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wannabe slinky

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by wannabe slinky

  1. Hi,

    Hope everyone is doing well.

    I'm having a horrible week as my boyfriend of 7 years finished with me. Was so surprised & didn't see it coming at all.

    After losing 5 stone now I'm feeling better than I ever have (or I was!) and now this... argh. We own everything together this break up is gonna be a nightmare. The idea of dating again... eek help!!


  2. Thanx Slinx for the lovely compliment, I wish I was a size 10!!!!! I'm in a 16 top and almost in a size 14 pants.

    But I've always been that shape :(, bigger at the top than the lower area.

    My Mum and my best friend both gave me a compliment yesterday, independently, they both remarked on my shrinking bottom lol.

    Slinx is correct, my band wasnt done by Dr Chris, as you can see in my sig.

    How good are you going the gym 4 times a week Laila, you deserve the rewards, I'm a lazy git thats why I have so much loose skin, that and my age of course.

    I used to go the gym 3 times a week a few years back, but I got fed up in the end.

    Irish LBG, dont despair, like Slinky says you need a few more fills and you wont be able to eat, I had my second op in Feb 2009 and didnt get any restriction until July of that year.

    It has taken me since then to lose 4 stone, but I'm almost at goal now, so dont give up and dont anyone here feel bad about themselves, we all know how it feels to be fat, and we sympathise, but you are doing the best thing you can, about it, and you will win in the end, just make sure you keep getting the fills until you can only eat a third of a cupfull, and the weight will disappear.

    well take the compliment cause you look fabulous,you do only look like a size 10 though,imagine if you were at that size you would look ill lol,you suit your size now hunny you havnt got long now,thats why i havnt gone low on my bmi because i know i would look sick looking if i lose 2 more stone and get to 12 stone i will be happy lol,well done freckles revel in it lol xxxx

  3. Hi Freckles, just saw there that you had to get re-banded after your op with Dr De Bruyne? What happend? You are the first person I have read of who had complications with him!! I was banded on Feb 15th this year and I had a really good recovery, everything went great, but I have NO restriction at ALL and even though I have lost a couple of lb's I havent really lost anything significant.. it goes up and down. And I can eat as much if not more than I could before the op.. beginning to wonder if I have made the right decision :( I have had one fill, got three mils in. I have the heliogast evolution, and when I went for my fill i asked him how many cc's it was and he told me that he had worked in the place that made them and that they were tested up til 20cc's (WTF??!) so it was just a case of how much I needed rather than how big my band was. He was one of Dr Chris's aids, so he would have known what he was talking about.. I thought! But a girl who got banded on the same day as me got her fill the same day as well and she was told they are only 7cc bands.. which I think is VERY small... and im a bit panicked about it now. I am hoping my second fill will make a difference, I know I could be putting in more effort with my diet and excercise so I am not blaming my band completely but I am beginning to lose hope!! Any advice?

    congrats and welcome back kerry,glad you had a great time and dont worry about them 6lb they will soon come off lol.

    Hi irishlapband girl,freckles didnt have surgery with dr chris,it was another surgeon in england,i think her's was band erosion wich was the makers of the particular band that was at fault not the surgeon im sure when she gets a chance she will answer that herself xx,and dont worry your first fill and sometimes your second fill dosnt do much at all,the first couple of fill are only filling up the circumference of the band inside you then as you get more fill it tightens it so it does :Dwork hun just be patient,and dont worry about the size he puts in what he think you need judging on the size of your stomach in surgery,mine is only 7cc but the can put more in it any more questions just ask and dont worry xx

  4. Hi everybody,

    Finally I can rest for the next two weeks and enjoy the lovely weather. Had a bad toothache last week had to seek dental emergency was in so much pain but the dentist sorted it out the same day as I was unable to eat my band got tighter and yes I lost an extra 4llbs and I am still feeling tight I had to cancel my fill !! I am at the gym 4 times a week and can feel my body toning, haven't got any loose skin or saggy breast the exercise are really helping to tone up! Well I have now lost a total of 38llbs since my surgery last August I hope to lose at least another 25llbs by this August. It is a slow journey but I am going in the right direction.

