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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by caffeine

  1. Weight lost on pre-op diet: 17.5 lbs (1.6 lb/day). I gained 1.2 lbs during surgery. Probably swelling plus the weight of the band itself. Weight loss with lap-band in 3 days: 6lbs (2 lb/day). In all, total weight loss is 23.5 lbs, but what's truly amazing is how effortless weight loss is right now. Tomorrow I will be under 230, which is what I weighed in the middle of grad school. To me, the lap-band is magical. I know what it does, but there's something else it does which the doctors don't advertise. It somehow makes it easy for me to listen to my stomach. My stomach tells me things, and I never could listen. I always wanted the last few fries on the plate. Or had "room for dessert". Somehow, the lap-band opened up a connection between my brain and my stomach. Actually, maybe I could phrase it this way. The lap-band doesn't make me realize when I'm no longer hungry. It makes me realize when I'm full. There's an important distinction. When you're "not hungry", you can always eat if you want to. It becomes a matter of willpower. And since I am overweight, I already know that my food willpower is ... "limited". But when you're "full" rather than "not hungry", there's less willpower involved. I can FEEL my stomach is full. and it FEELS like I shouldn't be putting anything more in my mouth. My only regret is not doing this sooner. I should've done the band years ago. I see tons of people on the forum who have lost 100 lbs and more. Even though I may not talk or interact with them, I definitely take notice. I totally understand where that kind of weight loss comes from. Whoever this Mr. Lapband was, he was a genius! :frown:
  2. Journey, funny you mentioned that. I had my first checkup today and on my way back to the subway I bought myself a pizza for lunch. It was my first pizza since the pre-op diet. Normally I'd have 2 or 3 pizzas for lunch and gobble them up in no time. This one I munched on really really slowly (technically I should be on pureed but I've been feeling so good lately). By the time I got to the subway, I wasn't done. Instead of waiting by the entrance to finish eating, I tossed it and went back to work. The old me would never have done that. So I totally understand what you're saying and agree 100%. We really do need to unlearn some things.
  3. DEFINITELY ditch the bouillon. Buy yourself low sodium bouillon instead. Or that other thing that tastes like chicken that was mentioned. :Banane20: Limit your salt intake in all things. cynpatt, was that a typo? You've been eating only 600 cal/day and exercising but you gained 54 lbs? In only 2 weeks? That shouldn't be possible. Have you had your thyroid checked? You definitely should see your PCP because those numbers don't compute.
  4. Agreed with vlp. Your doctor *wants* you to succeed and understands these things sometimes happen. Think of him as your health care provider -- not someone who will judge you. Doctors became doctors to help people, not to judge them. Maybe something like Weight Watchers with weekly weigh-ins would be useful? From experience, I can tell you that when I was on WW, I really did "behave" because you know the next weigh-in is less than 7 days away.
  5. Agreed with the comments above. I lost 4 lbs in my first few days after the surgery, but the scale hasn't moved in 4 days even though my food intake has been very low compared to what I used to it. It finally went down by .2 (yes, point two) lbs yesterday. I think it's the fickle nature of weight. I think considering how regimented you sound, vlp's experience will probably happen. It's impossible for your body not to lose weight ... a LOT of weight ... eventually. You didn't mention your clothes. Are they fitting the same?
  6. Apologies! AIG = Big insurance company that received bail-out money. CDS = Credit default swap. Courant = Mathematical institute of New York University. Almost as arcane as Aussie slang. :-) 17 lbs speaks to me. :-) Just out of curiosity, do you think equally well in kg and lbs? In the US, all applied math, science and most scholarly engineering is done in SI (metric) but in day to day life we pretty much exclusively use English units. I take it a lolly means "candy" and not "lollipop"? My friend calls everything sweet a lolly. It throws me for a loop. Naw, actually counseling isn't that far off. A lot of it is problem solving and/or diagnosing. They're just different kinds problems! :-) I once dated a cultural anthropologist. Now that was way off the scale. But it was cool because she was interested in physics and I was interested in anthro.
