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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by khath0620

  1. So I have done exceptionally well in the past with my weight loss. I was banded in May 2010 and proceeded to lose about 120 pounds. I was eating right, exercising minimum 5 days a week. I even ran a 10K! Then last January I got a bad ankle injury and was in a boot for 3 months and then had to go to Physical Therapy for another 3 months. My exercise took a huge hit and that one injury completely derailed me .... physically and emotionally! I ended up getting depressed and gained 20 pounds last year and I am PISSED at myself! So here I am, a year later, still clawing my way to find my motivation and get back on track. Its funny how I KNOW what I have to do but end up doing what feels COMFORTABLE....I tell myself the same stupid things I told myself before I got banded: - "Its ok if you don't want to go to the gym today, you are super busy with other things" - "You had a rough day, that extra (whatever) will make you feel better" - "You can start fresh tomorrow".... - yada, yada, yada....... I am fortunate that I didn't gain back more weight but I feel every single one of those 20 pounds on my body and soul....and I DON'T LIKE IT! So I am going to stand in the uncomfortable truth that I have choices every moment of every day. I can choose to get up and get my workouts in (and not scroll through facebook for 1/2 hour). I can choose to not put extra things on my salad that would raise the calorie count. I can choose to weight, measure and track my food on myfitnesspal app. I can choose to get my Water in. So here is the manta I need to keep telling myself to get me through this tough part of getting back on track: I owe no one anything. I don't owe any apologies for gaining weight. I don't have to feel shame for gaining weight, it happened. It is in the past and now IT'S TIME TO MOVE FORWARD. That old "stinkin' thinkin'" has to go! Time to get back to who I was, who I am meant to be! Stay strong everyone and I will do the same!
  2. I am looking forward to starting my insurance process for getting a TT. Just curious for those who have had the procedure how much the extra skin weighed? I have a pretty good pannus right now and curious how much I might lose.... Thanks, Katie
  3. Hi all, I have been in OA coming up on 2 years in June. I struggled initially with the program and ultimately decided I needed a little more help for my compulsive overeating. I was banded May 2010. I am down down about 50 pounds and have just started with a new OA food sponsor. She seems really cool and open minded but I am nervous about telling her about my band. Not sure if I am afraid of criticism or what. I don't feel a need to share in the meeting but I almost feel like I am lying to her if I don't tell her alone. Any thoughts? Thanks, Katie
  4. khath0620

    100 9509

    From the album: My journey

    2/1/2012 13 days post op
  5. khath0620


    From the album: My journey

    6 months out from my tummy tuck....feeling good!
  6. khath0620

    So Frustrated!!!

    Hi all, I guess I just need to vent a minute. I am about 5-10 pounds away from what I think is my goal weight. By the BMI standards I will still be overweight but I am very muscular that I am ok with that (muscle weighs more than fat). I am working out 4-5 days a week and getting about 1500 cal/day on average. I keep wondering why am I so stuck on chasing a number versus being proud of myself that I could finish a bootcamp successfully without having 911 called! I couldn't walk well for 2 days after but I did it! Why can't I be ok with me exactly the way I am? It is just because I am down over 100 now and I am so close to my personal goal I can taste it! I don't want to give up, I am afraid to give up. GGGRRR!!!! Anyone else feel like this??? thanks, Katie
  7. I am so frustrated that I have NO BOOBS LEFT!!!! I, of course, have plenty to share from my butt/hips. I am left to "pad up" with various lingerie. I had a tummy tuck in January and feel great, just wish "the girls" could get work done too. Oh well, 1 plastic surgery for a lifetime is good enough for me. Have a great day, ladies!
  8. khath0620

    Lost It All In The Wrong Places.....

    OOHHH!!! What is Hollywood Tape???
  9. khath0620

    My journey

  10. khath0620

    Tall Boots/fat Calves??