    Good luck everyone .

    wow laila how cool are you going the gym and all lol,that;s great your toning up hun and your weight loss is great too,the toning up is a great thing,im too lazy for the gym but find walking is toning upmy legs at least lol,it make them look a bit thinner well donex x

  5. Wow!!!! Skinny or what !!!!! 7 stone, is amazing, I'm amazed at how much energy I have now, so I'm sure you are too.

    I went to manchester for a tiny defill yesterday 0.25 out, as the old acid was constant, and Constipation too (sorry to share that)

    Still feel tight but the acid has gone yipee!!!! I hope I continue to lose, cos I still have that flaming stone to lose :(

    I wanted it gone by the summer.

    What piccy do I have hun?

    Here's one taken at Xmas, I'm much the same now....only my face has filled out a little more, cos it went to look drawn when this was taken.


    Hope everyone is feeling good about themselves, carry on with all the good work, xxxx

    freckles you look fab surley you dont need to lose much more hunny,what size are you ,you only look like a 10 i think you have done fab xxx

  6. Hi all,

    Hi Slinky I cant remember exactly what time is my appointment but must be around noon time.Hopefuly I will meet you there.

    Sorry I havent been here for a day or two but as you know still straggeling at work. I eventually got a temporary post until they find permanent post for me but had to change already. so it is constant stress big unknown,dealing with new people every so often.once I settled get to routine have to be moved again pure madness.but I am not going to give up without fight !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fighting for my rights thats my nature.

    I was surprised after my first fill I was pretty restricted maybe not from the very beginning but its been 6 weeks since my first fill I I have to eat slowly, I can only dream about bread.But I think I am ready for another little fill.

    worring me. at the port side just under the skin I can feel quite large lump.I started to feel it shortly after surgery. at first I thought that was a port but when I went for my first fill Chris Deprez told me that this is scars wherever the muscles were stiched but that 'thing' is getting slightly bigger and uncomfortable when I sit its located just below ribs but when I sit ribs are pressing on it making me feel uncomfortable.any one experience anything like that before...

    any idea who is comming to belfast on 21 April?will it be possible to find out.

    Slinky have you by any chance confirmed that clinic, just in case of cancelation.let me know please.

    nice to hear from you all


    hi blondy poor you will all the messing around with work hope you get sorted out soon and you keep on fighting lol,yes i phoned julie and clinic is on not sure who is doing it though,your lucky you had restriction with your first fill i never until my second i will prob see you there mine is around 12.30,i had a bit of a lump after surgery but it went away on its own,but i think it is scar tissue if garry still watches this site maybe he can tell you he had a similar experience i think xxx

  7. Hello everyone,

    Check out my ticker, 7, yes 7 stone gone Yahoooooooooooo!!! Thats like a whole person, gone!

    I cannot tell you how absolutely delighted I am, and the absolute bestest feeling I have had in a long time was slipping into a stunning Karen Millen dress on Saturday that I am wearing to a Wedding this weekend. I cried in the fitting room, and the look on hubbies face when I stepped out in it was amazing!

    I proudly walked around clutching that bag with pride and beaming from ear to ear all day, and finally for the first time in 16 years felt like a normal person able to go into so many shops and buy anything I wanted knowing it was gonna fit.

    I had a right old spend up with my first bumper pay packet since getting my promotion, and got 14's & 16's rather than the 24's I was in this time last year.

    Also my friend had her band fitted today, not by Dr Chris but in a hospital here after being inspired by my progress, and I cannot wait to see the difference this is going to make to her life as well.

    Lots of people back on the boards, good to see how everyone is doing, and welcome newbies.

    Claire, your progress photos are fab, well done you! I might get brave and post some soon, if I can figure out how!

    Slinx, hello, I am confused as when I get updates for this thread on my phone your pic is a dark haired lady? Is that you? and freckles has a different pic too?

    Take care all xxx

    oh patty your amazing well done hun and yes its me i change my hair with the seasons lol im going light again at tha min and had my hair cut short lol i love change so pleased for you bet you look gorge xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  8. Evening all

    Enjoying a lovely glass of Frascati.

    Had a lovely day with the children.

