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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by GetnHealthy

  1. GetnHealthy


    He there... I take a liquid Vitamin that has tons of great stuff in it, during this first month...since our eating is so eratic..but my Dr's office said to just take kids chewable vitamins...one a day is all you need to get what you need for vitamins...DO NOT take any pills... I had to have all my pills downsized or turned to liquids...they can block your band area. Especially after you start to get fills... good luck@!
  2. Hi there.. .I was banded on the 26th of Oct...and I have that same pain...and I notice it when I eat...it is what I use to tell me that I ate enough...as that is the only time I notice it. It is in like right under my shoulder blade area. Not gas pains...I never did get any of them from the surgery...where they pump you up...just this ache after I eat...like foods and not just liquids.... I will have my first fill on the 21...next week....hang in there...as I think we all "feel" things...and start to "wonder"...that is why I like this laptalk site so well...see what others are expierencing... good luck
  3. GetnHealthy

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Hi there....I am sorry your feeling so tough... I was banded the same day...and don't really have any pain at all..but I definitly know where the port is. It is a hard area just below the surface on my left side and is still protruding a bit there. But I have worked since the 30th and really had no problems...other than the general ouch when I wear too tight of pants around the waste once in a while, and bend over or something. I bet you did not hurt anything..we are all a bit "cautious" ...I know I am....every little thing makes you "wonder"....so good luck on feeling better soon....and hang in there....................
  4. GetnHealthy

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Hi everyone. I was banded on the 26th of Oct. (two weeks) and I am feeling really great. Back to work the monday after...no gas pains at all...did the liquid thing a couple days...then the soft for a week.....am on pureed foods now or things really cooked that I can "puree" by chewing a bunch.... And I can eat about a half cup is all. I think if it is like tomato Soup...maybe I could eat more. For work I have been buying them little Dinty Moore 1 cup containers of things like scalloped potatoes...chicken noodle hotdish and such....and I eat a half container and put the rest back in the fridge for another day. It works great and they are really cooked well and soft so they are perfect...and such a nice variety. I have lost 20 lbs now and have not been in for a fill and will not be going in until early Dec. :biggrin1: I WILL start walking today on my treadmill as I have seen that the scale is not moving like it did in the first two weeks. I didn't go through all this to loose 1 pd a week...I want 2-3 pds a week!!! And if I walk...it will happen. Good luck everyone...and those that are still ach'in and such.. it does get better....I can sit right up in bed again ... finally! Port area still a bit sore but that is to be expected I imagine with the port sewed into the stomach muscle there. (*ha*...what stomach muscle...) Bye all.. Keep on Keepin on! :clap2:
  5. GetnHealthy

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    I was banded the same day as you were...Oct. 26th...and I was only on liquids for two days after...then on sunday I was switched to a "creamed diet"...like puddings and yogurt and creamed soups and vegetable juices like Clamato juice. I blend up anything and everything to the stage of creamy and since we eat so little, they said the calories at this point are not an issue. My problem is I am not sure what "full" feels like. I never eat more than like a half cup or so of anything at a time. And I always am content so I must be at the right amount for now. Hang in there julestwu....or maybe call and see if you can not have something in the "creamed category". I was told anything that could be sucked through a straw.. (but don't use a straw)...well, little did they know ... I could suck spagetti through a straw if I put my mind to it. *ha* I feel great...and have been back to work all week. Hope everyone out there is doing great too! :clap2:
  6. GetnHealthy

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Day 6! Banded on the 26th. Well, I have had NO candy and am very proud of myself. I had my creamy Soup for supper and that was all I needed. Took the kids trick or treating. We had 10 inches of snow here in northern ND on monday and it was 12 degrees tonight so we did NOT do much walking about to trick or treat. Only a few houses and home we went. But the kids STILL got a lot...the people figure they won't have many so they just fisted candy into the kid's bags from their candy bowls. *ha* Dressed up for work today in halloween costumes...large flowing black cape hid my swollen tummy. Tomorrow I actually need to dress up as usual...and not sure what I will wear. Hope something works. I feel terriffic though! Sweet mother in law made home made vegetable soup for our family tonight.. I pureed mine up in a blender and it was WONDERFUL while the kids ate PIZZA! Never thought I would be fine with that...but I really was! I love my band and can not WAIT to be many many pds lighter and feel like a person again! No more scale draggin behind me.. (love that commercial)..and no more "inner voice" telling me continually that I need to lose weight. I just feel a huge "sigh of relief" after getting this all done and feeling so good. YAHOO! Best wishes to everyone and love hearing from you all...epecially to all of you who had surgery about the same time that I did....we are on a roll now!!!!! *ha*...the big fat tire roll hanging on our mid section. *:nervous * Catch ya all tomorrow!!! I love coming in and reading and getting my lift for the day! You guys are all super!!! Thanks everyone!
  7. GetnHealthy

