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wannabe slinky

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by wannabe slinky

  1. Evening all,

    Weighed in yesterday and had lost another 1.5 lbs and 3 inches so very happy that the 0.5ml fill I had is doing it's magic.

    Still only really managing Soup but tying to pack in the Protein with this as much as possible.

    I have to have a recycle of my clothes as I look a little like a clown as trousers are far too long and very baggy. Had Imi's district show and there were a few people there who did a double take and were quite shocked at what they saw infront of them! So well pleased that it's having this effect. I even managed to ensure someone didn't recognise me at all! What a feat!

    Booked for another fill at the beginning of May, hopefully with Dr Chris and then I will book for my yearly check for the beginning of August if they are over. Hoping to have reached my target of 101 lbs by my first bandiversary (31st July)! We shall see. So I have lost 76 pounds and I did say I was going to have a treat. We have booked a couple of days over Easter in Mudeford so shall go paddling and crabbing with the children and have a fun time.

    Well will be back again in the next few days or even next week.

    Take care and look after yourselves.


    im so pleased for you,you've done so well hun,bet ya felt great with everyone taking a double take lol you must of been on cloud 9 he he,enjoy your wee treat xx

  2. hey

    i had an appointement to have a fill last mon but it was cancelled as i was told frederick has a family emergency. I had my surgery on the 11th of jan but have only had one fill since and i am not losing anything at the moment. i have very little restriction. i have tried to make another appt with my clinic and but they don't phone me back!

    do they run other clinics in dublin? and how do you contact them to make an appointment

    hi honeybell there are no clinics in belfast this month hun because of st patrick day they are back in april phone julie mcintosh for appointment im going then also,and your first fill dosnt do much hun so your next fill will help,ps they do do clinics in dublin too but julie will have all of them xx

  3. Hi All

    Went to see the lovely Dr Chris today and had a small defll of 2mls ready for going to Australia, on the plus side I had lost 3.5 kgs since my last fill in Feb so hopefully wont put it all back on again now

    SaraP it was lovely to meet you - I hope you managed to get your fill this time and without any complications - remember dont be too disheartened if you have no restriction as some people, me included, needed 3 or 4 before starting to feel a difference.

    Well doubt I will be back on here before my big trip so good luck to everyone and speak again in 4 weeks when I get back


    Kerry x

    take care kerry and enjoy yourelf hunny,that was good to loose 3.5 in that short time,talk to you soon xx

  4. Hi Claire

    Thanks for your reply.

    I will leave it till next week then send him another email

    Im having the op on 21st of June so a while away yet.

    They are probably busy getting back to the people that are going sooner

    Thanks again

    Jo x

    dont worry jo jo im sure all will be fine,he always needs chasing up lol but as you say he is prob dealing with the nearer patients,bet your excited your booked in though,but be careful i done the same as you and booked well ahead and put on another 38lb lol i ate everything in site xxx any questions you want to know just ask there a great crowd here xx :)

  5. Hi everyone

    I went for my fill on fri and it was chris that was doing them not CDB but the other one .He weighed me but when he came to give me my fill he could not find my port he tried four times and i am all bruised again.I have to go to Edinbrough on thursday to get it done by CDB its not very good as i have to take another day off work this could work out to be very expensive.I was so pissed off i have eaten everything in sight i dont have any restriction.I really need to start counting calories tomorrow dont want to undo all my good work.

    Hi slinks wish i could stop eating i would even consider falling out with alex if i thought that would work id probably eat more

    Nice to hear from all the girls Fatty patty and blondie nurse :D

    Hope everyone is keeping well

    oh poor you you must be gutted,can you not feel your port yourself,my friend could feel her's as he was having trouble finding her's and she showed him lol,he does have trouble sometimes so your not the first although it dosnt help,and i ate everything in sight before my fills,i know it's a pain in the arse taking time off work but it will be worth it in the end xxxx :D

  6. Hi All

    Blimey its been quiet on here!