    My oldest took a really lovely spontaneous photo of me and I thought I would post the link as I don't have any photos on here. Please don't be shocked by the first ones as they were pre-op (night before) and then at intermittent periods during the last 36 weeks.



    Week 36

    Well 20lbs to go. I have lost 81 pounds and 67 inches. Wow wow wow! I can't believe I am so near my target.

    I started thinking if I was going to be happy at this target as I have been working towards this for the last 36 weeks! What if I don't stop losing after I have got to it, is that wrong? Is it what my body needs? I am also wondering if I will get less restriction etc. I know that I may have to go for a bit of maintenance in terms of fills but will my body know when it needs to stop losing weight?

    I'm already shocked at what I see in the mirror. I can't quite get over the change from July 2010 until the beginning of January and until now. It's amazing. I am so not used to seeing myself like this and sort of miss a stage of my life when I felt I was ok. I suppose that would be the day I got married. Anyway I am going to have to get used to it as it is a part of me and I'm not going back to the 18 stone + me.

    So how did I do this week. Lost 3.5 lbs and 1 inch so BMI is now 28.7 getting nearer to 25 to be referred for boobs!

    Well going to close, have a super weekend. Take care

    Claire x

    claire you look amazing what a difference,well done hunny you should be proud,such a big channge in a short timeyou will be at target in no time xx

  9. Hi Everyone,

    I am completely new to this so not sure if I am posting in the right place.

    I am from Northern Ireland and I am considering surgery in Belgium. I have just received info from Frederik about Dr Chris. I have read a lot about Dr Chris, both on the this site and the web in general. I have a few questions and was wonder if anyone here could answer them?

    Firstly, which band to get? Frederick sent me info on quite a few, is this my choice or does Dr Chris decide?

    Secondly payment, do I really have to take cash? I am thinking of going to Belgium on my own and don't really want to have to carry all that cash with me.

    And finally, has anyone else gone on their own? I don't want to tell anyone apart from a very close friend and he has a complete phobia of flying so its not possible for him to accompany me sad.gif

    I really would appreciate your help/responses (especially anyone from Ireland -North or South) who can help guide me through this somewhat scary process smile.gif


    hi confused,i too am from northern ireland,and i dont think you get a choice in band i never,i think at time of surgery he decides what will suit you best,and you can pay all the money if you wnat to i did,because i too have a phobia of flying so we drove over hun,and the price includes your hotel for 2 and taxis,i got dropped off and was by myself for 3 days and i was fine maybe you could take you friend and get the eurostar to belgium anyway its a thought lol,if you want to know anymore questions ask away hun

  10. Hi All,

    It been some time since I posted, well so far I have lost about 3 stone since I was banded in Nov. I had some problems after my second fill with a chest infection that seemed to make it really difficult to eat when I had my second set of antibiotics I was in real pain when I ate and it was really difficult to keep anything down. Well to cut a long story short I realized that it was my sertaline that was irritating my stoma and it was the irritation caused by the tablets that was preventing me from keeping anything down (the combination with the antibiotics caused serious pain which finally made me realize what the problem was). Well the doctor changed my prescription and I got it in liquid form and now that I have been able to eat for a few weeks I am ready for my next fill. When I was trying to work out the problem I found out on another part of the forum is can be a pretty common problem with the sertaline tablets so I just thought I'd put it out there in case it might help someone.

    Slinky the fill in Dublin cost 110 Euro but I am sure Rosie paid in sterling when we went down in Jan.

    well done daisy and rosie you have done really well girls,and thanks for the info on tablets will keep that in mind,i cant wait to get my next fill that is why i was gonna go to dublin but i will wait and go to belfast now,so need my next fill,but thanks for the info girls keep it up xxxxx

  11. Sade I'm the opposite, I wear an 18 top but a 16 jeans lol atm, hope that changes in the next few months.

    Hi Slinx, well for all I'm not eating much I'm still the same weight!!!!

    i wouldnt worry too much freckles its prob because your so close to your goal weight,and your weight will prob start to move all of a sudden lol take care hun xx

  12. Hello everyone, just found a few spare minutes before I go to see my Mum.

    Hope you're all enjoying mothers day lol.

