Yeah I totally understand where you're coming from. Pre-op stress is horrible as it is without any other side problems. I personally am way too freaked out to do it in mexico... My surgery is scheduled for March 26th, and I'm having a really good surgeon here in LA to do mine, however I'm FREAKING OUT about anything that can go wrong as well. I'm really causious (sp?) about this though, its my first surgery ever.
As far as Mexico, its all by chance. One of my best friend's grandmother did it in Mexico, and she's half of her size. She's very happy and the surgery went well. I think if you have an American Board Certified surgeon, you should be fine. I work at a medical office, and one of our patients did it in Mexico too. Everything went well. However, I heard that if you get the procedure done in Mexico, they wont do your fills here. You'll have to keep traveling back for the fills. You should find out about that too. :wink2: