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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by khath0620

  1. This is such a personal journey including your decision to tell people. There are some people I have shared with, people that I trust. There are others that are noticing that I am losing weight but I just tell them I am increasing my exercise and time at the gym while watching my portion sizes....its true without telling them I went through with this procedure. I am not ashamed about it, I think it is the best thing I could have done for myself. I just know how they are and what they would say. I am making myself healthier and no matter what path I took, it is MY path. Gracierose...I really felt pretty good within a week but because of lifting precautions, had to take 2 weeks off. Going back to work was kind of like coming back from vacation...you know how when you start off really slow and then pick up. I just wouldn't plan to do much after work when you get back. Do you have enough vacation time or sick time to take 3 weeks off just to be sure you are ready to go back??? Katie
  2. khath0620

    I need to move away from the scale...

    Thank you for all your support! It means a lot to me to get the encouragement from such a successful bander! Have a great day!
  3. khath0620

    Alcohol After Lapand

    My doc says that an occasional glass of wine or mixed drink is fine but no beer/carbonated beverages. The only thing about alcohol is that there are extra calories...
  4. Hi there, I am an Occupational Therapist in an acute care hospital. Needless to say, my job is fast paced and requires heavy lifting of patients. I had to be out of work (per MD order) for 2 weeks but I felt physically well enough to go back after 1 week. My recommendation is to take the time off your doctor recommends and take care of yourself. This is a big change in lifestyle and takes some time to get used to. The other thing is to listen to your body...when you go back to work you will be a little on the tired side from not being as active (at least I was). Ease into it and don't overcommit yourself if you can help it! Katie
  5. khath0620

    Looking for May Bandsters

    Everything is going fine I guess. I am trying to not fall into the trap of wanting all my weight off overnight. I have to work hard to not assume if the scale doesn't reflect all the hard work I am doing immediately then the band is failing or I am failing the band. I have to look at all the other positive changes I have made....going to the gym 4-5 days a week, fitting into clothes now that were impossible for me to fit in for the last few years, having more energy. The weight will eventually come off but it is a slow journey. I guess I need to just keep that in mind and work on my patience. It took me a LONG time to get to the weight I was, I can't expect to wake up thin and in perfect shape. Hope all is well with you....:redface: Katie
  6. I just spoke with my nutritionist and she said that typically my surgeon's office sees patient's eating about 1200 cal/day but, as stated earlier, everyone is different and there are different variables to consider including activity level. I am getting about 1600 or so cal/day and I do not feel I am losing well. I also don't feel I am adjusted to where I need to be just yet, not in the "sweet spot".
  7. I was banded 5/18/10 and I down 31 pounds. When speaking to other bandsters, I seem to be able to eat a lot more than others can. I have 5cc in a 14cc band. My surgeon does not recommend that his patients weight and measure their food but rather go by their body's signs of fullness. I find myself eating faster than maybe I should and feeling really full after my meal. I haven't gotten sick or thrown up though. Anyone have any suggestions??? I go tomorrow for another fill/checkup. Thanks, Katie
  8. khath0620

    Looking for May Bandsters

    Thanks for getting back on track all you May bandsters! I think the farther I get out of surgery the harder it becomes. I tend to lose some of that rigidness and can become softer in following the rules. Listening to your stories/successes/struggles help me out tremendously. After all, we are all going on this journey together. I, myself, just had a 1 pound weight gain following vacation. I could look at it as a failure that I didn't lose weight but I can also look at it as it could have been a lot worse. Back in the day, I would have had the mindset that I could eat anything because I was on vacation. I didn't this time, or rather, I couldn't. Did I make the best choices? No, not 100% of the time but I did make much better choices than I would have had I not been banded. Thanks to y'all for your support.... Katie
  9. khath0620

    Banded 5/20 First Fill 6/29 HELLO

    I went to the doctor yesterday and was up 1 pound. I was the only one who freaked out...he was fine with it. All he said was that I needed an adjustment. He also wanted me to look at the good progress I have made since surgery (30#) and the positive changes I have made to my everyday living by going to the gym and eating better. I felt very supported. I did ask him again about if I should be weighing my food and he said, "Absolutely not. This is not a diet, its a lifestyle." In a way, I like that he want me to listen more to my body cues. It is 3 meals a day and 1 high Protein snack that they want. This is their tool for success. Thanks, Katie
  10. khath0620

    I'm really worried I am eating too much...

