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wannabe slinky

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by wannabe slinky

  1. I have lost almost 5lbs since last Thursday, so well chuffed, only another 5 to go before I get back to my pre-Crimbo weight.

    Dont know whether its because I have got that stupid flu thing, or whether its my restriction, but I dont really feel hungry, and when I try I have to think what CAN I eat.

    Dont worry about eating chocolate, if thats all you can eat, do it, you have to eat something.

    Been there, done that.

    Freddyboys phone number is ......+32(0)472019091 or at least thats the number he gave me last year, I hope it hasnt changed.

    aw freckles bless you daughter and son in law hope you are all coping ok,great to hear your weightloss that is fab from last week,you will be at goal very soon xx

  2. Yeah i know what u mean sliky, As i havnt been losing that much weight and i dont want a defill if anything i was going to have another fill lol. Its a bit better 2day can get Soup and liquids down now. I had eat a piece of chicken and think it was that that got stuck, so i'll need to try and be more careful when eating. I suppose its a learning curve. Hope u feel better soon xx

    i know what is wrong with me wyliecat i was told my nephew had a motorbike crash and had to have pins put in his leg and it was the stress and worry that tightened my band,because now that i have calmed down im ok xx

  3. Hi slinky you doing well girl, i had 4 fills 8mls in my band i still don't have any restriction i eat quite a lot!! i spoke to frederick but he said i shouldn't be having any more fill 4 a long time!!

    i haven't lost any since my last fill last month so im very depress i might be the unlucky one !!

    hi laila your doing well yourself hun,considering you havnt any restriction,i can hardly eat a thing,if your still not losing weight ask freddy to take your Fluid out and check hw much you have in to make sure you have 8ml cause i have 6.5 and can only eat few mouthfulls and dont feel hungry at all see how you get on first xx

  4. Hi all hope ur all doing good. Got a wee problem havn't been able to eat anything for a couple of days without it coming back up. Feel like ive got something stuck. Will it eventually dislodge itself or do i need to get defilled. I would be grateful for any advice.

    hi wyliecat i had the same thing i was away in belfast for the weekend and felt as though my throat was closing over,everything i tried to eat Soup? felt like i was bloated and then a few mins later i was sick,i ate nothing the whole weekend,i was thinking of getting a defill too but today i feel a bit better so think i will persevere with it and just stick to shakes or somthing untill my stomach shrinks and it eases my band lol as i can take fluids ok so think i will put up with it for a bit xx

  5. Hi all

    All packed got euros, and my list of pain killer,s food stuff,just want to get it over with now.

    Ive weighed and took all my measurments and started a diary.

    Will post when i get back

    good luck sara you will be fine and dont worry about the snoring thing as everyone has said,no one care they are all zonked out lol,cant wait to hear about your journey and how you get on xx

  6. Sara, just tell them you snore, after all its not something that you can control when you're asleep, dont worry about it, like Honey says they will be too full of drugs to even care lol.

    My poor eldest daughter went for her 21 weeks scan last week and they told her the baby had died at 17 weeks.

    Then she had to go into hospital to be induced to give 'birth'....so sad, you really dont think it will ever happen to you or yours do you. :(

    Thanx Slinx anyway, I got the phone number from Sammy.

    so sorry to hear that awful news about your daughter freckles,cant even imagine what you are all going through,will be thinking of you all,and it's true you never think things like this will happen to you hope you are all ok and comforting eachother xxxxxx

  7. i had my first fill yesterday, and oh my gosh, all ive had is yogurts and liquids and i know that my band is bloody tight, i've booked in for a 2nd fill next month, but for now, i do not know how i am going to eat, i almost feel scared, :-( any advice anyone.

    hi sade you must be one of the lucky ones,i didnt have that much restriction with my first fill,it will wear off hun in a couple of days just stick to fluids and see how you get on or sometimes having an ice lolly helps xx

  8. hi

    i am still waiting to have my first fill. i find i'm hungry now and can nearly eat as normal

    i can eat brown bread and laughing cow cheese spread for breakfast salads for breakfast and noodles and veg for dinner.< /p>

    i can't eat meat that just blocks the band and causes pain

    even when i eat something that doesn't agree i still feel hungry

    i know when you have your fills esp after the second one you can only eat very little but do you still feel hungry?

    hi nice to see ya back on freckles sorry hun i dont know nothing about wendy,hopefully someone else will post,honeybelle after my third fill and 6.5 in my band i hardly ever feel hungry and can only eat a wee bit,your first fill dosnt do much so get your first and second one close together if you can,your band starts working prob from your second fill onwards xx

  9. That's brilliant news, how much have you lost so far?

    Good that you don't feel hungry.