    So had the docs app last week and guess what, she still won't refer me until I've lost another stone and half. I can't believe she won't just do the letter whilst I lose the remainder, as it took 8 weeks last time to get the app. Very frustrating : (

    And then this last 2 weeks or so I have had some dizzy spells and actually fainted twice. Have now got low blood pressure after years of suffering with it being sky high, so need to keep an eye on that.

    Been struggling to eat this last week, and think I have lost a few more lbs but my scales got moved last weekend by my whole family getting on and off them, several times cos they must be magic ! and I cant get them back in the right place, but hubs is weighing at least 5lbs more where they are now so will have to go to boots and wiegh on the machine in there.

    Happy Bandiversary to all the March bods who still come on here and read, it's mine on Saturday, can't believe its been a year, but I am very very pleased with my progress to date although I was hoping to have done 7 stone by then, but never mind I know I will get there.

    Take care all x

    poor you patty,hang in there love it will all work out in the end just think of yourself at the min,and your remainding weight will come off hun,everything happens for a reason chin up xxxxxxxxx :)

  7. I find the same thing happens when I am feeling really stressed. Take it easy and remember to try to stay calm. May be a few days until you feel right agaon. Take care and look after yourself.

    Claire x

    oh thanks claire and amazed lol,dont worry we made up not long after but i got that wound up it tightened it sooo much lol,men hey lol,claire i cant believe your progress so far your doing great girl not long to go now,and look how low your bmi is well done you should put up your before and after pics so we can see the difference whoop whoop xx

  8. Hi All

    Well its now been 4 weeks since i got my band its went in really fast.I lost 2 1/4 pounds this week so thats 16 pounds in total.I had a few treats last week as it was my birthday but obviously the band is still doing its magic.

    It was great to hear from all the old bandsters and know they are still doing good B)

    Thanks bobo for info about wls i just missed them they were in Glasgow on wed so im going to try to organise my work so i can go on fri to freddy i have an appointment its just that i had a meeting that day and i did not want to wait another month for my fill as its my first.

    I know a lot of people say you dont get any resriction with your first fill but i live in hope.I was wondering if enyone did.

    I had a great time on sat at the spa day and had a nice light lunch there also but must confess to a few cocktails and some wine :D

    Where has blondi,and feckles,slinky gone :rolleyes:

    hi sara sorry hun been so busy latley lol,your doing great glad you enjoyed your spa day lucky mare he he,cant wait for my 4th fill in april starting to get hungry again so i defo need a fill hope i get 1ml in which will bring be up to 7.5 yippee and my weight loss will start again hope the rest of the gang is ok come on and chat it is really quiet in here xxxx :D

  9. Hi All

    Thats me three weeks in i only lost 1 pound this week but im ok with that as iv lost 15 lbs now.I dont have much restiction maybe 10% i tried half slice of bread yesterday and it went down ok.I got a calorie counter book today and im going to keep a note of my calories and i got a pedometer. i have been reading some of the older bansters posts makes for interesting reading i wonder how some of them are getting on now two years in.Feckels do you still keep intouch with gillian and big sister.Im going for my first fill next friday so hope everything goes ok.Has anyone had a fill by freddie as there was some posts saying that they wernt to happy with his service there was one lady who had 6 fills and 7.75ml in her band and still had no restriction and other people saying it was a bit like a convar belt he did not give you enough time to ask any questions ect.However i have not herd a bad word about him since i started on this post .

    Hi slinky how are you getting on its really quiet on here

    Hope everyone is keeping well :P

    hi sara im fine hun,freddy is great he dosnt talk as much as chris deprez and is strict with the first couple of fill's i dont think peeps are unhappy with him i just think it's the way he is chris is more chatty and will try and get more in and freddy wants to make sure he dosnt over fill you xx

  10. HI all,

    Well its just over one year since I was banded and I am rather disappointed. I have only lost 17 lbs and even when having a cup of tea I vomit most days!

