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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by plm429

  1. Hi! I had my lap banding done on December 6, 2007. So far I have lost 60 pounds. My surgeon was Dr. Baird in Idaho Falls through the NewU Center at EIRMC. Anyone else in Idaho out there?
  2. Hello - this is my first post. I am scheduled to have my surgery on December 6th and I am so excited. My friend just had her surgery on Wednesday. She is really sick with diarrhea and can only eat Jello. Has this happen to any of you? Do you have any suggestions that I can give her? Thanks - I'm looking forward to learning from all of you! Patricia
  3. plm429


    I had my lapband surgery done on December 6, 2006 in Idaho Falls, Idaho. So far, I have lost 58 pounds, so I am really happy. But, it has been really hard. I have had a hard time eating anything but liquids since the beginning. I also throw up a lot. So, the doctor had me get a Upper GI to see if anything was wrong. Well they found out everything was okay. So, then the nurse that I see once a month said she wanted to try and go into my band and see if there was anything in there that she could take out. So, she did that on April 5th and was able to take 1cc of liquid out of my band that had been there since Day 1 - I have never had a fill. So, now I can eat more and life should be grand. But, I am so scared that I may stop losing weight or gain weight that I am still eating liquids and freaking out if I eat more than I use to be able to. So, I guess my long winded question is, do any of you out there stress about gaining weight? Is it normal? I'm beginning to think I should just throw away the scale and go by clothes size. But there is such a rush when you get on that scale and see numbers you haven't seen for years. Thanks to anybody who reads this rambling!!
  4. plm429


    Thanks everyone for your responses! I guess I am semi-normal - ha! Deanna - My doctor was Baird too! Paula78 - Idaho Falls is even better now - we have a Kohl's!
  5. Well, this is my second post. I had my surgery on Wednesday - December 6. I think I am now in the "What was I thinking category!" I have been nauseus, can't get any liquids down and generally feel like crap! My doctor has been good, and prescribed some medicine, but now I think it is my head that needs some help. This to shall pass - right? Thanks! Patricia:think
  6. plm429


    Thanks so much for all your suggestions. She is feeling better today and is able to keep stuff down. The cream of wheat worked really good. This is a great board! Thanks again!

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