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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ThreeDaysLong

  1. ThreeDaysLong

    3 week pre-op diet!

    I had a 3 week pre-op diet...Mine was completely a liquid diet...3-5 protein shakes a day only...I had 3-4 on a good day...it was hard but hey you might as well start this lifestyle change in a drastic way...from here on out you need to eat differently.
  2. I am now 2 weeks post op...I am still having shoulder pain...I was told it was from the anesthesia. Am I alone in this pain? It hurts mainly when I take a deep breathe...it has progressively gotten better but it has now dropped down to my side (acting like a catch just below my ribs on the same side as the shoulder - so it hurts in two spots now)...the pain meds help me but I am tired of taking them (I only take them to sleep at night now)...just curious if anyone has had this issue at all?
  3. Have you had to go through a full body scanner? Airports are now changing over to them...they do an x-ray of your entire body...I know O'hare Airport here in Chicago has a few of them already and will be changing over to them completely...
  4. ThreeDaysLong

    just banded with a few questions

    HEATING PAD...I am two weeks post op and still have a little shoulder pain ... HEATING PAD and pain meds...
  5. ThreeDaysLong

    Shoulder PAIN...how long?

    Yeah I use a heating pad EVERY night as I fall asleep...it works great...just want it to stop...not fun.
  6. I doubt it would be a big issue...the full body scanners will be the only things that will pick it up (because its all plastic) and they supposedly can tell what most stuff is...My dad has had his hip replaced and never has any issues (all titanium)...he does set off the metal detector and they just do a quick wand scan. The full body scanners shouldn't have issues with the lap band...maybe a call to the airlines and see what they say...you never know.
  7. ThreeDaysLong

    excruciating pain

    I am 2 weeks post op and have a little pain near my port (I have 1 year old triplets and they tend to kick me right there)...but I have found a nice COLD ice pack works wonders...once in the morning and once at night...its GREAT. Its worth a try...
  8. ThreeDaysLong

    What can I take for allergies??

    Zyrtec D (Or generic Version - half the price) best allergy med I have EVER taken...and I have tried them ALL. Zyrtec is a small pill...plus like someone said it is now in liquid form...
  9. ThreeDaysLong

    Odd protein drink question

    It is a mini Bender...BEST THING to blend... The Magic Bullet Blender - Official Website
  10. ThreeDaysLong

    Odd protein drink question

    I found the Milk tends to make it foam...when I use water it doesn't seem to have that problem...
  11. ThreeDaysLong

    Any sugggestions?

    I used my own family practice doctor...my insurance asked for a physician assisted weight loss program for 6 months...so every month I went in and got weighed and did all the thigns insurance requested. I couldn't do weight watchers or anything like that...insurance wouldn't view those as "real" diets. Look into exactly what your insurance requires...
  12. ThreeDaysLong

    Hair loss!!!

    One word PROTEIN. That is one of the effects of not getting enough protein. Up your dosage of protein...good place to start...
  13. Well I am 2 days post op now...I am a stay at home dad of one year old triplets so it has been REALLY hard to be good to myself. I have had quite a bit of pain...mostly my fault...doing more than I should. But all the pain is tolerable...I do take my pain meds as needed. Only two spots seem to hurt me...one is the port site (seems to be a popular one) and my shoulders are even worse (most painful part for me). Sleeping the night after surgery was pretty rough (at the hospital) due to pain and discomfort but my first night at home I slept great. I am moving around pretty well...if you go in thinking its going to be really painful you will be pleasantly surprised...my hospital made sure I stayed VERY comfortable.
  14. ThreeDaysLong

    Newly Banded

    I am 2 days post op...So I know how you feel right now. Today for lunch was the first time I have actually been able to put down about a 1/2 cup of soup. I wasn't hungry at all but I knew I need to try and get something down. Walking does help a ton...just don't over do it...I over did it a bit this morning so I am paying for it...Walking does help as long as it is not is excess...
  15. I would agree, the Magic Bullet is AWESOME. I am one day post op...and used it for two weeks prior to surgery for my pre-op diet (aka Protein Shake Diet) Took a little while to create the PERFECT shake but the Bullet makes it soooo simple...plus its easy to clean...a bandster MUST.
  16. ThreeDaysLong

    Am I the only one?

    I am being banded 3/23/10 and I have only told my wife, my parents (Not hers they are judgmental), My sister and brother in-law...and that's it. I think a big reason we (as larger folks) keep it quiet is because of the fear of failure. We are in our position because we have had numerous weight loss failures...last thing we want to do is tell everyone about this surgery and then fail (VERY unlikely chance of that). Even though this is almost a guaranteed weight loss (see all the results on this page) we still have a small feeling that it will fail like everything else we have gone through in our life...another failure... I plan on being a little bit more loose with telling people once I have had it done and people notice the success...
  17. ThreeDaysLong

    Will this work for me?...

    Well I may be a good person to talk to...My dad had Gastric Bypass about 4 years ago...My wife has PCOS...and I am getting banded 3/23/10. First and foremost start by finding a Bariatric Surgeon near you...go to one or two or three different ones (whichever you prefer)...I researched my surgeon well before I did a visit...I then went to the Seminar...the doctor went over both procedures (Band vs. By-pass) and answered any questions you may have...VERY informative in my case...I knew a little bit before hand that banding was the way to go for me...once you decide if it is a fit...sit tight its a little bit of a journey jumping through all the hoops to get all the approvals...be a good little circus monkey like me and it won't hurt...and now that's where I am at... As for the PCOS don't worry there are MANY options if it is still an issue after the weight loss...a lot of over weight people are diagnosed with PCOS (not always an accurate diagnosis). My wife if a bit of a different case she is thin and fit (140ish 5'10") and was still diagnosed with PCOS...yes I know it affects all sizes of women but there are options out there...my wife and I now have 3 one year olds (fertility...1.8% chance of triplets happening so don't fear fertility, if its needed)... Begin the life changing journey...lose the weight and see all the doors that WILL open... PM if you have any questions...
  18. Just thought I would say hello...I am almost to d-day...3/23/10 is my banding surgery day...I have a long way to go but I am excited about the journey... I am a stay at home dad of one year old triplets...having kids made me realize that much more that I needed to get healthy... Any other Northern IL banders?
  19. ThreeDaysLong

    So it begins...

    From FAT to fit...that's the goal...
  20. ThreeDaysLong

    As big as a HOUSE...roughly 325lb.

    From the album: So it begins...

  21. SAME situation right here...I just met my surgeon yesterday and I told him they made me get a CPAP machine...he said yeah they do it to cover their butts (Anesthesiologist butt)...My surgeon said I will never need it...I have one symptom (snoring) only when my allergies are bad...and the pulmonologist said it was a mild case...which according to the three doctors I asked about it said it was NOTHING at all...just do what you need to get the surgery...I plan on returning mine after surgery...
  22. ThreeDaysLong

    Denied...what should I do?

    My doctors office went to bat for me...they dealt with the insurance 100%...find a GOOD surgeon and have them do all the leg work...you can also have the doctor write a letter to the insurance to dispute the surgery denial...my office would do that three times before heading down a different road to get it approved...keep pushing it...it will be WELL worth it...
  23. ThreeDaysLong

    Omg liquid diet for 1 hole week!

    It's VERY doable...I have been I am on my second week of the shake diet...Surgery date is 3/23/10...Its hard...actually today was the hardest so far...but KEEP YOURSELF BUSY...it helps a ton. They also don't taste very good so that makes it even worse...but you can find things that are "OK" (per the doctor) that you can add to them to make them ok...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