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Hey everyone! Just checking in with you all. Fun to hear how everyone is doing. I was banded on the 26th (thursday) and have felt just great. I went back to work today the 30th (monday) and had a terriffic day. (office job) The swelling is going down but the black and blue area is just so funny. My girls all had to laugh at "moms purple belly". I am eating creamed soups, fat free or sugar free jello and puddings and taking a protein liquid supplement to make sure I get my proteins during this time. I also am taking a high potency liquid vitamin that tastes a bit like eating plants and things.. (ha) but I sure "feel" healthier than I have in a long time. My Blood Pressure has dropped and I am anxious to see what the past 4 weeks of shakes during pre-op and such has done for my Cholesterol. I read a couple hints on St Vincents hospital site for lapbanders that I wanted to share...that I did not know or had not heard about before. Maybe it will help someone out. Quote: St. Vincent's Medical Center in New York Avoid the use of all types of anti-inflammatory medications containing ibuprofen forever (i.e. Advil®, Nuprin®, Haltran®, Midol®, Motrin®, Aleve®, etc.) Contact the surgeon if any of these is absolutely necessary. These medications can cause ulcers, and also lead to the Lap-Band® erosion into the stomach. Take multivitamin and calcium supplements every day, and check with your surgeon regarding B12 vitamins. Always cut food into small nickel size pieces and chew food very well to prevent blockage. If food should stick in your throat, try a teaspoon of Adolph's Meat Tenderizer® dissolved in a glass of warm water, sipped slowly. Have a great Happy Halloween everyone.
  8. GetnHealthy

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Good for you Sharlee...I am happy for you. I was the same way...still had those feelings of "what the heck am I doing"...or..."what the heck have I done"...and now I am so happy to have it all over with and on the road to a thinner me!
  9. GetnHealthy

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    I think the Gas X is for tummy gas. The gas that is settled in the shoulders and back area is from pumping up the abdomin area for the surgery... so the meds don't really help that...you have to just walk and move around to keep it moving and it actually get's absorbed into your tissues and system, according to my nurse. My Dr. maybe has a different technique..as I have had so little pain anywhere that I am not sure if I had the gas pain or not. I did read that there are ways that they remove it these days right before closing the main incision area. Not sure what mine did...but I sure can not complain. Matter a fact...I have not really had much pain at all, other than the discomfort expected at the port entry area where that muscle was yanked around. And I only feel that pain when I get up out of bed or up off a chair after sitting a while...and that was just the first day after, really. Today...day four I feel real good and am going to town with the kids for their 4H awards day and back to work tomorrow. The only DOWNSIDE is that due to the swelling of the whole tummy area..I look 8 months pregnant and no one knows at work that I had this done...so I have to try to hide my tummy and am trying to see what the heck I have for clothes that will work. Halloween day is on tuesday and we dress up and I can get by with a witch's cloak that I have to get past that...but not sure what I will wear tomorrow. Just finished up the best creamy chicken mushroom soup. man was I ever hungry..and didn't realize it til I actually sipped some.:hungry: Bye all Here is wishing you all the best.
  10. GetnHealthy

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    This is the one I used. But when I stirred in the eggs after heating the other ingredients, I whipped them and then drizzled them through fork tines slowly into the broth (had my daughter help with this) as this makes the "strings" thinner and more like what would be manageable for our diet. While we added the eggs we stirred it real fast with a whisk as it went in. That way the eggs don't get lumpy cause we can't have lumpy yet. Even after straining it...much of the egg drop was small enough then to slip thought the strainer and if it slips through a strainer...it is fine for us to eat with the broth. EGG DROP SOUP <HR noShade><!----><!--EGG DROP SOUP--> 1 1/2 tbsp. cornstarch 1 1/2 tbsp. Water 4 c. chicken broth (canned or homemade) 1 tbsp. soy sauce 2 tsp. granulated chicken bouillon 2 lg. eggs (loosely beaten in a bowl) 2 tbsp. chopped fresh scallions 1 1/2 tsp. sesame oil Combine cornstarch and water. Combine cornstarch mixture with broth, soy sauce and granulated bouillon in a 2 quart pot; cook on high heat until mixture boils. Turn heat a little lower. Hold eggs in a bowl high above the pot and pour eggs in a slow stream, stirring gently with a long handled spoon, into boiling mixture. Add scallions and oil. Mix well and season to taste. Serve hot.
  11. GetnHealthy

