Hello. I am 4 months post op. Everything WAS going great! I had my first fill in Feburary. My doctor poked around on me for a good 15 minutes before decideing to wait a few days and do the fill under a portable x-ray machine. I went in, layed on the table, they positioned the x-ray where it needed to be, my doctor came in, numbed me, then found the spot right away. After my first fill was done, everything went fine. I went in March and decided I needed my 2nd fill. This time I had a doctor working under my doctor. He poked around for a half hour and couldn't find the spot he needed and it hurt. My doctor decided to do it, yet again, under a portable x-ray. This time, however, it wasn't so normal. When the x-ray was turned on, he asked the x-ray tech to do a lateral view. As soon as it turned on again, he knew it was upside down. Three or four of the stitches that are holding my port to my muscle broke. About 3 days after they discovered this, the last one broke. This was 3 weeks ago. I am waiting for my insurance company to ok the surgery to reflip the port. I am in a lot of pain right now. It feels like someone in jabbing me in the side and stomach with a knife from the inside. Has anybody had this happen? Does anybody know anything to take to help ease the pain?