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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by daisy1978

  1. i hv not decided yet . i think i will wait and see at this point im just going to gather as much info as possible ... if i had that kind of money i think i would do it but since i dnt its harder . i would have to save a few years of my tax return before i get it done. let me know how everything goes for u ... good luck

  2. i know insurnce wnt cover it . i would hv to go to mexico in a few years . how much would it cost with out insurence? in mex?
  3. can someone get the LAP-BAND®® if they aint over weight . im 31 and slowly gaining weight ...that has been inposible to loose . my mother and grandmotherS are big latina woman they just stop tryn after years of giving it good eforts .what if this my chance to stop it before it gets out of control . i do eat healthy but my portions control is not good i wnt to have self control but i fail, i exersize often but dsnt help . can i get this done not to loose weight but to prevent my self from ganing it???? has it been done before anyone know???
  4. can someone get the LAP-BAND® if they aint over weight . im 31 and slowly gaining weight ...that has been inposible to loose . my mother and grandmotherS are big latina woman they just stop tryn after years of giving it good eforts .what if this my chance to stop it before it gets out of control . i do eat healthy but my portions control is not good i wnt to have self control but i fail, i exersize often but dsnt help . can i get this done not to loose weight but to prevent my self from ganing it???? has it been done before anyone know???
  5. please keep in mnd i do eat healthy and im not crazy just looking at my options . i have been gaining at least 1 pnd a month for the last 3 yrs . im not over weight becouse im always on a diet . im so tired of not hvn control over my weight.
  6. im 5'2 and i know im not over weight right now becouse i am on diet but i hve been gaining like 1 pnd a month regardless . i dnt eat crappy food only on special ocasions like a piace of cake om MYbirthday . the only reason why im not over weiht is becose i dedicate my self to loosing weight so i dnt realy now how what else to do ... one pnd a month will add up if i dnt fgr out what to do now:sad:
  7. please tell me more:thumbup: i think you have the best advice so far !!! what do ppl that have the lap band do ?how small are the portions and how many time a day u eat? maybe i can just act like i have it or try to anyways.
  8. i have tryd every diet its just not working anymore my body seems to just want to store everything as fat. i work at the olive garden and dnt even eat their 85% of my diet is white meat ,fish ,toffu and fresh steamd veggies . im just realy tired of not knowing exactly how to prevent gaining weight
  9. :ohmy:ok i can tell you are complitly against me even looking up this type of information . it does scare me becouse i go back and forth on my weight i keep 4 different size jeans folded just in case and no my famiily has no real medical problems just realy bad attitudes and self estem isues and im sorry you do have med problems that prevent you from being your ideal non horrific weight ... so you wher a happy person when you wher overweght thats good but i dnt see my self being happy and maibe counseling is what a need i will keep that im mnd as an OPTION thanks
  10. thank you i realy think you understand were im coming from:thumbup:
  11. how old wher you when you first started to gain weight? what if you could have done something about it . im just looking at my options , i will try my best to control what and how i eat .
  12. thank you all for your replys its nice to see that you guys dnt think its stupid for me to consider the lap band as an option. i will look up all pro and cons . the fear of becoming over weight is stressing me out becouse of my family history once they gaind the weight they never lost it .
  13. can someone get the lap band done if they are not over weight?

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