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Everything posted by mnancy

  1. mnancy

    Pre surgery jitters

    Now I'm getting anxious!! My surgery will probably be in April and I've read about several unsuccessful situations on the web. They really scared me. But, I need to do this as I have to lose weight and nothing else has worked long term (and the short terms are getting shorter!). One of my kids asked what will I do when I come home from work totally stressed out and my old soother food is not available. I told him: "I don't know!" I will probably have my gall bladder out too as I have something on it, which will make this worse???? This is my first post (on any blog) so I'm not sure what to do.
  2. mnancy

    Pre surgery jitters

    Now I'm getting anxious!! My surgery will probably be in April and I've read about several unsuccessful situations on the web. They really scared me. But, I need to do this as I have to lose weight and nothing else has worked long term (and the short terms are getting shorter!). One of my kids asked what will I do when I come home from work totally stressed out and my old soother food is not available. I told him: "I don't know!" I will probably have my gall bladder out too as I have something on it, which will make this worse???? This is my first post (on any blog) so I'm not sure what to do.

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