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candy rain

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by candy rain

  1. I know this question has been asked b4 but i just wondered if u could clear something up 4 me...

    You know wen your like 4 days post opp and you can only get down half a cup of tea and a few bites of food, is this restriction???

    because i am having issues with food getting stuck but am not really feeling full and am getting hungry often and am gaining bk the weight lost! and its doin my head in

    Is this restriction? not really being able to eat very much at all?

    I figured if im eating enough to gain weight then surely im not restricted??? only had a fill 9 days ago... :)

  2. you are not the only 1 chick, woke up this morning and boom 4lb weight gain!!! :biggrin: i could of cried and then thrown my scales out of the window! i was soo upset as im 2 weeks post op i thought that id be losin losin losin but apparently not, not a happy bunny but it made me wanna go to the gym and burn it off immediatly! lol dont like it but i guess that this is real life with the lap band x

  3. I tried to take a few gulps of ribena with my meal yesterday as well as trying to cram in one more mouthful of delicious dinner and i knew something was wrong i legged it into my kitchen where i threw up in my sink in front of my whole entire family! as i heaved and gagged i heard comments of that's disgusting coming from the table, never before have i been more embarrassed, and all for one more bite and a gulp of ribena... i shoulda listened to my doctor!

    Im stickin to the rules these days :)

  4. I had the surgery 6 days ago and have lost 12lbs, im happy with that 12lb gone forever but i am a carbaholic and miss foooood sooo badddd lol, i was so hungry whilst making my kids sandwiches that i actually licked the butter off the knife! what is wrong with me? i should be standing tough at this stage but i just miss food, I sometimes think whether i could trick the band and get something past it but i know that my band is too clever for that and 7 hour indigestion just isn't worth it, i know i should really be loving this restriction but i feel as though i am mourning the loss of food, will it ever get easier?

  5. Thought id add mine:-


    10lb loss banded 25/09/10

    Self believe- i can really do this

    Partner support

    excited to get on the scales

    not hungry much

    a brighter future :)


    OMG!!! gas pains Arrrrggghhhhhhhhhhh

    Neck pain

    shoulder pain

    rumbling tummy

    Intergestion feeling

    need looking after/ unable to do simple stuff

    desperate to drink a pint of anything!

    miss food like a crack head misses crack!

    the fear of liking food again/ im a foodaholic

    But everydays a school day and i learn something everyday, just taking it 1 day at a time :drool:

  6. Hiya,

    I was banded 2 days ago on Saturday and im feeling rough today I was ok in hospital and stayed over night, i was even fine when i got home but last night the gas pain got intense. I am suffering with it today as the cuts are itchy and uncomfortable and i feel like a hot air balloon full of gas ready to explode lol but i am still happy because i chose this, i wanted this and i have done it. I too was feeling hungry so thought about deviating from my diet but was to scared too, ive been eating yoghurt for Breakfast and yoghurt for lunch but today have no appetite which is good i guess. Glad you are feeling so positive and having a good time of it so far x heres to us september bandsters xxx :smile:

  7. Just flicking through some of the posts and it got me thinking, i tend to eat becaise im bored not because im hungry just because its there! sometimes its just for the taste not because i actually want it and if i feel crappy or whatever il bing until i feel full and crappier? That said id give up all the food in the world for coke!!! im a secret coke whore and i like litterelly get the shakes if i dont get it cokea cola and pepsi are my dirty lil secrets and i dont know how il cope without them i guess coke to me is like alchohol to an alchoholic! its like crack totally addictive. Guess im feeling a lil apprehensive as my whole world will flip up side down... :) overwhelmeddd :thumbup:

  8. I am self pay and boy isnt it a headache! i decided that i didnt want to finance i didnt want to take out loans that i would pay all myne off as i earn it week by week before the surgery rather than pay it off after. my surgery is 29th june and i cant wait for it all to be over. i am very excited but with the financial burden of it all its become stressful i wish all i had to stress about was the liquid diet but its money and surgery dates and all the other stuff that goes along with it. i have had to budget to do this and i am so sick of calculating money here and then its getting a little obsessive. But it will be all worth it in the end and im sure il never look back i just cant wait to get there :~) :thumbup:

  9. Wow guys 80 odd posts there really is allot of us, and your all in my thoughts. Didnt think id get such a huge response for june bandsters its great news to hear youv all been excepted.

    Like iv said im at the end of june 29th i think, so most of you are before me so i will be waiting for all of your updates.

    keep smiling, chin up and get ready because this is gonna be the first day of the rest of our lives :laugh:

    xxx candy xxx :smile2:

  10. All this weight loss has had me thinking, its all good seeing the weight come off the scales but at what point do i look in the mirror and see a slimmer person looking back at me? someone told me that its more like 45lbs before you can see that you have lost weight and slimmed down but that seems kinda harsh, i just hope that for every stone i loose i shrink into a smaller cuter version of myself lol does 45lbs sound right to you guys???:biggrin:

  11. well i am thinking of you all and am super excited for everyone here your all probz before me im 29th june but its nice to know that wel probz all be loggin in the post op forum together and will be reading and responding to eachothers posts, so good luck guys and feel free to tell me how it goes xxx

  12. Im starting to really think about things a bit more clearly now, instead of just being preoccupied with the surgery iv been thinking about the pre op diet, i am someone who hates milk/milkshakes and all those types of things anything creamy like that is a big no no for me but with the surgery comes great responsibility so im aware that im going to have to make big changes to my diet.

    I have been thinking about how my body will adjust to liquids and no food and im worried that il spend 14 days soooo hungry, how hard is it to stay on liquids 4 2 weeks?

  13. oooh {bigpops} me 2 thats my date wow thats awesome im super excited for us both strange to think as im about to go in to the or someone else is going through the exact same thing! wow its bizarre but i literally cant wait, i think iv lost my mind throughout this whole process iv gone positively nuts lol but hey its exciting stuff, just kind off have that sinking feeling that it just wont work on me?

    i guess there's only 1 way to find out... here goes x

  14. Hiya

    Its so bizare reading your post because its exactly where i am right now, i have cut myself off from fam and frenz in the hopes that they will kind of forget about me and i can re emerge in a month or 2 thinner and lookin good, i feel as though everybody is looking at me and talking about me and judging me, its as though i feel that i have admiteed my weight is a problem and people can sense that and see me as a fat person. its strange wen i really think about it but i feel like i just want to vanish until iv had my surgery. I av stopped wearing make up and accessorising because deep down i dont believ im worth the effort in this state but after the surgery its a brand new day and il be pulling out all the stops, i understand why for some its like the first day of the rest of their lives, stay positive n keep your head up because your life is changing for the better and your almost there... im gettin banded 29th of june so simular times let me know how it goes xxx

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