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About MaggieG257

  • Rank
  • Birthday 06/10/1964
  1. It’s a special day here at BariatricPal, according to your profile..it’s your birthday. Happy Birthday, MaggieG257!

  2. Happy 49th Birthday MaggieG257!

  3. Happy 48th Birthday MaggieG257!

  4. MaggieG257


    I'm a newbie and looking for all the information I can. I'm reading, reading, reading! There's always a part of me that is skeptical because I've tried so many times to lose weight in the last 20 years but keep regaining what I lose and more...I've dieted myself to 260lbs at 5'6" with a BMI of 41. There are so many people here who are like me and have had success. I have to trust the process and do as I'm told. I'm so ready. Just waiting for insurance approval at this point......I'm learning patience with this process :-)

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