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LAP-BAND Patients
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About sharayo

  • Rank
  • Birthday 03/08/1977
  1. Happy 36th Birthday sharayo!

  2. Happy 35th Birthday sharayo!

  3. girlfriend you are doing great!@!!! i can tell you i got on the scale the other night and weight 281 and the next morning i was 278. so it could be time of the day or any of the other feminine crap that plays a part in a womans weight. its very encouraging and exciting to see a loss on the scale, but if you are following the program dont allow the scale to discourage you. in the long run you will acheive total sucess.:thumbup:
  4. the preop diet is so hard because you are becoming in touch with what real hunger is. it was the hardest thing about the surgery. before i started my journey i never knew what hunger was because i was always eating. she is so blessed to have you on board and a huge support:thumbup: great job.
  5. i had my surgery on 2-26-10. i am so happy to feel a freedom of the shackles food had over my life. i am noticing other behaviors in my life that werent really an issue before becoming addictive behaviors... especially since my first fill and i CANNOT overeat or use food as a comfort or drug. i dont want to get into these addictions because they are unhealthy to say the least. i wanted to see if anyone else have had this problem and what i can do to not allow these behaviors to continue? :thumbdown:
  6. i have been itching all over since i got out of surgery. the nurse in the hospital said it was the morphine. but tomorrow will be a week post op. should i still be itching? could i be allergic to the band??

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