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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ysuknow

  1. ysuknow

    It's set Dec. 19th

    November 16th- I got the call I have been waiting for. The insurance copy has approved the surgery. I am set to be banded on December 19th @ 7:30am at St. Joseph Health Center in Warren Ohio.... YEA!!! I started crying when she called. I can't wait. I feel like Dec. 19th is never going to be here. I have the Psych Workshop tonight at the Weight Loss Center (WLC) and Gabe (boyfriend) and Mom and Dad are going. I am very interested to see what that's like. When I went for my first consult the nurse informed me about this workshop and the purpose is to discuss the emotions that go along with lossing a large amount of weight and due to that a lot of people split up. I DO NOT want that to happen so I asked Gabe to go with me, since this is can help build our relationship. I had my nutirion appt this past Monday and she gave me all the information for the first days/2 weeks after surgery. It was very interesting, enough though I have done a lot of research there is still information I didn't know. I also never knew how to read nutrtion labels. If you are in this area (Youngstown, Ohio) and you are interested in this surgery you should really consider St. Elizabeth and St. Joseph Weight Loss Center. A lot of people in this area think they need to go to Cleveland or to the big city to get this surgery, but they can have this surgery and get the best treatment right here. I have nothing but great things to say about my experience with the WLC and its employees.
  2. ysuknow

    New from Cincinnati area

    Good afternoon all!! I am from the Youngstown area. I am scheduled for surgery on Dec. 19th by Dr. Woodruff at St. Joseph Health Center in Warren, Ohio. All of my appts, workshops, etc are at the St. Elizabeth & St. Joseph Weight Loss Center in Youngstown. Does anyone else go there?? I work at St. Elizabeth Health Center (Humility of Mary Health Partners) and we have great insurance. I just got clearance from the insurance company today, and started to cry when I was talking to them. Some people asked me, are you sure you want to do this right before the holidays?? I said yes, b/c I want to start 2007 with a fresh start!! I know that it is going to be very hard, but I feel like I have prepared myself mentally and emotionally that I will succeed. Not to mention that I couldn't ask for a more supporting family. My mom has been by my side the entire time, and I can't put into words how great that feels. At first she was very nervous, but after attending my first support group meeting with me she had a whole new outlook. It was nice being able to talk to people that have had this experience, who have had some struggles they could share and could give you real advise. Not that the Dr. or nurse etc at the dr's office aren't help b/c they are, but it is nice to be able to talk to someone that has experienced it first hand. Well I am ranting and raving, so I better go. Once more thing, if you have been banded, what is some advise you would give someone? What have been some of your struggles?? If you have not been banded yet, what do you look forward to the most?? What are you most scared of?? Thxs!! Beck
  3. ysuknow

    How I got here

    I thought this journal was great... You captured my feelings in just a few sentences.... Thank you!!
  4. ysuknow

    It's set Dec. 19th

    November 16th- I got the call I have been waiting for. The insurance copy has approved the surgery. I am set to be banded on December 19th @ 7:30am at St. Joseph Health Center in Warren Ohio.... YEA!!! I started crying when she called. I can't wait. I feel like Dec. 19th is never going to be here. I have the Psych Workshop tonight at the Weight Loss Center (WLC) and Gabe (boyfriend) and Mom and Dad are going. I am very interested to see what that's like. When I went for my first consult the nurse informed me about this workshop and the purpose is to discuss the emotions that go along with lossing a large amount of weight and due to that a lot of people split up. I DO NOT want that to happen so I asked Gabe to go with me, since this is can help build our relationship. I had my nutirion appt this past Monday and she gave me all the information for the first days/2 weeks after surgery. It was very interesting, enough though I have done a lot of research there is still information I didn't know. I also never knew how to read nutrtion labels. If you are in this area (Youngstown, Ohio) and you are interested in this surgery you should really consider St. Elizabeth and St. Joseph Weight Loss Center. A lot of people in this area think they need to go to Cleveland or to the big city to get this surgery, but they can have this surgery and get the best treatment right here. I have nothing but great things to say about my experience with the WLC and its employees.
  5. ysuknow

