thanks for writing back!! The problem that I am having is that when I sit down to dinner, I am so accustomed to drinking that I still seem to get a glass of water right before I sit down, then I realize that I can't drink anything and its almost as if I don't enjoy my meal as much. It's also hard for me because when I do sit down to eat, I am eating with at least 3, sometimes 5 other people who are all drinking Soda and such and I get jealous! I know that may sound crazy and you are absolutely right, I should focus on the success I have had so far.
I think I am going to have to learn to always carry a water bottle with me during the day, maybe that will keep me from wanting the fluids while I am eating. As of now I am not getting in the recommended 64 ounces a day...maybe once I get to that point it will help??