  7. One of my best friends is from "Nawlins". :-) Yeah, that's totally my experience too. The only time I knew when to stop was like after gorging myself on Thanksgiving dinner. It's still kind of freaky. I get that "I can't stand another bite" feeling way way way sooner than I ever did.
  8. vlp, 60 lbs in 4 months is great. There are millions of people out there who can only dream about your progress. Don't beat yourself up over it. At 60lbs, you're an inspiration to me. Whatever you're doing, it sounds like it's working to me. One thing that helps me a lot is water. It has become an integral part of my life. I made two purchases which I am 100% happy with: Green Vibrance and Alive! multivitamin supplement. In the mornings I make a concoction of Green Vibrance and empty out two capsules of Biotin and St. John's Wort and mix it into a mug of water. It totally fills me up and is a great nutritious breakfast. I'm totally happy with it and don't miss my Starbucks sandwiches one bit. It makes me feel like I'm doing something really good for my body. The Alive! vitamin supplement is what I have for dessert because it's fruity. I'm not big on sweet stuff to begin with, but fruity is great. I mix it in with a big mug of water and add a little rose water and it's a *phenomenal* dessert that I sip while watching Lost, Family Guy, or South Park. When I'm feeling "munchy" or hungry, this is my strategy: 1. Drink a glass of water. 2. Drink a glass of water. If I still feel munchy, 3. A bottle of Ensure. By this point, I'm absolutely full. It's true that sometimes I'm still "hungry" even though my stomach feels full, but by this point, my stomach feels so full that I *have* to wait. And when I do wait, the hunger is assuaged.
  9. Hi Babsy, I thought I detected the Queen's English before I saw where you're from. I have a friend from The Courant who does CDS for AIG. He's from Sydney. It's so weird to see people use kilograms for body weight. All my degrees but one are in physics, so I have a good intuition about kilograms... I can quote the Earth's mass kilograms from memory. I could give an approximate mass for the Sun or Jupiter even though I don't have that memorized because I worked in kg so much. Same for the mass of an electron. It's so natural to think in kilograms. But when I see kilograms for body weight it takes me aback. It's shocking. Such an odd sensation to feel so comfortable with kg for "physicsy" things but feel so uncomfortable with kg for humans. Wow!!! I know that a person should weigh more or less 70-80kg, but I don't have a "feel" for that number. I couldn't tell you if 90kg or 60kg is unreasonable for an avg sized person. Back to our favorite topic. I'm still in my honeymoon. I didn't lose any weight yesterday, but I have to get used to the fact that I'm not going to be losing a pound or two a day like I used to. I'd eventually disappear if I did! :-) Today was interesting. Someone who just finished their PhD in physics with my thesis advisor called me out of the blue (he joined the group after I left so I don't know him) and wanted to know how to get into finance. Had lunch with him at an Indian restaurant. Indian food is something I can gorge myself on. Today I had one samosa and about 1/3 of the food they served. Back in the bad ol' days, I could've easily have finished the whole thing, AND have some nan as well. So I did pretty damned good, but I still can't shake the feeling that I "cheated". Then tonight we watched 4 episodes of Lost. We eat while we watch Lost. I ate about 1.5 cups of food: sauteed tuna steak avocado and onion salad lentil beans taboulli salad and I feel totally stuffed to the rafters; like I cheated. But the fact remains, I could've easily have eaten twice as much before. At least. Yet I still feel like I cheated. I need to really retrain myself -- I'm not on a "diet". I *have* a diet, but I'm not on a diet. I rarely feel starving. When I feel munchy, a glass of water usually does the trick. But I'm still dying of curiosity about what's going to happen when I stand on that scale tomorrow morning. Today the admin assistant told me that my face looked much thinner. She hadn't seen me since before my operation a week ago. When she said that I was elated. This is truly the best thing to happen to me. Why oh why couldn't I have found the LAP-BAND® a decade ago?
  10. Thou art a braggart! :frown: (just kidding!) That's totally cool. I would like to be where you are in about a year or two. You are truly an inspiration for me. It's so funny to think that I have a better shot at getting a 6-pack at 41 or 42 than I did at 21.
  11. Cool! I'm glad it resonates with you. It definitely feels that way for me as well! BTW, off-topic, how do you choose a profile picture and that neat-o BMI ticker from TickerFactory at the end of your post? I'd like to have one too. :frown:
  12. caffeine

