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Everything posted by pilko
Oh dear, my radiologist always does the procedure under xray (I suppose its however they feel confident) its really good becuase you see your band working, I felt quite emotional too, like seeing my baby on the monitor (weird)? anyway it made me feel better that the thing hadn't slipped or anything and I can reassure you here as according to my radiologist, it wasnt barium (?sp) we had in Belgium, he gave it another name, so all you need to do with this is sip a tiny tiny bit, so it was alot easier than Belgium, I also cryed after having to drink that stuff in Belgium, Deidre (sp) must of thought I was a crazy lady!!
Hiya Suz, It was just over 8 weeks post op when I had my 1st fill but their was no difference, I had it done in Manchester, same place that I originally had my consultation at with Dr Mignon (this is recommended by Elyzea)and was x-rayed, I saw my band working with that swallow stuff (sorry can't remember what its called). I was meant to have my 2nd today, got lost and was too late, have to ring the medical centre tomorrow and book another appt and OH can drive this time!! the shame.....
Hello, I'm from the UK too, Lancashire, I too got banded with Dr Mignon at Chimnay same as Suzanne and highly recommend it. The only thing is I got banded on the 14th Nov and haven't lost any weight I have had a fill but has made no difference and am having my 2nd tomorrow which I hope works, I can eat anything at the moment and keep experiencing the last supper syndrome, I have never had any problems with things getting stuck, I can feel it on occations when I eat fast a little pain but no full feeling after 3 spoons more 15!! but at least I know it their?? Hopefully just needs to be abit tighter, I'm scared this isn't going to work for me though after spending £4k!
Hello everyone Glad you all feeling well and I'm feeling sooo much better and it helps with the weight coming off. Heb I am sooo paranoid about my band slipping and I have been eating some solids, I had potato pie when I was out with the girls from work, I mushed it up with my fork and chewed well and left the meat to one side, I think they just thought I was being fussy! I am eating ready brek in the morning (which I used to anyway) and Soup, mashed potato and Beans mushed up with the fork, pate, I had some tikka masala yesterday...I actually shared my portion with the two kids!! never would I have done that before! I felt guilty after though but I had been on a long walk yesterday morning (about 3 miles) and pushed a double buggy and seem to be done a few pounds this am (I can't stop weighing myself, but i am only recording it once a week). Suz I am glad you said I would be able to feel the band if it had slipped, it's weird coz I can eat a full can of tomato soup and feel sooo full after it but then get worried that I shouldn't of eaten the full tin, but before i would of ate it with a loaf of bread and still of been hungary so it must be there doing its job. It weird not feeling any sensation from the band apart from feeling full quicker.... I am 18 days post op and feel great now was sore for about 10 days and then healed fast after that. I can't describe how great I feel. Just losing the weight I put on in the last supper (which lasted 2 months, but I enjoyed it!!) another 8 pounds!! Its so easy to put on!! Got an interview in the post for a job I really want, its on Fri, fingers crossed for me girls!! this is the start of my new life!! feeling pretty confident at the moment. Anyway better get off this computer before the OH starts moaning that I'm always on this thing!! Cya
Wow Suz thats excellent I'm really pleased for you. Bet your walking on the clouds you skinny thing you. How are you doing eating solids??
I'm really please for you Hermione, its brilliant this feeling I can't wait till some of it really starts shedding and its noticable. Whats nice is when it is done as well its done, before hand it's on your mind all the time and its hazes over everything else. Now I can finally get on with my life, can't wait to go on holiday in June, I might actually enjoy it!!
Just to let you no my scales have come unstuck this am and another 2 pounds gone....I can't help myself, I weigh myself everyday...I'm sorry but I expect results now i'm 4k down!! but I'm happy thats 7 pound altogether!!! yeah!!:clap2:
Hi Suz, Do you feel like you are losing any weight? My scales seem to have stuck, was this the case with u? I'm not eating anything yet not losing anything on the scales but my face seems slimmer (always goes off their 1st) so must be coming off? How are you doing on the phasing in? are you eating solids now? I'm on purees now but don't fancy any maybe mash potato and gravy but I think I will stick to my Soups.