    I was due to see Dr Chris tomorrow in London but he has had to cancel coming and the other Chris is coming instead. I have canceled as want to talk to Dr Chris.

    However, I am away for work from Tuesday until October half way across the world.... ahhhhhh...

    Any thoughts?


    sorry to hear that hun have you had them take the fluids out to see how much you have in to make sure there isnt a leak,how much have you got in ? maybe you need a bit out cause your not eating enough xx

  11. nice to see some of the original bandsters back your doing so well puddle and bobo,been so busy latley i will have to go back and read all post to catch up lol,well my weight has froze at the min so think i will go for a fill in april as there not comming to ireland in march :angry: so i will just have to wait,roll on april xx hope all the rest of you are doing ok

  12. Hi all

    Well thats me two weeks with my band and ive weighed this morning and ive lost four and a half pounds so thats a stone in two weeks so im very happy i dident think i would have lost that much becouse i got my monthly last night.Also to share a wee bit news with you,my husband puts on a wee football bet on a saturday and this sat the player was not playing so he left his slip in the kitchen and i put it in the bin and then had to fish it back out and he put it on on sunday and won £755 pounds Huraaaaaaaaa becouse he is so lovely he gave me £500 and £55 for our wee girl .Remember a few weeks back i was moaning about saving for op and not having hair done for ages ect.Well i treated my self to cut/colour and nails done new make/up and saved the rest for somthing to wear in a few weeks happy days :)

    Fattypatty i can,t belive she spoke to you like that after everything you have put yourself through cos lets face it its not easy ive only had band for two weeks and its blooming hard mentally as well as everything else.I think you should write a strong letter and it might be time for a change of GP.:huh:

    Slinky OMG how did you cope with no broadband? just think in the old days you would have resorted to the crisps ect :P

    Pinkshaz just check about the vibrating step as i think i read it in my notes to not use these but im not sure if it is only for the first few months.I have had my band two weeks today im writing everything down i eat i dont think i have much restriction but im not hungry either im starting to eat soft foods now not totally mushy and ive not had any problems with anything so far but im booked in glasgow this month for my first fill at11.50am im coming from Ayr might see you there.:)

    well done on your weighloss and you hubby's win he he,bet ya felt great getting your hair done i know i do it really perks me up and just think of all them clothes you will be able to buy xx

  13. Hi all

    Hope everyone is doing ok?

    So after feeling very chuffed with myself at my weight loss in recent weeks, I was at the docs on Monday with Hubby following an op to get his dressing changed, and when our Doc came in to check the wound she says straight away to hubby "well you could do with losing a few pounds" then turned, looked me up and down and said "hmmm you could as well"! I was absolutely taken aback and stated that I had lost over 5 and a half stone, she replied "obviously a way to go then"!

    I was stunned, escpecially as she is not a small woman either, and she then twigged who I was and said "oh yeah the gastric band, it seems to work then" and that I needed to remember to go back and see her about the IVF when I have shifted the rest of my weight! I pointed out that I am just a stone away now from the guideline limit for weight and BMI for treatment and she again looked me up and down and said "Really?".

    I don't think I have ever been so shocked by someones comment, and the nurse who was tending to Hubs just stood there open mouthed and then apologised for my Doc when she left the room with the final comment to both of us to "get on the salads"

    Well I booked my appointment with her for the the 14th March as I left the surgery, and when I go back I have a good mind to make her get on the scales as well and see who out of the pair of us is lighter and actually doing something about it!