    Profile Pictures

  13. I'm actually almost relieved to hear there's no magic involved. If my current weight loss is post-op surgery, then I'll take it graciously. :frown: I think what really sold me on this thing was the adjustability. Heh. I think your term, euphoria, pretty accurately describes me right now. My wife noticed that my multiple "love handles" are gone. Now I just need to work on that front tire I have hanging off my belly. :thumbup: One of the reasons why it *seems* effortless is that when I *am* hungry, a glass of water or a cup of water is enough to assuage it. I drink the water, and my stomach feels full. It gets rid of that empty pit feeling that can only be scratched by raiding the fridge. Is that the effect of post-op swelling? How many days does it take for that to subside? I'd just like to know so I can prepare for it. Right now I feel like I'm top of the world. Maybe a good dose of reality would be good for me.
  14. Good luck with that; I'll bet you're totally stoked. I was. I think I'm more or less normal now. No pain; I still have a couple of steristrips hanging on by a thread, but they'll prolly come off in the shower.


    I can honestly say that this thing is everything I was hoping it would be. The weight loss is *effortless*. Truly, truly effortless.... it's amazing!

  15. My name is Peter, and I'm from NYC, although I've lived in DC, FL, TX, MI, and CA. I consider NoCal to be my home. San Francisco is my favorite city in the world. I'm getting the procedure tomorrow; meeting the surgeon (Christine Ren from NYU MC) at 6am. Procedure starts 7:30am. At that hour, I doubt I'll need any anesthesia. :thumbup: I've been on a liquid only diet for 2 weeks. The first 5 days were one of the hardest things I've ever done, but watching the procedure done "for reals" on youtube gave me the will and resolve to stick it out on 1000 cal/day Protein shake diet. The 2 cups of veggies were the high point of my day. I've been faithful to the diet, and other than days where I probably had more like 3 cups of veggies, I have been 100% faithful to the diet. OK, there was one day I fell off the wagon and had 4 cups of veggies. My pre-op diet went something like this: Days 1-3: Agony. Pain. Like a drug addict in withdrawal. Days 4-5: Misery. Days 6-10: Much easier, but I felt like an angsty teenager, looking at a pizzeria or a deli knowing they aren't for me. I became angry with things like Subway sandwiches and yogurt. Typical "diet food" that was off limits for me. After day 10, I have to say the diet is much easier. Occasionally I feel hungry, but it almost feels natural to go for some rose-Water or some spicy broth. In all, I have lost 20lbs on this crazy diet. It's not that I'm not looking forward to eating my first pizza, but I really think the pre-op diet will make the 10 day post-op liquid diet much easier. I feel more prepared for it. Oh, I also have found the diet is MUCH easier on days I go to work. The weekends are much harder for me. I did a lot of research on bands, and decided that unless my surgeon thinks otherwise, I want the Realize-C. The reasons AGAINST the Realize-C are: 1. LapBand AP seems to have more weight loss associated with it. However, I am a mathematician, and I know claims like this are nearly meaningless. Contrary to what people say, statistics don't lie, however, you need an unbiased researcher who wants to do a good job, and this particular statistic does not come from an unbiased researcher. 2. The LB-AP is 3rd gen while the Realize-C is 2nd gen. True, but not compelling. I'm sure the Realize-C engineers had a LB-AP in their hands while contemplating the Realize-C design. 3. There is some empirical evidence that the Realize-C balloon may crease, causing saline leakage when past a fill of 9.0. However, I have full faith in my surgeon, and if she thought the risk was anything other than nearly insignificant, she wouldn't have offered it to me. There is risk in everything we do. There are numerous benefits to the Realize-C which seem compelling, but I think the port profile and insertion technique is what put me over the edge in favor of the Realize-C. So therefore, I'm going to ask her for the Realize-C unless opening me up reveals that LB-AP is a better choice. I have no number "goal" weight. My goal is to look great naked. I don't care if that puts me at 150, 180, or 200. I want to look at the mirror and say "Hell yeah, that's *my* body. Awwwww yeeeaaahhhhhhh......". I also want to be able to shop in any clothing store and be able to find clothes that fit. About a year ago, I went to H&M and not a single pair of pants fit me in the entire store. Not one. I was traumatized. So