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Big girl banded

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Big girl banded

  1. Big girl banded

    The new Smoke-Free Ohio Law

    I wish i had the time and energy for boyfriends. Between my parolee clients calling to whine and my DH I have enough men in my life! LOL
  2. Big girl banded

    The new Smoke-Free Ohio Law

    :funnypost: youre right!! LOL!! I guess i was trying to say dated, have known to date, etc. I guess that would put more of a kink in things huh
  3. Big girl banded

    The new Smoke-Free Ohio Law

    lol Thanks Carlene... i have worked in the prison system where we push "you must accept the consequences of your sctions" SOO much that it seeps into the home. Of course i dont want my DH to die, but if he chooses to cont to smoke and ends up with cancer then he wont get tons of sympathy from me, assistance sure, but it will come with a "i told you so" Esp after we just went thru my BIL having cancer and he told all the men to stop smoking. It is his choice but I cant stop him. We ride motorcycles. It is dangerous. If i die or he dies while riding, it would suck really bad but it was a choice we made and that is a possible consequence. My grandmother died in the hospital when i was young refusing to speak to her family, even grandchildren, bc we would not sneak her a cigarette. I knew at that time that it is an addiction but that the people around the addiction should not suffer or feel guilty. I never felt the same again about smokers and how bad it can get.
  4. Big girl banded

    The new Smoke-Free Ohio Law

    Oh and Roswelltx- Good luck! You should be proud that you are trying, I am very aware that it is not easy. I wish you the best of luck
  5. Big girl banded

    The new Smoke-Free Ohio Law

    I drink. I love to drink and i date smokers (although i consider it a red flag) and i would love for it to be smoke free. I dont care if my smoking husband dies from cancer, he chose to start and has chose so far not to quit. It is his choice. He keeps me out of it by not smoking around me. I dont want his second hand smoke. I tell him often that if he dies bc he smokes that allows me to get married again.
  6. Big girl banded


    Mine- try moving around. Gasx didnt help me much either. But moving did bc it moved my insides around too allowing for the gas to escape a little. I have been banded for a bit. soon you will be able to burp and might without any notice which always makes me laugh. Esp after eating and then standing up. I can only contribute it to moving and allowing the stomach contents to shift. Good luck!
  7. Big girl banded


    take and toss. My MIL wanted to stuff me like a bird during the holiday even though she is aware i cant eat if all..... she herself stuggles. So my DH and i had a plan of attack... i fed him off my plate while we had our "appetizers" and at dinner I had just a little bit and pushed it around a bit. They thought i ate too much appetizer and thought i was feeding him HIS... he was actually getting mine and his. His mother thought i was SOOO Sweet and in love that i was feeding her son to fatter him up ( he is underweight) little did she know!! It is all about you and the DH having a plan of attack and sticking to it. Good luck!
  8. Big girl banded

    Newbie Introduction

    Hello On my way. Welcome. I hope we provide, support, friendship,and a good time here!
  9. Big girl banded

    The new Smoke-Free Ohio Law

    I have worked in a bar in VA for 16yrs. The docor contributes my asthma and brochial problems directly to work. No one else in my fmaily has any problems. When i come home after working not only do my outer clothes such as shirts and pants stink but my UNDERWEAR AND BRA are also permeated with smoke. It is soo gross..... I hope va goes smoke free too... my hubby is a smoker (never inside or even near me) and HE wants it smoke free...
  10. Big girl banded

    New Year's

    In va it is illegal to bring your own to mix with, a party is different tho. Also sure juices have some calories and natural sugar but you need SOME calories to survive...also juice is good for you. Alcohol all has alot of sugar in it but geez, i gave up food to have the band, i am not going to give up life. I dont think one party is going to make or break your band Sorry, i am not a calorie slave... if i did I would go crazy within a week.
  11. Big girl banded

    New Year's

    Bourbon and cran with a splash of pine or apple. Juicy and good and NO fizz.... wine is good too....
  12. Big girl banded

    Freecycle Do you?

    I have done it for two yrs but am sick of the 150 a day emails and all the bickering and all the people that dont pick up or arent there for you to pick up. I have gotten a few good things and gave some stuff too but it is not always worth the hassle. I am 50-50 when it comes to this
  13. Big girl banded

    Attention All Biker Ladies - and Gentlemens!

    Ummm 68 camaro... i think that SHOULD be yours. He is 8 right? He can get something else. He has time
  14. I drink wine and liqour. My favorite bourbon and coke is no more BUT i found that bourbon madras (cran an oj) or bourbon and cidar or apple juice are great! I know juice has alot of sugar but i have to have SOME kind of life. Being a bartender means i had to adapt... So far so good
  15. Big girl banded

    Attention All Biker Ladies - and Gentlemens!