    New clothes - excellent enjoy I have this plan aswell when I nearer to my target weight. I would love the type of summer dresses I buy my daughter as they are very pretty. I was tempted last year but didn't think I would be able to get into something like that ever. But I have treated myself to a few beautiful monsoon dresses for our holiday when we were away at Christmas and they were just a tad too big. Nice feeling.

    Enjoy and would love to know how much you have lost ...

    claire how trendy are you with ya monsoon dresses lol bet it felt amazing that they were a tad too big,you must be so pleased and just think what you will look like in all these lovley dresses when the good weather comes in xx

  10. Hi Slinky,

    My stitch is out, all look well, I feel better and stronger day by day. Stay another week at home so 3 weeks post op recovery should be enough.But I still need to b careful because my job involves some lifting, pulling and pushing so that's why I stayed home a bit longer. I spoke to Chris and endeed the clinic in Bangor is closed on 17th march so I will probably wait till april unless something will drastically change and will have to go to dublin on 3rd. I am still quite restricted - fluids only.dont feel hungry since I am back and that is the best feeling, because hunger was my biggest problem and biggest fear after surgery but so far so good.I can keep on fluids as long as I do not feel hungry... huray !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

    My winter coat in hanging on me, found in wardrobe some smaller size fleeces and they fit perfect. I am so excited about comming summer, there will be some serious money spend for summer cloths but I love that idea already.

    talk to you soon slinky.

    take care,


    glad all went well blondy and you will feel stronger each day,when you go back to work just watch yourself and try not to strain your port easier said than done i know but i m sure you will be aware of it anyway lol,glad your clothes are getting big already great feeling hey,i know you still have restriction now but when it goes you will feel like normal again so when you get your fills try and get the first two close together as the first one dosnt do much,just somthing for you to be aware of hun keep up the good work xx

  11. :blink:


    I am so glad for you, I see there is another 5lb off you, that is fantastic. Loosing all those lbs is the biggest motivator for us to be good. Good for you girl !!!!!!!!

    I am going to remove that one remaining stitch on my own, wish me luck.It shouldn't be hard, let you know how did it go.

    Lots of hugs,


    i think you will be ok blondy taking your stitch out,mine was loose in belgium so they took mine out there lol,i only kept the bandages on for about 5 days as i thought they healed quicker without them,but get yourself checked over by your nurse just to be on the safe side lol you,you lost good up to now blondy the pounds will be flying off ya soon xxx

  12. After a couple of emails I'm booked, it's happening "this" month on the 22nd. Can't believe it's going to happen and happen so fast. I asked for it to be done before my birthday and that's what I got (birthday 28th, what a birthday present I'm giving myself!)

    Actually I panicked a wee bit when I was offered the date . . . . . . thinking, will I get a flight, but that's all booked as well, leave from Edinburgh on the 21st - I'm on a roll, . . . . . not that kind of roll (lol)

    Although I'm happy and excited I'm apprehensive, something like this happening so quick and to someone that has a huge dislike to needles! When you get the consultation, can you ask them not to tell you about the operation, I've no interest to know the finer details of the actual technique or what's involved.

    The thought of being able to shed this weight (with a bit of work) is mind boggling

    im so pleased you got your date sorted out bkg13 and it's on the same day as 1mand band yay you will both have a band buddy lol,dont worry guy's you will both be in the same hotel they always use the hotel campanille in vilvoorde,it nice and clean not the ritz but hey you will only be there a couple of days,the day you arrive freddy will tell you to have your last supper and drink in the bar lol and you meet up with frederik for chat and to pay the remainder of your money,a taxi will pick you up at around 6.45 from the hotel the following morning,you can ask for alarm call from the hotel,you will be taken to hospital by your taxi and take you passport with you as you need it to sign in hospital,when you arrive you walk in the hospital and turn to the right into a waiting room were you take a ticket and wait for your number to be called,you give your details in and then they take you to a room,where you will meet dr chris for chat about surgery nothing too graphic,you sometimes get given a time for surgery then you are prepped ready drip in gown on and white stockings on lol,if your bad with needles like i am,i asked for a pre med to calm me down and asked them to put my needle in downstairs in theatre,when they take you down dont panick you go into a waiting room in theatre,then they take you one by one before you know it your awake in a wee bit of pain,your given pain relief and taken back to the ward,you will prob sleep the rest of the day and the next day you start to feel a bit better with each day,they get you up out of bed give you a drink and some Soup to eat and take your drip out and the taxi will take you back to hotel to rest once you have been checked over,frederik will call out to hotel to check on you as well,you wont feel much like eating anyway i mainly drank Water wich they sell in the bar,remember to wear a baggy t-shirt and jogging bottoms as your stomach swells a fair bit and slip on shoes like croc etc saves you bending down,take some windeeze incase you get trapped wind and some slimfast shakes or cup a soup and some other pain relief incase you dont like the ones they give you,i also took a wee tv dvd player to watch movies,but that is just me lol you can take your laptop as they have wi fi,if you want to know anything else just ask and if i remember anything iwill post it xx :D

    Will keep you are posted.