my secondary goal is to be able to find groovy clothes that fit me anywhere in any store. My last goal is to learn moderation. I want to eat a single pizza for lunch and say "You know? That was delicious and filling". Currently, even 2 pizzas would leave me hungry. I eat great food. I don't eat candy or sweets. I don't eat fast food at all. My last Big Mac was in 1986. My last KFC was in 2003, but before that, it was probably sometime in the 80's. However, I currently do not know moderation, e.g. I can eat a whole jar of Peanut Butter. I have made a few theories about weight loss in the past few weeks. I'm not sure if they're true, but it's what I've seen. 1. If you lose more than 2lbs in a day, expect diarrhea. Your body is probably in shock. 2. If you eat something, the weight you'll gain will not show up on a scale anytime soon. It takes about a day or two for the weight to fully show up. I have no idea why. It just appears to be true. 3. There is a moment in the morning where your weight is at a minimum. Past that time, even if you don't eat or drink a single solitary thing, your weight will increase. For me, that time is somewhere between 7:30am and 9:30am. Anyway, that's pretty much everything. I'm glad to have found this resource. I still have loads and loads to learn. I doubt I'll be able to meet support groups since I work in the financial district all the way downtown NYC, and sometimes I keep pretty late hours at work. But I'm hoping that forums like this will be a good substitute. Pete
  16. Hey Cathy, If you got a Lap-Band lapband, you almost certainly got the Lap-Band AP, with a whopping 14mL fill volume. It's their 3rd gen model. My surgeon said that Realize is often better for men and LabBand is often better for women. One of the reasons is that men usually have a layer of (healthy to have) fat that never disappears. It's encoded in our DNA just like wider hips are encoded in females' DNA. The Realize bands have a curve that accommodates that layer. I guess it's genetic leftover when we left our caves for a few days to wrestle apes and bring back dead boars to feed our fellow cave dwellers. Please don't tell my friends and family, but I have a passion for Chicago style pizza. In fact, my last 2 meals were a hot pastrami on rye from the 2nd Ave deli and Chicago deep dish style pizza. :-) But I live in NYC, which is also a food capital.... There are a few things that make me sad, like calamari and Chicago pizza, but as they say, nothing tastes nearly as good as being thin feels. I've also heard that people with LB lose the same kind of cravings that we used to have. It's now been a week for you -- are you finding that to be true? I imagine you haven't had your first fill yet. I'm relieved to hear that breathing is painful for others. Nobody warned me about that; I was stressing a little that that I was the only one. The hospital gave me a little breathing exercise device. I'm supposed to hit the 1500 mark. Right after surgery, I think I was able to hit like ... 500. In the evening I got up to 1000. This afternoon I hit 1200. I wonder of there's a LB FAQ out there? Your reply, along with a number of posts I've read here, have taught me a great deal about pre-op and post-op issues. Pete
  17. Thanks Tracy! I hear you about being inside and a part of the OR. I can't imagine what your job must be like. I've always heard that surgeons develop a strange detachment to horrifying situations because if they didn't, they'd be miserable thinking of all the people they work on. The nurses and staff at the NYU Bariatric Center have been wonderful. In fact, one of things I'm going to do today is send flowers to my surgical coordinator because she has been SO wonderful with everything. I think part of the reason is that doctors must have a really awful job -- telling people the most awful thing you can tell someone. And the nurses caring for people who have no hope. But bariatric hospital staff must be different. The office workers, staff, nurses, doctors see people who have suffered their entire lives. We have dieted and rode the weight rollercoaster our entire lives, and suddenly, we are being given the chance to reclaim our lives and really live to our full potential. No more searching the closets for a shirt that doesn't show a roll of fat. No more feeling awkward about having our pictures taken. I'm sure our excitement rubs off them, and I would imagine that even though there's a lot of fat people in the office, it must be a very positive, very good-vibe kind of place to work. Everytime I had to go to NYUMC, I couldn't help but have an out of control smile on my face. :scared2:
  18. caffeine

    band slipped!

