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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jenslapband

  1. jenslapband

    January Bandsters???

    I am going to start my liquids only phase today. I don't actually have to start it until the 31st but I have been making bad food choices and feel like I need to make up for some lost time. I've learned that I eat as a "break." A break from life, from a relationship problem, a break from my job, a break from thinking about the bills, a break from chores I need to do. After my surgery I won't know what to do with myself. I will either have alot of time on my hands or feel like I am going crazy (er)! I can't do much exercise to prepare for surgery. I have severe arthritis in my back, scoliosis, need hip replacement on the right side and need both knees replaced so moving is so painful and awkward. After I get a nice chunk off I look forward to exercise. I've never felt so terrible, weak and scared for my future as I do right now. It's a new life on Tuesday...finally.
  2. jenslapband

    January Bandsters???

    My first post! My surgery date is January 2nd - the first one of 2007 for my surgeon. I am a self pay and wanted to use $2,400 max of flex funds to help me pay. I am scared I will fail. I have been going to counseling for about 6-months for binge disorder hoping to prepare myself.

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