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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kerri76

  1. I am in mourning too! I completely understand when you said that carbs have been your BFF. Carbs have been my BFF too....you can tell from my "before" pictures! YUCK!
  2. I am getting banded on Monday (5/10). Excited and a little nervous. This is a HUGE lifestyle change. I am excited to start seeing some results. I have been on my pre-op diet since Monday. Liquids only, 3 protein shakes, total of 800 cals per day. 1st day was a challenege but has progressively gotten better. I did fall off the wagon on Wednesday and pigged out but since then I have been on track. My mind keeps telling me to eat everything in sight so I have to constantly fight that urge. This site has been wonderful. I have also started blogging and reading blogs so that helps to. Blogging is like my journal...a way to get out all these feelings and emotions instead of stuffing them inside with food. I am in healing! I am grateful to have found fellow banders because I don't have much support at home. Talk to you all soon! Take care!!!!
  3. I am disgusted with myself! I have surgery on Monday and started my pre-op diet last Monday. It's been a struggle but I made it through Monday and Tuesday fine. Well, yesterday I did fine until I got home. See, home is a trigger for me. There is FOOD there and LOTS of it! I have 2 boys and a husband that like food! All day at work yesterday I kept hinking about Fruit Loops. I just couldn't get it out of my head! I got home from work and ATE! I had 2 single serving size chips, 2 bowls of Fruit Loops, a donut and ice cream. After I ate it, I got so depressed and so disgusted with myself! I hate that I think about food all the time. I am a FOOD ADDICT! I have read that other people have cheated on their pre-op diets and some people have posted in response that they shouldn't get the band. I don't want to NOT get banded. I know the band will work for me. When I was pregnant (baby is 4 1/2 months old) I actually lost weight because I couldn't OVEREAT! The baby was far up and squished my stomach so it was painful to overeat. I am assuming that the band will be similar. I also know that there will be foods that I will NOT be able to eat because they could get stuck. I also will be fearful of causing the band to slip. I don't want anyone to think that I am not ready for the band, I think I am...I just fudged up yesterday. I am back on track today and will ONLY eat the designated foods ONLY when I am hungry! I have read that the first few weeks after the surgery are difficult too but knowing that I PHYSICALLY will not be able to eat will help me. I am just having a HUGE mind struggle! One part of my brain wants this so bad but another part just wants to EAT! Please help me! I was so depressed last night and didn't sleep well because of this. :bored:
  4. kerri76

    Disgusted with Myself

    Thank you to everyone for your replies and words of wisdom! I made it through today successfully and UNDER my 800 cal limit! It feels good to say that! Thanks again! :thumbup:
  5. kerri76

    Disgusted with Myself

    I appreciate your comments. I have read that there are people that CANNOT eat those foods and I will be one of them. I will REFUSE to eat those foods out of fear of getting stuck or causing damage to the band. I have already told myself and my family that I will no longer be able to eat bread, Pasta, rice and high calorie soft foods. I will work closely with my dietician to make the best food choices. I WANT this to work. I fell off the wagon yesterday, scraped my knees but dusted myself off and am limping through today. I have to be aware of the food that I put into my mouth. Be conscious of my triggers and find alternative ways to deal with those triggers. I plan on taking a walk tonight which will get me out of the house and away from my triggers! I want this to work. I NEED this to work. I will DIE if I do not lose weight. Plain and simple! :thumbup:
  6. kerri76

    Disgusted with Myself

    I think I do have some PPD but I am on medicine for it. I am feeling better today just trying to take it one day at a time and be slightly more forgiving of my downfalls. It doesn't help that yesterday the baby was a bit more cranky than usual because she is teething and my husband is RARELY home to help me because he works a lot and also farms. So this time of the year is difficult for me.:thumbup:
  7. Today is your BIG DAY! Hope all is going well. Take care!