    So I went to the doctor's yesterday and I was actually up 1 pound. I, of course, freaked out. He was so great...he just said, no problem, just means you need an adjustment. He put another 2 ccs in and now I am up to 7 ccs in my 14 cc band. He is really pleased with my 30# weight loss since May. I don't really know if I feel restricted yet because I haven't eaten anything solid. Prior to this, I have pretty much been able to eat things I didn't think I could. I had some brown rice, Pasta, toast (not bread), and even a few munchkins on vacation, etc. I am hoping I get good restriction this time but, as my doctor says, as you lose more weight you will need to be adjusted every now and then and not to worry. Some advice others told me to slow down my eating....not eating with my family (who eats fast), using a clock to put 2 minutes between bites, using baby utensils.... Thanks! Katie
  11. Sydney, When you say you put on weight, how much did you gain? My OB said that most of her patients deny weight gain but the pamphlet they gave me said that there is a chance for about a 2-3 pound weight gain.... I am supposed to have it put in Wednesday but I don't want to slow/stop my weight loss..... Katie
  12. I think they are pretty strict for the cutoff for a bunch of different reasons including surgical complications, liability, etc. They aren't trying to be mean or anything but they also need to see that you will take this procedure seriously because it is a serious operation. The Glasgows want you to succeed but they are not willing to put you through something if you aren't ready for it. You will have to meet with the team psychologist to be cleared for the procedure anyhow and he may stall you from having it if they do not feel you are both physically and emotionally ready to do the work. It is a huge commitment and lifestyle change. I know that band time is still a couple of months away but they need to see that you will be able to follow through with the requirements to lose weight. TRUST ME, it is worth the work! I am down 30# since my May 18th surgery and I am eating well, exercising (and liking it) and feeling so much more energized. The band is only a tool and it can be sabotaged if your mind and heart are not into the process. I know someone who went for the full gastric bypass because she knew she ultimately would eat right through the band....not saying that is the right thing for you, but it was for her. good luck, Katie
  13. khath0620

    Banded 5/20 First Fill 6/29 HELLO

    Hi there, I was also banded on 5/18 and I have had 2 fills so far (5 ccs in a 14 cc band) and I feel only a little restriction. I can still have a decent size salad or a whole sandwich. I go next week for another fill/appointment. My surgeon wants me to lose 1-2 pounds a week. They will add Fluid if I don't meet that. If I do meet that, then they said they won't add anymore and wait another couple of weeks. I like to feel "full" after only a small amount...although my "small amount" may still be too big for what they want me to have. I am afraid I am going to stretch my pouch...something I have to address with the nutritionist. :scared2: Katie
  14. khath0620

    Evil birth control pill

    I am in the same boat. I have PCOS too and have been on the pill since I was 18 (I am 35 now). I stopped taking my pill a month before surgery and don't want to go back on it because I know I gain a few pounds when I am on it. I am going to get the Mirena which is supposed to be side effect free and, hopefully, will keep my ovarian cysts at bay. I just don't want to have worked THIS hard to put weight on because of medicine!
  15. Hi...I am doing fine. I had my 1st fill last Tuesday and, at that time, I was down 27. I have been to BBQs and the food has been very manageable. I haven't had any "stuck" episodes but I have felt overly full and that is uncomfortable. I am starting to know better now. I haven't been exercising the way I should...it is such a mind thing to get my butt moving. The whole thing about the band is that there is still a lot of work to do with it .... watching what I eat, getting myself to exercise, etc. The band is just a reminder to me to stop overeating. I am only 7 weeks out but I would do it again for sure. The Glasgows are nothing but supportive and I couldnt speak highly enough about the whole office. Let me know what you decide....:) Katie