  13. Hi Slinky,

    Thank you for reply, I am glad I am back here so can get in touch with everyone. I really had good experience there and thank to you I knew exactly what to expect. I received the best care I could imagine.I was in the hospital with another Irish girl which was great for company. Everybody was so helpful, nurses did a wonderful job.

    I am still on my holidays at home, take advantage of it and rest a lot, still get tired very quicly but hope will get stronger. I like my new journey with band, it gives me a lot of confidence and allows me to control my own body better then ever.I know it is early days to make such a judgement but it can be only better from now on.

    I found a proper website to make on line appointments: www.belgiumsurgeryservices.com

    You go there than click on 'coaching and clinics'. very easy and confirmed by chris.

    Congratulations on ur weight lose another 5 lb, thumbs up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    let me know if you have any questions.

    talk to you soon slinky,

    Best regards,


    so glad you had a good experience blondy and it does deffo help when you know what to expect and your not going in blinded,and yes hun rest all you can while you can that is what i done,your energy will come back.blondy i cant believe the control i have at the min hun i never feel hungry hardly ever i have to make myself eat lol sounds crazy but true,i can actually see myself achieving my goal now keep up your good work blondy and all you other guys summer is aproaching well hopefully it's out there somewhere xxx

  14. Hi all,

    2 week diet starts tomorrow then off to the clinic for surgery on the 22.02.11. Staying at the Campanile the nights of the 21st and 23rd so if anybody is scheduled for the same time please say Hi :rolleyes: . Flying back Thursday morning 24.02.11 into Manchester.

    It's really supportive reading everyone's experiences and advice. Keep it up.......we all need it.

    well done to you 1manband lol,pity bkg couldnt get his the same time as you,bet your so glad it's not that far away now any questions you want to know just ask were all here xx

  15. Sorry to you all if i'm posting this in the wrong place.

    I've now convinced myself that I should get a lap band fitted and from what I have read Dr Chris De Bryne is the man! I've been on and off diets over the last 20 years to no avail (i'm male, very nearly reaching the big "5 0" and currently weight 142kg).

    I've not spoken with anyone and just wonder from making the big decision to have a lap band fitted what are the time scales involved! How quick in general can one get an appointment with Dr Chris (he must be a busy man) and after the initial appointment how long did you have to wait before you had the band fitted.

    An idea of approx cost would be great to.

    I'm 50 at the end of this month and want to start the next half century on a "lighter note"

    I'm sorry if i'm posting in the wrong section

    Thanking everyone in advance

    i think this is one of there websites have a nosey just copy and paste it lol www.ecfs.be/bss.php, by the way i think dr chris debruyne is the top surgeon in europe he defo is a good choice

  16. Sorry to you all if i'm posting this in the wrong place.

    I've now convinced myself that I should get a lap band fitted and from what I have read Dr Chris De Bryne is the man! I've been on and off diets over the last 20 years to no avail (i'm male, very nearly reaching the big "5 0" and currently weight 142kg).

    I've not spoken with anyone and just wonder from making the big decision to have a lap band fitted what are the time scales involved! How quick in general can one get an appointment with Dr Chris (he must be a busy man) and after the initial appointment how long did you have to wait before you had the band fitted.

    An idea of approx cost would be great to.

    I'm 50 at the end of this month and want to start the next half century on a "lighter note"

    I'm sorry if i'm posting in the wrong section

    Thanking everyone in advance

    hi bkg you are indeed in the right place hun,we all know how you feel many of us have been there,and we ars so sick of falling off the diet wagon that we got a band,im thrilled with mine anyway time scale from when you contact dr chris manager frederik you can have you surgery within 4 weeks,you can have a consultation with him or go direct to belgium and have it the night before like i did but its up to you,the cost is 4150 euro which includes your hotel stay for 2 peeps,taxis and your surgery,you just get your own flights,you send them a deposit for 500 i think and pay the rest when you get there,i just paid mine all in one go so i didnt have to carry cash lol here is the email frederik.serneels@ecfs.be good luck and let us know how you get on and shout if you need more info

  17. Well week 27 and I can't quite believe the week I have had.

    Started off Sunday evening with littlest throwing up and deciding I would stay home with him on Monday. Felt ghastly during the day and then started to throw up aswell so not great.