    My first meetings

    October 23rd- I had my first appointment w/ my surgeon yesturday. He is great!! I was there for HOURS!!!:faint: I met w/ him, the nurse and the counselor. We answered all my questions and told me what I needed to do in order to get the ball rolling:D . After my meeting w/ him I met with the psychologist and had to take a 567 questions T/F test. :help: We discussed my family and he asked me a few personal questions. I was there for around 2.5 hours. I am waiting to get the appointment for my cardio eval. What is appts are set: 10/25- Support group mtg 11/6- Ultrasound and scope 11/15- Bone Screening 11/16- Psychological Patient Workshop
  6. ysuknow

    My first meetings

    October 23rd- I had my first appointment w/ my surgeon yesturday. He is great!! I was there for HOURS!!!:faint: I met w/ him, the nurse and the counselor. We answered all my questions and told me what I needed to do in order to get the ball rolling:D . After my meeting w/ him I met with the psychologist and had to take a 567 questions T/F test. :help: We discussed my family and he asked me a few personal questions. I was there for around 2.5 hours. I am waiting to get the appointment for my cardio eval. What is appts are set: 10/25- Support group mtg 11/6- Ultrasound and scope 11/15- Bone Screening 11/16- Psychological Patient Workshop
  7. ysuknow

    Help I want a new addiction

    You need a new addiction? Work out!! or scrapbook. Take pictures. Go to a park with a camera and take pictures. You can exercise and take pretty pictures too
  8. ysuknow

    At the beginning

    October 19th- I have my 1st mtg w/ Dr. Woodruff Monday morning 10/23/06 at the St. Elizabeth and St. Joseph Weight Loss Center in Youngstown, Ohio. Afterwards I am scheduled w/ Dr. Esperon for my psych eval. I spoke w/ Dr. Esperon on the phone and he seems extremely nice and I am interested in mtg w/ him. I am getting the ball rolling b/c I wish to have this done before the holidays. I have tried dieting for so many years but as soon as I take one step off track I gaining it all back plus some. My heaviest weight was 264lbs and that was in October of 2004 and I think now I am about 250lbs. I did lose around 50 lbs doing weight watchers but I have slowly gained it all back. Since I work at the hospital that I am having the surgery at I have access to a lot of support and help from co-workers. Everyone I have spoke with so far have been extremely nice and have made this decision an easy one to make. I will let you know how the mtg w/ the dr.'s go on Monday. :clap2: God bless, Becks "Your body is the baggage you must carry through life. The more excess the baggage, the shorter the trip."~~A.H. Glasgow
  9. ysuknow

    At the beginning

    October 19th- I have my 1st mtg w/ Dr. Woodruff Monday morning 10/23/06 at the St. Elizabeth and St. Joseph Weight Loss Center in Youngstown, Ohio. Afterwards I am scheduled w/ Dr. Esperon for my psych eval. I spoke w/ Dr. Esperon on the phone and he seems extremely nice and I am interested in mtg w/ him. I am getting the ball rolling b/c I wish to have this done before the holidays. I have tried dieting for so many years but as soon as I take one step off track I gaining it all back plus some. My heaviest weight was 264lbs and that was in October of 2004 and I think now I am about 250lbs. I did lose around 50 lbs doing weight watchers but I have slowly gained it all back. Since I work at the hospital that I am having the surgery at I have access to a lot of support and help from co-workers. Everyone I have spoke with so far have been extremely nice and have made this decision an easy one to make. I will let you know how the mtg w/ the dr.'s go on Monday. :clap2: God bless, Becks "Your body is the baggage you must carry through life. The more excess the baggage, the shorter the trip."~~A.H. Glasgow
  10. I just wanted to say that I am meeting w/ my dr. on monday and I am very nervous. Am I making the right choice?? I read your post and you gave me the encouragment I needed!! Thank you and God bless
  11. How do you start a post?
  12. Good luck... I have my first meeting w/ my physician on the 23rd of this month. And i will start the long process of getting all the paper work and pre testing done
  13. ysuknow

    New from Cincinnati area

    I too an from Youngstown and have a meeting scheduled w/ my physician for Oct. 23rd to discuss the procedure... I am trying to get as much information as possible prior to my meeting.

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