Good luck donatella but all will be fine!! enjoy
Yeah I'm back guys! bit sore and tired and getting some shoulder pain but other than that doing very well. Eating Soups and yogurts and feeling full! wow! funny feeling not eating alot because I have to tell myself I can stop now....its really weird.... I can imagine how easy it is to forget in the first few months and just shovel something in your mouth and then think.....shit.... Bit scared that I'm going to make this thing slip and have to have it done again which I just can't afford.....called in sick from work today, not up to it yet maybe Tues... Yeah all the Dr where good looking but not Dr Mignon (poor thing) and Diedre (sp?) was lovely. The others that had it done wheren't very big, there was only 4 incl me as 2 had backed out becuase of the Anne Diamond story. Glad I'm back home now and recovering and hopefully losing weight soon. Got some new scales yesterday to treat myself and they weigh your fat and Water % they were only £30 from Argos. Hope everyone else is fine and H if you can afford to get it done here go for it as the journey is long and I flew! but I cannot fault the medical care I recieved. Suz what happed with the cake did you eat it fast? not looking forward to that PBing??
Right I'm off!! Speak to you all next week, wish me luck please....
Hi Yeah I am flying out Sun (tomorrow!!! eek) and staying over on Sun night near the the eurostar terminal and getting transport as normal on the Mon. It was the cheapest way doing that as the early Mon flights where alot more expensive. I'm flying with SN Brussels it cost just over £100 return from Manchester.
Heb So glad it all went well, I'm flying out on Sun, Diedre(?sp) rang me this am to confirm accom details. Did you all get holiday insurance?? Sarah
Thanks all...it helps to talk...youve made me feel better
I am starving now after reading your confession, its sounds good though. Been sticking to yogurt and am quite proud, feel better already. Thats how I was before and the more I ate the more I wanted!! Anon try not to feel too bad make the most of hit this yogurt diet was like someone smacking me over the head with a shovel! it hurts!! I had to sit in Mc'D's with my mum and kids scoffing, and, yes I only ate a yogurt!! it felt good when I walked out....and also reminded mother how many ww points where in what she just ate...he he he,lol!! Suz having though's thoughts now which I'm sure are normal, "am I doing the right thing" and "Have I been a bit hasty" talked it through with OH and he said he knew it was right and he wouldn't be letting me have it done if he didn't feel it was what I really wanted". I know it's right just scared now. Also concered about these PB's alittle and slimeing? just imagining this happening at work and I'm going to look stupid and, (did I mention I work on A&E) they will be checking me over and I don't want them to know!! OMG
I haven't even touched yoghurt yet, my tummy been a bit dodgy, probably from everything I've been eating this last few weeks!! feels like the 1st day of the rest of my life........
Totally.......I live for food and to eat and I'm sick of it, I can't go out for the day without thinking what I could eat, money no object! regardless of it I can afford it... I love food, I do eat heathily with loadsa veg and I prepare it all, home made Soups etc which I freeze, because I want the kids to eat well and not end up like me, but I eat loads of it and snack really bad, I feel I desearve it!? especially if Ive been dieting, the only time I didn't crave food when I was pregnant??? totally opposite to normal people, I thinks its my homones..... I was thinking last night when I was snacking (again) that I was eating and shopping like normal people do (or I used to) at Christmas time, you know your "good shop" at xmas, when your allowed treats and goodies, well I seem to have to treat myself everytime....(I'm trying to analyse myself now and alot of it seem to do with my self-esteem??) Put yes I have yo-yo-ed , I blame dieting for putting weight on as I manage to lose a few stone and because I deny myself for so long, and I'm starving, just 1 mistake and I go out of control put all my weight back on plus more, this for instance this seems to happen when I do on holiday, but then I feel shit (sorry) coz everyine else (in my eyes) looks dead slim and I look like a fat blob.....and so I eat more to block it out...?? vicious circle which gets bigger and bigger or fatter & fatter??? So thats when I though of looking into this lap-band?? and here I am
Yeah, good luck Heb, might not speak to you now till I come back as I go next Sun...bit scared, can't sleep again hence the time...stocked up on yogurts today, yum yum, can't wait to start though I'm eating like a pig, I think its called last summer syndrome?