    I wasn't able to keep Water down or any other liquids or food so feeling very sorry for myself and starting to get dehydrated, not good.

    Managed a few sips on the Monday night and went to bed feeling exhausted. Tuesday no better really but managed small sips in day but kept being sick when I tried to eat. Eventually in the evening I gave up. Wednesday seemed to be better until I bent over ohh dear did I feel dizzy and light headed so took it really easy. Managed some Soup at lunchtime and didn't lose it so thought we're on the mend. Again for dinner I managed a cuppa soup but felt exhausted.

    So it's Friday and I feel better (still not 100%) but have to be better as have to go to work.

    Weighed and wohoo I have lost 3 lbs and 2.75 inches not surprised really because of the sickness but another 3.5 pounds and I have lost 70 pounds (5 stone) that's incredible and not to forget the inch loss aswell which is 56.75. Just amazing!

    Anyway, see how we go this week and see if I can start to eat a little more I seemto have a break through on the solids front a few weeks ago and then nothing so will have another go this week coming.

    Have a good weekend and enjoy.

    poor you claire you have had a rough time of it,glad your starting to feel a bit better hun,but there has been loads of bugs going around i feel exhausted all the time,but it's prob lack of food,you are doing fab with weighloss and inches you go girl,you will have to put pic up soon you must look amazing now xx

  18. Hi Honybelle

    Were you on meds for your high blood pressure when you got your band done.

    Slinks you told me a wee while ago to ask for a pre med does this cost extra.

    Mummsie I don't know why you have had so mush restriction,I only hope i have same success.Sorry about your wee one not being well,you dont really think about how it would affect someone with a band if they catch these bugs i suppose we will all have to be really carefull we dont get dehydrated ect as most of us have children.

    scoobydoo I managed to get bovril and cupasoup from pound land thanks.

    so pleased all has worked out i think you will be fine hun,and no you dont pay extra for pre med hun but they dont just willingly give it to you,but if you ask them they will sort it out with ya,and you give yourself a wee treat hun and think about all the treats you can get when you have had your op and are on your weight loss journey xx

  19. Hi everyone,

    I am 8 days post op. Feeling better everyday was very well yesterday but today feel much weaker, no energy at all and have funny sensations at the port site, it is not pain just like muscle discomfort more like pulled muscle. There is no pain when I touch port site I can feel it under my fingertips.

    I have already lost 11 pounds since surgery (28/01),dont feel hunger at all, mostly drinking, having my Protein Shakes and liquid vit. can feel and hear my stomach rumbling but that all.

    So far so good just worried a bit about those stomach muscles but I am going to rest today and see tomorrow.

    Have a good weekend all.


    Can anyone give me website to make an appointment on line.Frederik did not have it with him when we met after surgery. Hopefuly I'll get it from yous.

    Thank you so much,


    blondy try this website www.ecfs.be/bss.php and click on english lol and aftercare and check if that is it,it's also got the yearly diary of when they are over xx

  20. Hi everyone,

    I am 8 days post op. Feeling better everyday was very well yesterday but today feel much weaker, no energy at all and have funny sensations at the port site, it is not pain just like muscle discomfort more like pulled muscle. There is no pain when I touch port site I can feel it under my fingertips.

    I have already lost 11 pounds since surgery (28/01),dont feel hunger at all, mostly drinking, having my Protein Shakes and liquid vit. can feel and hear my stomach rumbling but that all.

    So far so good just worried a bit about those stomach muscles but I am going to rest today and see tomorrow.

    Have a good weekend all.


    Can anyone give me website to make an appointment on line.Frederik did not have it with him when we met after surgery. Hopefuly I'll get it from yous.

    Thank you so much,


    dont worry blondy that weired feeling by the port i had that,it pulls a wee bit because it is stitched to the muscle there,i still get it sometimes now,your doing well up to now hunny,i dont think you can make appointments online but i will give you julie mcintosh number to phone she make all fill appointments 07872963503 phone her and she will sort you out,they arnt comming in march so remember that hun xx

  21. Morning all

    Have been watching the thread but just felt too poorly to post. My littlest was sick on Sunday eveing and off school on Monday and whatever he had I then got! No I know they don't do refunds on them (the children that is) ony joking!!

    Anyway, well done to those that have recently been banded, you won't regret it.