    That ysr is tricky... it looks so much like those pocket bikes but i tell ya what.. my DH flipped it once going very fast. Oh yeah... you said your son is 8 right!! Now wonder he wants it .... it is just his size! LOL Kids... DH's included. We had 12 bikes at one point. I made him downsize a little. I know it is only temporary though
  16. Carlene. I like your attitude towards all this. You seem very grounded and matter of fact.
  17. Big girl banded

    Attention All Biker Ladies - and Gentlemens!

    YOu have a ysr 50? So do we! Man those things are fun. The DH is rebuilding it now. If you have a GSXR why do you want a harley? Are you really taking such long rides? We have a Gsxr too but it is a 92? Last year for oil cooled. That is my DH's all around ride, he has a TL1000 also
  18. No no. I wasnt speaking directly to you. I was more clarifying a few things to the board since there have been some other comments and such. Sorry if i confused you. I type much slower then i talk. Sometimes it doesnt work out real well. :lol:
  19. Thank you Carlene. That makes a lot of sense. And who know what and how has sad anything. they are all so distrught right now. But i can say ( and this is a PLUS that i see with church) Is they have ALL come out to care for the family. The food, support and such has been immense. And i appreciate that churches can be such a support network. Thanks for clearing it up alittle.
  20. I THINK they are Catholic. But whatever they are they are going thru alot. I am not damning religion by any means. As i have said before i am very curious about and want to understand it. Also understnad that i was born to a sicilian catholic father and presbyterian mother. I went to : a presbyterian church for 3 yrs a catholic church for 2 a quaker meeting for 5 a baptist church for 4 A black baptist (*very different then white baptist and the most fun of them all ) for 1 This was so i could see how different people study religion. So i am not religionless as you may think, i am more agnostic after the whole thing. I see it more as a pissing contest on who can love someone/something more. But as far as religion itself i am sorry if anyone here gets the idea that i dont respect people with religion. to me it is nothing special. I dont belive there is a heaven or hell. I think my flesh rots and i am gone. Say i am wrong and go to hell.... well! i know there will be alot of people there that i would know. If there is a heaven and i happen to pass the test then score for me. But i am not dedicating my whole life on this earth to something that i can not see, touch, hold or enjoy. I would rather have a pet. But that is just how i feel. I do not feel that you are bad or stupid bc you like god. What ever floats everyones boat! Just dont make laws that are religious soaked that mean i have no control of my body.
  21. Big girl banded


    I ate alot of Butternut squash..i would bake it then keep it available for quick Snacks too... a little salt and YUMMY.. Hummus, mashed potatoes, tuna. It is hard to get creative!! But you can do it!
  22. NO i am VERY serious. If any of the religious types had a son shot themselves would you continue your religious practices knowing that he was "denied heaven"? We have no control over our lives or others. it is just something to think about. I was not being condencending to you at all i really dont understand and it is something this religious family is currently struggling with.
  23. So the 11yo that just shot himself in my town wont go to heaven? If your GOD and i say that loosely can not forgive that this world is complicated for children and he cant go to heaven then that is just more reason for me to not believe.
  24. Lauralend- I agree it is a slippery slope with rape. Luckily with the laws in place as they are women have choices to carry a rape baby or not. I worked with an 12 year old that was raped by her father. She is mentally retarded as well as the mother and brother. They thought she was had the flu... turns out she was 6 months pregnan BY HER FATHER. She was in middle school. It was awful. They CHOSE at that point to have the baby. They also kept it. The girl hates him. Siblingy rivalry. Mom had to stop her 6.00hr job to care for both of them. The birth ended in a c section, so now she has the "proof" of child. Gagetlady... you want to adopt this family? They need alot of love and support but they did what you wanted... Dad is on the run, mom is now retarted and single with 3 retarded children and a grandchild who is showing signs of retardation that is also her stepson.
  25. Poodles- I am sorry this makes you sad and bring memories to you. One of my best friends had 11 misacarrages (two D & C) before having two beautiful little children. I know it was hard on her but she got what she wanted. I am also sorry that adopting a baby is so hard and expensive. There are SOOO MANY children that are aging in the system waiting for a home. It saddens me that the red tape is so bad that the children become difficult to adopt...everyone wants the baby.... just like puppys... no one wants the 5 yo dog... they want the puppy. I hope you get what you want. A child of your own,strong and healthy or an adopted child of your own also strong and healthy. Good luck. :girl_hug:

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