    Well even on the short flight to Benidorm my band tightened up like mad, couldnt hardly eat or drink for 4 days, weird!!!

    maybe its the stress of travelling because these days with all the security checks it does get stressful, but so glad they are rigid with the checks.

    I came home on thursday teatime , unpacked, got all the washing sorted etc, and suddenly realised I would never have been able to do all of that when I had loads of weight on me!!!! Where has the energy come from, cos I still cant hardly eat anything.

    I know I should get a bit out but am going to persevere until I have lost the last stone, and then will try to lead a normal life, without piling the weight on again.

    I think I'll aim for having 2mls out and see how I go, maybe about August.

    JoJo I have had a quick read back and am wondering why you are going for more surgery????

    For the lady who's band has eroded, that happened to me and I had to get another op to remove and replace.

    Amazed my poor little daughter has only lost a stone, and she struggles to eat anything. But she wasnt much overweight and ate healthily always, so I think thats why.

    She still fits into a size 12, so she's not gross, but she thinks she is !!.

    You have done really well, soon be at your target!!!

    Will pop in again asap. xxx

    full fat i think you will defo lose your last 35lb hun well done and jo jo i told you he take his time glad your so pleased hun,but watch you dont put on loads of extra weight,cause that is what id done lol like you i had a few month to wait and put on an added 2 stonel.nice to see ya back freckles its hard when your busy hun isn't,there isn't enough hours in the day,you must of lost more weight now freckles not long now till goal take care xxxx

  13. Aaaaugh! Im not sure what happened there, I wrote a rather long reply and its vanished :angry:

    No i havent heard back from Freddy yet, I think im just going to have to keep everything crossed and hope for the best.

    Hope everything is going well for you and everyone else to. I think im gonna have to go back a few pages and catch up :D

    Take Care xxx

    honestly hunny dont worry all will be fine he is just a bit slow on his replies,when are you getting surgery hun xx

  14. Infections could have been the raison of an erosion in my case??

    Dr Dillemans in Brugges will do the bypass.

    poor you hun,hope the by pass goes smooth for you and ive heard dr dillemans is very good too,how long are you in hospital after bypass and when are you getting it done,lots of questions lol but we all have to keep are options open,is it very expensive compared to the band my band and hospital stay cost 4150 euro,let us know how you get on as well hun xx

  15. Hi All

    Hope everyone is well? Nice to see some old faces have been posting again too.

    So I've managed to lose 7lb since seeing the doc 2 weeks ago, just a stone to go now til she will do the referral letter, yipee!

    Have a funny week with the band, 4 days on liquids only due to constant sliming and mouthfulls of saliva, not sure what that was, but seems to have passed now thankfully.

    Had a little glass of champers, yum, last night to Celebrate after getting a big promotion at work, and hit the 6 and a half stoneloss mark too so was one very happy girlie yesterday!

    Today I have been having a mega clearout of me clothes, and getting into lots of lovely bits that have been stuck in suitcases for yonks in the hope that one day I would get into them, but actually some are now too big. Time to go shopping soon for sure cos these bony little shoulders can't hold up size 20 tops anymore!

    Just realised when updating my ticker that I am just 3lbs off of losing 4 stone since the last fill in November which is fabulous, and 30lbs off of the goal weight I originally set myself of 11 and a half stone. So wierd to think that that really isn't far away now.

    Keep up the good work everyone

    Take care

    C xx

    great to see you back janni your doing great well done hunny, and omg patty you must be so pleased not far off now hun bet ya look fab in all your new clothes now xxx

  16. Hey all,

    I just thought I'd come on here for a catch up, it's been a while!

    I hope you are all doing well on your weight loss journeys, the old and the new folks.

    Personally I'm doing rubbish! Had an emergency de-fill last November as I was having real problems not being able to even get Water down / reflux etc.

    It was such a relief not to feel constantly ill, I guess I filled my face... a LOT!

    I've put on about a stone since end of November and really need to get back on it. I've just sent Freddy boy an email to enquire when he's next in Manchester.

    I'll try to make more of an effort to come on here from time to time, it's been such a lot of help to me in the past.


    hi hun he is next in manchester 14th april,glad your over your last episode lol and now you can jump back on the wagonxx

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