    I weighed on Frday and was pleasantly surprised as I wasn't expecting to continue to lose but lose I did and am now 35 pounds from my target of 101 pounds loss so really pleased. Taking it easy as with being sick due to the bug I have found it difficult to keep anything down at one point last night I felt so dehydrated and just needed to do little sips and then managed some custard (ready made) and later in the evening a chicken cuppa Soup. This I managed to keep down. It hasn't been fun. I do think the restriction hasn't helped either.

    Do you think it's normal to have had restriction from the 2nd fill for this length of time? Last fill was end of October 2010 and still not really managing solids. It's very erratic nothing until about 2 weeks ago when I managed some small pieces of pork and a few vegetables and nothing since. I'm full very quickly. I'm not moaning as I am happy with my loss and at this rate I will have lost what I wanted by my year anniversary, so definately not moaning but curious whether others have experienced this?

    Anyway, stay focused, eat healthily and enjoy - we get one run at this lfe so we might as well make the most of it.

    Have a fun day


    hi claire i think you have had restriction for so long because you were on the herbal life and it's mainly fluids so this can help shrink your band as well,cause when i just have fluids i fell more restricted,sure you wont be worried anyway with your great weight loss lol xx

  22. Hi Laila

    I had this last year where I had such slow progress, as you'll see from my stats below, and then I had the magic 4th fill and I've not looked back. The weight loss in the last 8 weeks has been dramatic! I have collar bones and tiny shoulders, I have a waist and skinny wrists, and I feel fantastic!

    I got to a point in November when I thought that this band wasn't going to work for me and that I'd made a huge mistake and wasted a lot of money, and I knew that those who knew I'd had this done were thinking the same.

    So it is easy for me to say now but give it time and hopefully fill number 4 will be the one for you too. Good Luck xx

    Slinks - hows your restriction now babe?

    Well done to all the newbies starting out on this weird and wonderful journey!


    patty wow,that's some weight loss in a short time hey,bet ya made up,your doing great,my loss is slow but i dont mind im in for the long haul as long as i get there and after seeing you results well,i will get there lol,im ok with the 6.5ml up till now cant eat to much as i said about two mouthfulls but i dont mind,think the body has froze with fright about the food loss lol but hopefully the weight will start to move shortly xx keep up your good work bet ya look fab xx

  23. hey Slinky.. not been on for a while but got a couple of days off so thought I would see how you are getting on with your fill.. do you notice the restriction? I noticed my mine at first but its eased off slightly now. Ive only 5 mls in though. Ive booked for Bangor on 17th Feb (I think its that date) for my 3rd so hopefully will lose more. Ive only lost 2lbs since fill but I dont care as long as I dont put weight on!!! You looked good at the last fill and I noticed from your picture your weight loss, Tell Lynda that she also looked good, even my husband said he could tell the difference.. for a man thats good!! lol Hopefully see you soon its great to get advice from you face to face...

    To all the ones about to be banded... its hard at first, and I mean hard but nothing in life is easy.. but I promise its so worth it, Im now 3 months banded and it was the best decision of my life.. I didnt say that just after the op but time is a great healer... I love my portion sizes now and even though in the last few months I havent lost much weight, I havent put anything on (even with Christmas and 3 week holiday and thats a first in about 10 years!). Good luck and I hope it goes really well for you all, the girls on this site are great with knowledge!! xxx

    thanks lilliebo you dont look to bad yourself hun xxx how much have you lost up till now,cause you were doing really good anyway the last time,i think your next fill will defo tell a different story lol,i can only have about two mouthfulls of anything,the weightloss isnt dramatic at the min but my body is prob in shock he he so hopefully it will catch up,and it is the 17th hun,think i will leave my next fill for a while yet as i have 6.5ml in so happy for now lol xx

  24. hi honeybelle,slinky and everyone,

    I am back, banded.Still feel sore, return flight was a nightmare, I felt really sick, weak, nearly fainted again ( once in hospital).

    Cannot use oral painkillers, disperseble tabl I got in hosp. caused me a huge alergic rash all over my body.So that only pain relief for me is suppositories.tolerating liquids today fine but spent most of my day on the sofa. everything went well, nurses were very carring,checking on me regularly.hopefuly I will start to feel stronger day after day. no regrets so far.

    nice to be back,

    missed you all,


    oh sara i feel for you hun,waiting to get done then this blood pressure to worry about,hopefully it's just nerves and you calm naturally and can get done,hope all works out xxxx.Welcome back blondy poor you being allergic to meds,hope your comfortable with the suppositories but each day amazingly does get easier,i could only tolirate fluids for about a week i didnt feel hungry at all,take it easy hun the first few days i did and it helps xxxxx

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