  16. khath0620

    Got first fill today

    I am having a fill this upcoming Tuesday. I can't wait because I feel like I am eating TOO much. For instance, I was able to eat a veggie burger on a flour wrap with a slice of cheese and veggies the other night. I am not sure I should be eating that much, even though it is healthy stuff. My surgeon does not want me to weigh or measure my food but rather eat slowly and go by my body's signals. I haven't stepped on a scale at home (I would drive myself nuts stepping on it everyday if I had one) so I don't know what my weight actually is. oh well...
  17. Has anyone heard of gaining weight when you transition from mushies to solid food? The nutritionist said that there is a possibility of a small weight gain initially....what the heck?!?! Is there any way to avoid that???? Thanks, Katie
  18. Thanks, Suzanne. That made me feel better. I just couldn't imagine GAINING weight by not only eating so little but also being frustrated because I worked this hard to get it off! :devil_smile: Katie
  19. Hi Priscilla,

    I just started on "real food" yesterday. I met with the nutritionist and the nurse. I am down 27# and can start doing all the exercising I want. I have to go back in 2 weeks on 6/29 to get my 1st fill. I will tell you that I am really hungry again. They said this is 100% normal because I don't have any fluid in the band yet and the post-op swelling is down. Many people feel better when they are on solids because it gives them some substance in their stomach. I hope so! I am scared of getting stuck so I am taking it really slow. I am hard pressed to give up the comfort of my cottage cheese and yogurt but I need to. Sounds as though your process continues to be bumpy! I am so sorry. I am sure this will all work itself out. I can't imagine how frustrating this is. For the life of me I will never understand insurances! I went to the 6/8 support group meeting. It was ok and I am planning on doing 1 per month. Have you gone to anymore?


    Talk to you soon!

    :) Katie

  20. Hi all, I was banded 5/18 and am down 25 pounds! I am very happy and feel my energy returning. I haven't been hungry for food, just TEXTURE and CHEWING! I am about to start week 2 of 2 of pureed foods. I can start solids after my next appointment on 6/15. I am really looking forward to this although I am am concerned with starting to eat solids and getting stuck. I have to get my butt moving though....just started back to work and it kicked my butt! Hope everyone is doing well! :thumbup: Katie
  21. I was banded by Arthur on May 18th. I have nothing but great things to say about him. He is kind, compassionate and very knowledgeable. He truly makes you feel important and respected, which is something that all people should feel about their surgeon. After all, you are putting your life in their hands. I would (and already have) highly recommend Arthur to anyone. :^) Katie
  22. khath0620


    Thank God!!! I thought I would never be able to eat sushi again and it was heartbreaking!!! I love sushi!
  23. khath0620

    Protein Problem...

    I think you should try to take Gas-X with the Protein for a while. It takes time for your stomach to get used to having something foreign around it. I have been taking Gas-X with some meals just because I have a similar issue. I was banded 5/18. From what I understand this will all get better..... :thumbup: Katie
  24. khath0620

    Looking for May Bandsters

    You all are doing so well! Such success stories for me to "feed" on! I have lost 20# since my pre-op surgical visit on 5/4. I was banded on 5/18. I still have occasional aches and pains and am just shy of enough energy to chase after my 2 and 4 yr old children. That will all get better I am sure. I am so proud of you all ... you keep me coming back for more! :^) Katie
  25. khath0620

    I'm Home!!!! Banded 5/17!!!!!

    Congrats! I had my band done on Tuesday 5/18 and am feeling ok. I am still having some gas issues, ? if I am getting constipated (although not sure because there isn't much going in so how could I expect anything, well, you know...). This is a very exciting journey, huh?

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