Yeah it'll just be different scales, some are nastier than others!! Just stick to the same one and you'll see....or it could be the monthly's as their is nothing our bands will be able to do to stop them unfortunatly.
Yeah I have put a few posts on here since, and they have not come up, their must of been a problem. Never mind...Thanks Suz for all that info your a star and welcome Heb your in the right place, not long for you now, when do you set off and how is the pre-op diet going, am I weird it's just i can't wait to start it!
Hi Suzanne I just wandered if you have any tips on the pre-op diet which I start a week today! It is just plain yogurt I can eat, does this mean horrid natural yogurt or can I have fruit flavoured with no added sugar?? Any advise on this would be great.:help: Also how does your port feel?? Can you feel it? and how big or small are your scars?? and how you getting on with the post op diet, have you lost any weight since the operation?? Hope you don't mind me asking and can I say since your email on your return I have been able to sleep as normal......I kept having nightmares about the trip but you seem to have put my sub-conscience at ease....:notagree Sarah x
Hi Glad your back and all is well, you have put my mind at rest, and my mothers! I'm so relieved you reported back so positively. How long does the operation take? are you up and about as normal now? how long are you having off work?? Anon my heart goes out to you, I totally know how you feel love, there isn't much you can do in 3 weeks chuck just enjoy being the old you....and have really good holiday......have you told your OH about your op now?? Sarah x
My ops booked for the 14th November so I'm flying out their 2 weeks tomorrow, I'm, really excited during thday and then can't sleep some nights for thinking of the worst! I'm just that sort of person. I can't wait to start really having ago at this and I know it's not long off everthing is booked and paid for!! Yeah a food diary is good but you have to be really strict with yourself to 1) remember to write it down the moment you ate it as you'll forget 2) Not to miss the naughties off when youv'e been doing it for a while.... Hows Libertysuzanne today do you know?? I have booked Mon-Fri off work (well I only work Tues, Thurs & Sat) I work in the A&E dept in my local hospital so it's weird shifts, I'm probably going to have to ring in sick on the Sat I get back but I don't no what to say, as none of them know bar 1 girl, and I want it to stay that way!!!, can't get away with anything working around so may Doc's & Nurses! You think I could of given a back-hander to one of em and they could of done it, lol! Yeah I think I have been having the last supper and going mad I really need to take control now! I am going to try today will let you know. Have you magaged to tell OH yet??
Well at least your trying to diet, I on the other hand can't take control at the moment, I'm OK usually when I've done my 1st few days. I started weight watchers for the (can't remember how may times Iv'e re-joined) in March (6 weeks post-natal) and was dieting and managed to lose 1 1/2 stone then went on holiday in Sept, talked about this surgery with OH when I came back as was miserable on holiday, from that point I knew I was border line with my BMI so went a bit mad pre consultation and can't stop, now think I've put all my weight back on....but thats just how my life has been for the last 10 years! diet starve myself and then can't control the hunger beast!!!:hungry:
I feel better speaking to you....talking to someone who is the same as me is such a relief! My OH and his family are super slim and they don't understand, they are very supported and my OH understands completley as he thinks it's really unfair that I am like this, as they can all eat what they want..they have the same battle to put weight on as what I have to lose it, but I'd much rather have it their way round. My Mother in Law to be, when she found out my plans, said I just needed to eat from a smaller plate!! if only that was the answer!! my OH said to her 'do you not think she has tried that already, amongst the millions of other diets etc, shes tried'... I wonder how Libertysuzannes getting on I'm really excited for her can't wait to here from her..............:clap2: