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Posts posted by jebeccar

  1. I know it's a little thing to most people, but I am deathly afraid of puking. As in I get a panick attack if I think there might be a possibility I would throw up. I haven't puked since I was 9.

    I have done research, I had my consult today and am scheduled for April 5, and then I come on here and it's puke everywhere! Vomiting, PB-ing, SLIME (you've got to be kidding!) I understand it's eating too fast, taking too big of bites, but does it happen to everybody? If I'm careful could it still happen? I'm a cronic sinus sufferer, and it looks like post nasal stuff can clog it and cause all this nastiness? Where is THAT picture in my brochure?

    Anyway, if anyone could let me know if it's a guaranteed thing that I'm going to be spewing, and if anyone has severe sinus stuff and how they reacted.


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