    I have lost about 112 and still can't wear regular boots! Ugh!
  11. Please be sensitive ... I have been on threads where people have made negative comments about any number of things. It took a lot of courage for me to put these pics up here. I had my TT done 13 days ago and still swollen a bit. I am feeling pretty well, just tired mostly. I have added the pre-op pics .... I will warn you, they are NOT pretty! I am not perfect but I am on my journey..... Thanks, Katie
  12. I am down over a hundred pounds but still feel like the fat girl. My head cannot wrap around my new body. Just wondering if anyone else feels the same way..... Take care, Katie
  13. khath0620

    100 9513

    From the album: My journey

  14. you look incredible!!!!
  15. khath0620

    Almost 2 Wks Post Tt Pics

    THank you, Brandi! I did have 2 drains, spoiltmom. They came out 5 days post op and the other 12 days post op. I saw my PS for my 1 month checkup and she is very pleased with the results. I see see imperfections but, well pointed out, no one is perfect but I am a LOT better than I ever was. My husband has even noticed a new found confidence and LOVES it! It was the best thing I ever did for myself!
  16. khath0620

    100 9522

    From the album: My journey

  17. I just met with my LB surgeon and he said, appropriately, that I should not be governed by a chart or generalized standard. I am not on any meds for BP nor am I diabetic or have any other health issues. With regards to my goal, I feel like I am very close. I am tall, broad shoulders/hips, and muscular. To be at a "normal" standard, I would have to lose a minimum of like 12-15 pounds more which is very overwhelming to me plus I think I would look unhealthy at that point and I honestly don't think I could maintain it. I would drive myself crazy chasing a number! I think it is REALLY important for you to determine what is healthy for you versus getting to a certain number. If people are telling you that you are looking unhealthy then maybe you past your point of stopping. Have you met with your nutritionist recently? Would they be able to help you out a bit more with a maintenance plan? Good luck and congrats on your success! Best, Katie
  18. khath0620

    100 9510

    From the album: My journey

    2/1/2012 13 days post op
  19. khath0620

    Almost 2 Wks Post Tt Pics

    Hi there, my PS did not want to touch the port so it is in its original location. I have not started using anything for the scars yet but I have heard Vitamin E works well. I still have a few scabbed areas that need to heal up before I can start softening the scar. I have been told that the scar will lighten over time as well. Again, thank you all for your support. I have come a long way physically but need my mind to catch up with where my body is. I still see myself as "the big girl" that I once was. Work in progress I guess.... :^) Katie
  20. Hi all, I was banded May 18, 2010 and am down about 95 pounds. I am due to have my TT in 2 weeks. All in all, I LOVE my band. What I don't love is how cold I am ALL THE TIME! I can't ever seem to warm up. Picture me on Christmas morning....in feety pajamas, a bathrobe, under and electric blanket, holding a hot cup of coffee, and in a room with a wood stove. Only then was I comfortable. Does anyone else experience this BONE COLD chill? Will it ever end?!?!? Thanks, Katie
  21. khath0620

    Almost 2 Wks Post Tt Pics

    Thank you all for your support and encouragement. I REALLY appreciate it and it is because of all the people on this website that I have been so successful! Good luck to all of you on your journeys as well! Love, Katie
  22. khath0620

    100 9493

    From the album: My journey

    1/18/2012 one day before my TT
  23. khath0620

    100 9495

    From the album: My journey

    1/18/2012 one day before my TT
  24. khath0620

    Please Help Me :(

    I had to "detox" from sugar products a while back, I am DEFINITELY a sugar addict. It changes who I am and how I behave. The first few days were really rough but now I don't crave it much. The craving isn't gone but at least I can say no. I think what Joyce said is great, maybe you are just craving the caffeine. If you have any issues w/ sugar like I do, then that is a double whammy! Also, be kind to yourself. You are not weak! You are a strong, determined person who reached out for help and advice! Doesn't that say something to you? Good luck, Katie

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