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Check out the link of the diet guide below...it might help... I actually did a whole diet plan in my Excel program but when I found this..it was much easier. Pages 15-17 helped me out. http://www.lsaobesity.com/forms/lap-...diet_guide.doc
  12. GetnHealthy

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    You are so welcome dancing and Jodi-T. I found the best part of the plan was pages 15-17 ...as far as actually helping me understand what the diet layout should be for us counting down the weeks. The rest was sure informational though. That site has all sorts of information on it. You can go to... http://www.lsaobesity.com/ Sure helps one understand more about the whole deal...helped me in a big way to know more about it all together. I am so thankful to all of you who continue to write your experiences so that I can compare my feelings and things happening to me, to yours. Good Night all!!!
  13. GetnHealthy

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    It seems that everyone has a different type of diet they are following..before and after and I have to share...I found the best diet guide out on the net from the Institute for Advanced Bariatric Surgery, for After Lap-Band Surgery http://www.lsaobesity.com/forms/lap-band/Lap_Band_diet_guide.doc It covers everything and is close to what most of the Dr's have laid out for all of us. Well worth printing out...if you just are not sure where you are at in the days and weeks of eating with your new band. Hope this helps someone out.....I know it sure did for me.... I made an egg drop soup tonight...strained it and it was to DIE for. Never thought I could be so happy about a semi-thin soup. Tomorrow I get the creamy kind...but am gong to try to stick to low cal...that will be much of the trouble I think..most creamed things are going to be high in calories and carbs but they just want a person to get back into the eating of 3 meals as soon as possible. Then after we get our first fill...it is important to cut the carbs and the calories and exercise...UGH...I hate exercise....obviously. *ha* Have a nice evening everyone!!! End of day 3 Banded Oct. 26th, 2006 No complications! 220/210/130
  14. GetnHealthy

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    If anyone is interested in seeing a video of the actual Lapband placement, go to this link. It is so interesting. Helped me understand why I am sore in some places more than others and why it is so important no to eat anything now that could cause it to slip. http://www.obgyn.net/medical.asp?page=/english/pubs/features/roberta-surg/part-4 :omg:Not animated, real surgery, so viewer discretion is advised. *ha*
  15. GetnHealthy

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    I think it depends on what your Dr says. I seem to be seeing all sorts of different patterns to the pre-op diet...the post-op diet and the continuing weeks since we are all from different areas and have different Dr's. I was told that the reason we stay on clear liquids AFTER the surgery is to continue with the "tinkle" and not the "other" since that would just be no fun with the condition our tummy areas are in. This gives us 3 more days to heal before we need to do the "other". So, clear liquids I will stay on, until the three days are up. Even if I AM dying for some creamed soup or anything but things I can see through. I have slept so much off and on through out the day yesterday that I knew I would be on my computer in the wee hours of the morning.....but I feel really good. That is quite a black and blue area you get in the port area though...wow. I actually can sleep on my left side a bit so things must be healing right up. Take care all..and "good luck" to those going in and "Halleluia it is over" to those on the mend. Yee-haw! Banded 10/26/06 Bismarck, ND Michael Schmit, MD
  16. GetnHealthy

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Well, I am feeling just fine....drinking my clear liquids and taking my protein supplement and vitamins. Just feeling real good...tired but good. Sunday I can have creamed soup and all that.... YEA...I am not overly hungry though...really...I crave things but it is real easy to overcome since I don't feel that "hunger". Take care all and it would be fun to hear from all of you that had surgery on thursday the 26th... soniacan, raynie, JDru, juliestwu,Hope all is well!!! C-ya
  17. GetnHealthy

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    mauimarion, I think you just copied the link to the graphic and not the code that makes it work in the message you wrote...it is in a box down just a bit below from where you got the link. Drag across it with your mouse..right click and select copy...then on your message...right click and select paste and in it goes...
  18. GetnHealthy

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    I will help you out with the ticker. After you made it and see it there, what you used was a link that has to be clicked on to view...but the actual code is a bit farther down. I do web page design so kinda know about codes. The first one is the one I used...and it worked. Just copy what is inside the box...(drag across it with the mouse..then right click and select copy...and paste it all right in the end of your message. Hope that works for you..
  19. GetnHealthy

