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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by amey_idaho

  1. I LOVE Vegas!!! Unfortunately I'm not from there, I'm from the frozen arm pit of Idaho :blushing: But, DH and I will be in Vegas next weekend. I can hardly wait! He's never been there but I visited several times. I am literally counting down the hours. I am not banded yet either. I dropped off all the paperwork and regular doctor history to the New U center at the hospital today so I'm crossing my fingers! Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and welcome! amey
  2. Has anyone been rejected by their insurance because their failed diet history wasn't good enough? I am filling out my medical history on-line for the surgeon and I am really trying to remember how many months, pounds lost, pounds regained, month/yr diet started and how many months on the diet. It's not like I kept a diary of all the failed attempts to lose weight, it's all something I'd much rather forget about. I did my best, but I'm sure I got some off by a year and things like WW I try to follow all the time for the most part but I don't really lose a bunch and then gain it back. I have been in the same 30 pound rut for over 10 years. I get to a certain point and I quit losing and I gain back to the high point and then even out. It's so frustrating!!! The only time I've lost more than 50 pounds was PhenFen....that was magical stuff and obviously too good to be true Does anyone else have a history like this or am I just really stuck in a rut?
  3. The hairball stuff in the tube is at Petco or Petsmart, and it's not real expensive. You might want to try a cat food for hairballs or indoor cats. I have my cats on a hairball food (I think it's a green bag) and it works great....no more surprise land mines with bare feet in the morning We have 3 parrots (used to have 9 when I did parrot rescue & rehab), a lab/chow cross, 3 cats, and 2 big fat spoiled fish. I really enjoy this thread, I read it everyday. Sorry if I interrupted....just wanted to let Bob know about the hairball stuff.
  4. Asking for help.....that's something I learn to do. Thanks Bob!
  5. I have heard the term 'Center for Excellence' referred to for some LP programs. Could someone please tell me what exactly this means and why it would be so important? Can anyplace say they are a Center for Excellence? and if not what are the criteria for carrying that designation? What would be the advantages/disadvantages to having my surgery at with a program that is a Center for Excellence vs a program that is not?? Thank you in advance....I am really learning a lot here, wearing out the search field LOL.
  6. amey_idaho

    Center for Excellence?

    The hospital in Blackfoot is not a Center of Excellence, Idaho Falls does carry the certification. I guess that helps make that decision. Thanks everybody!
  7. I have been trying to figure out the same thing.
  8. amey_idaho

    Out of the shadows...

    Thanks viv! I am SO ready to make this change in my life!
  9. Hi everybody! I live in Southeast Idaho and have been lurking around here for the past couple weeks. I am 39, married, and have a 2 boys (19 & 12) and a stepson that is 8 (every-other weekend). I have attended the seminar and have an appt with the surgeon on the 24th. I have Triwest insurance and from what the website says and if the cust service rep is correct then I should have no problem getting approved. There's a lot more to talk about but I will save that for later. I'm so glad I found this place, it has helped me SOOO much. And I have to admit I have become a bit of a btrieger stalker LOL. Sorry, but you are so inspirational and so positive, I have actually found myself reading your posts first when I come to the site. Back to the shadows for me.... amey
  10. I am trying to decide whether to pursue my surgery in Idaho Falls with either Dr. David Chamberlain or Dr. Eric Baird....or in Blackfoot with Dr. Anthony Davis. Does anyone have any experience with either of these hospitals, programs, or doctors? I'm looking for the good, the bad and the ugly

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