    Needless to say I am not feeling very confident now about her response and whether I can now convince her to refer us again as she still clearly thinks I am too fat,

    Gutted, but fingers crossed eh

    C x

    i think that is disgusting i would complain,is there no other doctor you could see clearly she has a bad attitude hun,and she is probably hung up because you have lost weight and she hasnt take no notice you doing great dont let anyone knock you hun xx

  14. hi slinky how are you!!

    its gone very quite here where is everybody?

    how is the weight loss are u having anymore fill??

    still no weight lost on my side after my fourth fill i can't go to have another untill end of march but i am a bit worrid in case i have a leak as i am eatting more as i use to!

    anyways take care.

    it is quiet laila lol i look forward to reading all the gossip and there is none he he,im not doing too bad stuck at 14 stone at the min want to be 13 anything lol,i will wait and see if i need another fill and if i feel i need one i will go in march,but hey you are still doing well check you not losing inches instead of weight,or try and go onto liquids for a couple of days and see if it tightens your band,if your still worried by march as them to empty it and check how much is in it,i might see you there in march if i go for my fill lol xx

  15. another 5 lbs down yay :D thats 19 in total in 5 weeks

    so happy finally getting weight and health under control.

    didn't get much restriction from the first fill next one in march..bring it on!

    well done honeybelle,the first fill dosnt do too much anyway lol,from the second onwards you should start to notice a bit of restriction bet you cant wait for march xx

  16. Thanks Slinky, you're doing amazingly well!! We'll all be posing on the beach this summer! ;0)

    I've been trying to get through to the fill line today to book up but they're not answering her phone. Its been difficult to get fills as teachers aren't allowed time off during term and the london clinics don't seem to fall at the right time for 1/2 term etc.

    Does anyone know who else I can contact about fills? Another company that does them in London or the south? x

    have you tried weigh loss surgery group,they do a fill package for 6months or 12 months not sure were the clinics are but try there website hun xx

  17. B)

    Hi everyone!

    I haven't been on here for a while - just wanted to post a cautionary tale... yesterday I had to have a complete de-fill & spent 7 hrs in hospital just for not chewing a pizza slice well enough!

    The dough got stuck in my stomach and I was violently sick over 30 times in 2 days - couldn't even keep Water down and was in loads of pain. Was up all night for the past 2 nights with the worst reflux imaginable...

    So I'll never eat pizza/dough again... and will make sure I chew food better from now on.

    Disappointed I have to start again with the fills... but so relieved I'm able to drink again now.

    Hope everyone else is doing well!

    Em x

    oh poor you em glad your ok now,bummer you have to start again but hey you are doing so well,cant believe you have lost loads so well done,it is scarey when you cant eat i wasnt as bad as you but last week my band tightened because of stress and i couldnt keep food down and was gettin worried and thought i would need a de fill but it settled down,hopefully they will give you bigger fills for your money lol xx

  18. Off to see Dr Chris next week for a fill, not lost any weight now for months so starting to get a bit down

    On the plus side I am 3 stone lighter than I was this time last year - I just thought it would have been quicker than this

    This fill should give me real restriction as already got 7ml in 7ml band - how much weight should I hope to see fall off in 4 weeks of tight restriction???

    I am off to Oz in 4 weeks so will need to get a de-fill before I go but reckon if I can lose 7 lbs or so in next month it would be worth the £90 for a fill - Am I being mad???

    Kerry x

    hi hun keep ya chin up we all lose differently some are lucky and lose loads and some just take a bit longer you have done well up till now and i dont think your mad if you are determened to lose another 7lb go for it what is your restriction like at the min can you eat much ? xx :D

  19. Hey all.

    Hope all is well with you. I had my first fill at the start of the month. Didin't really do anything for me. I was already restricted still from the op. Feeling hungry these days but still can't eat a lot. Have been snacking on chocolate which is not good but it's the only think I've tried that doesn't hurt when I eat. Anyone any ideas of what I can do?

    Freckles so sorry to hear about your poor daughter. My thoughts are with you and your family xxx

    hi hun i would try and stick to Soup and shakes until you feel able to try other foods,and try weetabix or porrige i had baby rusk only cause i love them lol xx

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