  8. Congrats!!!! I have my surgery on the 10th and am currently on my pre-op diet! It sucks! :thumbup: I am surviving but it is difficult! I see and smell food everywhere! The first day was HELL! I had a headache and was so bitchy! Yesterday was better though! I took "before" pictures last night...how depressing! I can't believe I am that FAT! :thumbup: It is motivation to lose weight but it's also so depressing that I want to EAT! :biggrin: How did food every get so out of hand? Anyway...CONGRATS again!!! Wish you well!
  9. Ok, I am in pre-op HELL! I guess it's not THAT bad. The physical hunger is nothing. The HEAD hunger is driving me MAD! I see food EVERYWHERE! I can't stop thinking about food. I smell food. OH FOOD!!!! I worry that I am gonna go crazy after I get the band. Will the band really help me with this head hunger? I know it will get easier and that the first couple of days are rough but now I am worried. I guess I have to go through the emotions. The mourning of the way I used to eat! Mourning over the loss of using food for every emotion! Mourning over the foods that I will never eat again. See, I really am going crazy! :thumbdown: Just venting!
  10. kerri76


    :thumbdown: So, I started my lovely pre-op diet today and it sucks! I am soooo freaking bitchy. I also had a headache all day. The headache is my fault for stopping caffeine cold turkey! UGH!!! I tried the EAS protein shake this morning and it wasn't bad but by the third shake tonight....I wanted to vomit! I have to find some other protein shake! I did eat some almonds today even though I am supposed to be on a liquid only diet but I needed something to eat! Not eating food is making me wonder if I can really do this. Will I be ok with NEVER being able to OVEREAT again? That's fudged up thinking right? "Normal" people don't think about food constantly! Will I ever be "normal"? Will I ever have "normal" thoughts about food? I hope this band will help me! Someone please tell me it will! Please tell me I am not alone because right now I want to go eat EVERYTHING in the kitchen..maybe even the kitchen sink!
  11. I am scheduled to be banded May 10th and am soooo excited! I have been overweight my entire life. I have spent my entire adult life obese to morbidly obese. I have tried every diet under the sun and have lost weight and gained the weight. I have lost the same 60 pounds a hundred times! I made the decision to get the Lap-band because I want to get healthy for me and my family! I know it will still be a challenge but it will also help me! So today, at work, the doc that I work for who is thin, is a Weight Watchers Lifetime member after losing 60 pounds and maintaining, says to me that the Lap-band is the EASY WAY OUT! Are you kidding me? Why do people say things like that? Why do people that have NOT walked in our shoes feel entitled to give their opinion? If I wanted it...I would have asked. :smile: Any thoughts?
  12. kerri76

    First Fill and a Bra!

    I get banded on Monday. I wear an underwire too. So, it will be interesting. I have never read that the fills were fun! That's funny!!! :thumbdown:
  13. kerri76


    What shakes are you doing? Mine aren't terrible but not that tasty! No, I cannot add anything! I have to do the ice but forgot to freeze some ice. Duh! :thumbdown:
  14. Hi! I am getting banded on May 10th too! YAY! Are you excited?

  15. You have already lost 41 pounds since being banded mid-March? Did you start losing before the pre-op? That is an awesome loss! Congrats! Advice would be welcome!!!!
  16. Scared too!!! But trying to not think about the negative and focus on the positive outcome that this surgery will bring...health! And cuter clothes...lol! Good luck to everyone getting banded this week....please keep us posted! I am getting banded next week...so excited and a teeny but scared. :thumbup:
  17. I am getting banded on the 10th...so I am in the same boat! just wanna wish you well. Please keep us all posted!!!:thumbup:
  18. kerri76

    Easy Way Out....

    Too funny....Thank you! Thank you to everyone's comments, I guess I was just a little dumbfounded! I thought she would be happy for me. I guess I was wrong! I am happy "taking the easy way out". :smile:
  19. Just wondering if anyone has a blog that they would like to share. I am looking for successful banders to follow so that when I get banded on May 10th, I have some fellow banders to look up to and read about your journeys. Thanks!
  20. kerri76


    Thank you everyone! I am enjoying the suggestions!!! :smile:
  21. What are you doing for your pre-op diet?
  22. Which tastes better? They were recommended by my dietician and before I buy, I want to get some opinions from some veteran banders. Thank you!
  23. I try to do just a face shot! I am looking forward to someday having full body shots!!!
  24. Izaiahsmommy-When are you starting your pre-op diet? I am starting mine on Sunday! What are you doing for yours? I am able to have 3 protein shakes and some other "liquids". I will get about 800 cals a day for pre-op! Oh boy! May I ask how much weight you want to lose?

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