    I don't know, but according to my packet, the symptoms are: * acid reflux * nausea * vomiting (inability to keep much of anything, even Water, down) If you suspect your band slipped, you should contact your doctor and get an ensophagram, which is a special type of x-ray that shows the position of the band around the stomach. Here are some pictures and more info: http://www.thinnertimes.com/weight-loss-surgery/lap-band/lap-band-complications/slippage.html
  19. Jeri, I see from your profile that you're nervous about the procedure. I have to reiterate what Bob said: Don't be nervous about the procedure. It really is nothing. The pain is minor, and the complication rate is very low, even compared with a totally benign surgery like having your tonsils taken out. I totally understand your excitement because I feel it myself. Best of luck to you!
  20. caffeine

    I've made up my mind

    Hi Lucy, I've been in college for over 20 years now. The first half of my doctorate I dated a girl who was really really really really thin, and that gave me the incentive to keep my weight under some kind of control (I've been stocky my whole life). After we broke up, my weight went up, and it's been steadily climbing (not monotonically) ever since. I'm finishing a 2nd masters in financial engineering, and I can totally sympathize with you about fitting in the desks. I fit, but my belly noticeably impinges on the edge of the desk. It's distracting, uncomfortable, and embarrassing. It's the last thing you need to be thinking about while taking an in-class test. So I totally understand where you're coming from, and I think your reason is totally valid.
  21. Hi Bob! Good to see a fellow guy on the forums. Had my surgery done yesterday. I was actually looking forward to it -- I've never had surgery before in my life, and I'm always looking forward to experiencing everything life has to offer. The whole process was fascinating. Right now, I have very little appetite. I'm not really in pain per se, although I'm "aware" of the stiched up hole in belly. And my throat still hurts a little bit from the tube they put in. I can't really bend down too well, so my wife helps me put on / take off my socks and shoes. I need to ask her to pick things up that I drop. And, to tell you the truth, I'm having so much here at home not going to work, that I don't even think much about the pain. I've been playing with my SqueezeBox music server, downloading good tunes, installing a wireless router, playing some video games. I'm having a blast, so the pain doesn't even bother me. My boss is totally cool and told me I can have the week off. I plan on telecommuting to work on Thursday and Friday and coming back in on Monday. By then, I'll be really looking forward to getting back to the office. I know you're not supposed to weigh yourself every day, but I was so excited to see my weight drop during the 2 week pre-op diet, that I did. Interestingly, my weight actually *increased* the day of the surgery by 2 pounds. But I think that's mainly due to swelling -- Water weight. Plus they gave me really salty broth at the hospital, and I never use salt, so that's probably water retention right there. I was told that they fill our body cavities with CO2 during laproscopic procedures, so farting and burping are common immediately afterwards, but so far so good. This would be day 2 for me, so it's good to hear most of your pain was the first 2 days. I'm hopeful that I can at least put on my own socks and shoes tomorrow. :-) Pete
  22. Good call -- that's a very neat blog. I'm surprised an attorney has time to devote to such a detailed blog! Is she here on the forums?

  23. caffeine


    Going through all my paperwork, tossing out stuff I don't need. Found my PCP's letter of medical recommendation and thought it might help you if I shared it. These were my co-morbidities: 1. Glucose metabolism 2. Hypertension 3. Musculoskeletal disease 4. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (no study) Diet history: Atkins, calorie counting, self diet, weight watchers, and medication Adipex-P (Phentermine) Impression: Peter is a 40 year old male with a BMI = 38.9 which places him in the morbidly obese category. This has directly contributed to his medical condition such as Glucose Metabolism, Hypertension, Muscularskeletal disease, and Obstructructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome, as well as, a decreased quality of life.
  24. Thanks Laura! I wasn't sure if describing my "bathroom problems" were too ... umm personal. But I figure we're all adults and are in the same boat. I have a tendency to "blab". :wub: My wife has the same problem with diet shakes. I can't decide if it's the shake itself, or if diarrhea simply accompanies rapid 2+ lb per day weight loss. I'm thinking it's the shake though. Those things have so much artificial sweetners and chemicals. I haven't researched it yet, but I'd be willing to bet that too much aspartame has been documented to cause bathroom problems. At this point, I can't have any more salads, but my diet is less restrictive in other ways. I plan to never put aspartame between my lips ever again. That stuff is SO nauseating.
  25. Michele, 101 pounds is FANTASTIC. Although it's my first day, and I'm still in pain a bit, I totally understand what you mean by walking on clouds every day. I feel like that right now. I completely understand you. BTW, I once drove a Honda VF1100C from Tallahassee, FL to Sacramento, CA. Passed by Austin. You guys have *great* highways!

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