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LAP-BAND Patients
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About granny

  • Rank
  • Birthday 12/15/1942
  1. Happy 70th Birthday granny!

  2. Happy 69th Birthday granny!

  3. 5 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 5th Anniversary granny!

  4. granny

    lap Band in Springfield Mo

    :clap2: Hello, everyone, As my insurance would not cover lapband, I had gbp, the 27th of dec., came home next day, I am doing great, My hubby is taking good care of me, I am sore, but the meds are doing a good job. No nausa, I have been on a full liquid diet just like before surgery and no problems. I am walking as much as posibble and drinking water all the time. Good luck to everyone who has wls no matter what kind of surgery you have and a happy new year. Glenda
  5. granny

    lap Band in Springfield Mo

    Hi, I have Tricare insurance, When I contacted St. Johns in july, I asked them for the surgery number so I could give it to Tricare, they gave me numbers for gbp as well as lapband, when I called Tricare they said both were covered, that is why I went through the whole process only to find out some where some one messed up, either St Johns gave me the wrong numbers or the person I talked to at tricare didnt know what she was doing. Don't and I repeat DON'T DO ANYTHING till you know for sure you are covered. It is a lot of money out of pocket that insurance does not cover, right up front, getting all that paper work and research done is a lot of work and time. My deductable is 150.00 and 20% of everything else, up to 3000.00, then after that they pay 100%. But what St Johns does not tell you till the last minuet is they want all that up front!! before thet set your date for surgery. I had met my dectable but still had to come up with 2900.00 Only had a weeks warning. I was in shock, thought I would have a few months to pay them after the bills came in. But I wasnt meant to be I guess. I got the money and a surgery date, I have compleate confidence in DR, Edwards and am ready dec. 27th. Glenda
  6. granny

    lap Band in Springfield Mo

    Hi My insurance did not approve me for lap Band, I was so disapointed but they did approve me for Gastric Bypass, which I am having, I see DR, Edwards tuesday, to set the date. But I think you would be wise to stay close to home, I have complete confidence in the St. Johns Bariatric program. Why go to KC and all the extra expence. I wish you luck wherever you go. Glenda
  7. granny

    lap Band in Springfield Mo

    Hi Traci, Here in Springfield the St. Johns Hospital is the only hospital at this time doing Lap bands. My Dr. Is DR. Edwards, there is also a DR. Hodges, who I here is really good, both Doctors have excellent ratings.Found out yesterday, My paperwork hasnt been sent out yet(a bummer) Takes about 2 weeks for Tri Care to give approval, so it may be early December before I get mine done. Good luck and keep me posted. Glenda
  8. granny


    No Date yet, waing for final approval from insurance, then last visit with Dr. Edwards to set date. Granny
  9. granny

    lap Band in Springfield Mo

    Hi Heather and Linda, I hav'nt been on line in a while, glad to hear from you. I am only waiting for final approval from my insurance, has been a week since the papers were sent in. Then one more appointment with Dr Edwards and he will set a date. I am so excited. I was hoping it would be before Thanksgiving, but if not it should be close after. Linda tell me what you ate the first week. I have bought a little bit of everything. I am so happy for you, 58 lbs is a lot of weight to lose. I need to lose 140 lbs!!!! Heather, hang in there the process takes time, my daughter went with me to the first seminar, To save time I got the paper work ahead of time, and turned it in that night, it takes some time to round up all the info you need to put in the application, also put in for a copy of your medical records for the last 5 years, and be sure to make a copy for yourself, after you get them, that takes time also. I wish you luck. Glenda
  10. Hi, This my first post . I am going through the process and hope to have my surgery in November in Springfield Mo. I need to take off 140 lbs. I had the diet consult today and went shopping at Wall Mart and Sams for meal replacements. I am new at this sort of thing, not too great on a PC, hopefully I will get the hang of it in time.
  11. Hi, This is my first post, I am hoping to have my Lapband done in Nov. Bought liquid meal stuff and vitamins. Had the diet consult today. Need to take off 140 lbs.I am having my surgery in Springfield MO.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
