and I managed with slight pain meds for only the first 2 days. Nothing really to complain about, but manageable. I've had surgery before (tummy tuck, arms done, rhinoplasty, gall bladder full surgery, c-section, etc etc) and would never say any of those surgeries left me with severe pain afterwards...all were manageable with Tylenol #3's -heck the day after my tummy tuck {cut hip to hip} my hubby picked me up from the hospital, and we walked around the grocery store on the way home). I've never felt down, haven't second guessed my decision for having the lap band, and all pain had disappeared certainly by the end of the first week. The only uncomfortable thing I experienced was laying on my left side - that hurt a little bit and I swear it's because the port is on that side. I've experienced more 'pain' from being 'stuck' while eating something I forget to chew up really well. Please go easy on yourself. You did the right thing for you! I suspect the add-on of now battling pnuemonia has brought you down. Drink your liquids - enjoy some low sodium beef broth (I rediscovered just how good that tastes!!) or have some chicken broth - that is included in your clear liquids! I actually stayed on liquids, and soft pureed/creamy stuff (like soups) for almost 4 weeks after my surgery. I like it, and would go back to that in a minute!
  8. I've read quite a few of you referring to 'restriction'...and 'great restriction'. What do you mean by that? What the heck is 'great' restriction? Thanks!
  9. FinsUP

    Restriction ???

    THANK YOU for your reply elcee! I've wondered what that meant, and because we don't have groups, or classes or meetings here, I'm not familiar with the term. So.......if I'm 'good' on a reasonable portion of food and not feeling hungry for 3-4 hours, I'm in a good place then. By restriction you mean, that your stomach restriction is in the right place?! (Thanks - I think I got it!)
  10. FinsUP

    Restriction ???

    Wow. 24 views and no responses. I'm serious, I don't know what you all mean by restriction so those of you who use that term, I'd sure like to know what you mean by that! Thanks
  11. Thanks. I don't quite see the similarity between a burp and vomiting though - not the same thing in my books, but okay...
  12. I'm an April bandster! I'm not on your list because I haven't been around very much, but will be making a concerted effort to get back on here more often. I was banded on April 20th/10. I'm officially down 61lbs since I started the pre-band liquid diet and I'm pretty happy with that - that's 61lbs in 5 months...not too shabby I think. :cursing:
  13. THANKS EVERYONE for your replies! I apologize because I haven't been on here very much in the past week. Holidays, and looking after a few things, but I appreciate the replies and it's wonderful to know there's lots of peeps our there who want buddies too! Wow, I go to Mexico all the time (been 5 times this year alone), and, well, needless to say it's my favourite place. Tell me more about where you're getting banded, and how did you find the place!! That's something I never would have thought of doing in Mexico!
  14. Hey there, I was banded on April 20th. I only know one person (a FB friend) who was banded a year or so ago, and would love the advice/experience of a mentor, and/or a buddy. I'm 52 yrs old (screw it, mostly YOUNG!) and could use the support from someone who's been there, done that, or doing it too! My friends support me, but would like to have someone else to discuss issues with. Jan
  15. Welcome Dave, and congrats!! I actually LOVED MY PRE-OP time! I'm one of the few who actually LOVE Protein shakes. I was also allowed to have low glycemic veggies, are you??? I also figured it was a good time for vacation. Spent the week before surgery lying on my favourite Mexican beach, then flew home the day before surgery. I dropped 24lbs in those 4 weeks, and was really happy about that! Welcome aboard!!
  16. FinsUP

    Swelly Belly

    Thanks for the explanation. I was worried about that at the beginning, because I felt like I was eating way too much food, but they've assured me it's in the right spot.
  17. FinsUP

    Swelly Belly

    Why did you need a 2nd band put in, I've never heard of that before, unless there was a problem with your first one? Don't you have any loose fitting tops? Hopefully you're just full of air right now and the swelling goes down very shortly! Good luck
  18. FinsUP

    Bragging Rights Time

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! That's awesome and welcome to ONEDERLAND!! :biggrin::thumbup: I'll join you there before the end of the year, I hope!! :thumbup:
  19. FinsUP

    Very pissed Off!!!!!

    Lashonda....I just 'dismiss' people like that; I turn them off, tune them out. You could always reply with "If ignorance is bliss - you must be very happy!". All of my friends were very supportive of me; my husband...dead set against it. I was so pissed at him you have no idea. I canceled my appointment. I also continued to speak with my friends. Then a few days later, my hubby and I went out for dinner, and I mentioned to him that Jen (one of our friends) asked me if she could call him, and give him chit for his attitude. Then we had a 'calm' conversation about it. That night, I called the Surgery Clinic and rebooked my appointment. I was banded on Apr 20th!! My hubby had some fear issues around the surgery, which basically stemmed from ignorance about the laproscopic surgery. (He'd lost his previous wife to cancer, etc), so he was afraid that surgery would be too invasive. Anyways, long story short, I've had it done, I'll NEVER regret my decision, and strangely enough - his kids (who're not mine) are some of my biggest supporters!! Do what you need to do for you - YOU'RE WORTH IT!
  20. I think you're doing great! I was; 314 on my consult day (Mar 30) 290 when banded (Apr 20) 266 last weigh in (Jul 14) We were banded pretty much at the same time, and the nurses said my weight loss was wonderful. I guess I feel good in just knowing that on Mar 30th I was 314 and I'm now 266. I'll take it! You'll take it! We'll ALL take it!
  21. FinsUP

    Feb 25 2010 - 244

    Congratulations, you look wonderful!

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