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Oh qbanita75, I am sorry you had to stay two nights. But it was a very good choice if you didn't feel up to going yet. I imagine it is just different for everyone. I was just lucky I guess. It seems there are way more out there that are "struggling" after surgery, than there are those that "breeze though it". Depends on many factors I imagine. After a few more days..you will be a good as new again and we will all feel the same. Just takes time and being careful not to pull anything when bending and stuff. I wish you the best..and your doing great...keep up the terrific weight loss..... Banded 10/26/06 Bismarck, ND Michael Schmit, MD
  20. GetnHealthy

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Hello everyone! I was banded on thursday morning..the 26th and I feel wonderful. I went in a 6 am...first one for a banding of the morning...fresh Doctor. * * Was back to room with an easy time and out-a-there by like 1 pm. Rode home the three hours getting out to walk every half hour or so and even drove myself the last half hour as that was where the kids and other vehicle were. I have to tell you that I always breeze through surgeries and this was exceptionally "breezy". I have felt just awesome every since. I take my liquid pain medicine when needed but everything is just so "not a big deal". I have a patch behind my ear for nausea that last for 3 days and haven't had one bit of feeling icky. I am on clear liquids still for two more days yet...it was clear liquids the day before...day of... and then 2 days after...that is called phase I...then I go on regular creamed liquids which is phase II for 3 days..that is any creamed soups...shakes...puddings...all that...then phase III is pureed and lasts for 2 weeks and consisits of cream of wheat or thinned mashed potatoes....anything the consistency of apple sauce or you could suck through a straw. Phase IV is the transition to solids and considered the soft diet and lasts for 3 weeks....pretty much all foods fall into this category as it is anything you can mash with a fork to eat. Then the final phase is phase 5 and that is back to a regular diet...and funny thing is...for me that day lands on Thansgiving Day. Whew...I get to eat with the family. I went to vitacost.com and purchased a liquid protein that has like 25 grams of protein per dose and that will help me get the protein while on these liquid phases if I get tired of the shakes. I also purchased an awesome liquid multi vitamin that I will take daily. I found a liquid shake too..that is cappuccino...how can anyone beat that for a shake when you have to drink one. It is in powder form. ...sounds like a perfect morning drink to me. Well, I woke up so well rest at 2 am and put another ice pack on the port incision area and am now ready to go back to bed. I have no pain unless I bend or lift...that muscle in the port area needs to heal is all. I don't feel urpy...burpy...or anything...just really really good. Hope everyone else is doing as wonderful that have had theirs done about the same time...and to all getting it done soon...good luck and I hope for the same thing I had...a really "great" process. I will keep you all up on how I am doing... Thanks for the "well wishes".
  21. GetnHealthy

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Well, this is the week for my surgery...thursday is the big day. I am hoping I have a quick recovery and do well. I am hoping I can base that on other surgeries I have had in the past several years. I am a quick healer and a fast get-a-going-again person after surgery. So hope for the best again so I can go back to work by monday. I have an office job so that might help. The pre-op shakes are going fine and I really have not craved much of anything. I am just excited to get it done and move on. Congrats to all out there having such success...and I am feeling so surrounded with that success when I go in here and see just how many people are doing this or have done this and how well they are doing. It is just amazing I think. I am on my way to "getnhealthy". :clap2:
  22. GetnHealthy

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    I just got all set up for surgery on the 26th of October. I am excited and yet nervous and not too much but still unsure and overwhelmed....and ......and.....and... READY! I have a low BMI so I had to "pass the insurance test" by being considered "a walking time bomb". *ha* BCBS received my info on the 11th of Oct. and by noon on the 13th they had an answer for me online at the member services area of their web site. That was awesome. My Doctor's consultant was so happy for me. She had her "ducks in a row" when it came to everything she needed to convince them that my surgery should be covered. We had actually reserved a surgery date with my DR "just in case" so what seemed to drag on forever...suddenly HAPPENED! So here I am...starting my protein diet. I am wondering if anyone knows whether we NEED to drink two shakes a day or if one is enough. Is it the grams of protein we need before surgery...or what? I am on a two week advantage adkins diet drink or a slimfast low carb drink...twice a day and then 4 oz meat and 1/2 cup vegetable at evening meal. I am not a "breakfast eater" so I am thinking I just want one shake a day...but wondering if I have to have the protein part. OK...thanks for listening...and this is fun to partake in a group. Thanks for having it!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
