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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by FTSTOMPER

  1. Hello !!! My name is TONY .. I started on a surgarbuster diet on march 31st . 2010 .. and lost 41 pounds .. had my lapband on may 10th . 2010 ... I have lost a total of 117 . pounds now . as of 3-19-11.. I feel great .. and i have not (( x-ser-sized )) at all . it just fell off . my e-mail is ** ftstomper77@yahoo.com ** if you wont to ask anything feel free .. Dr. Bagnato Albany Ga. done mine ..

  2. georgia girl (aka Pamela)~ 84 lbs

    leslie2lose (aka Leslie) - 32 lbs

    jbrad71629(aka Jeannie)-73lbs

    Nip50 (aka Gina) - 115 lbs

    Ftstomper (aka TONY ) 117 lbs

    I have lost 117 pounds in all ... March 31st i started a sugarbuster diet .. lost 41 pounds on it .

    May 10th i had my LAPBAND done and i have lost 76 pounds . till now 3-19-11


  3. Hello !! My name is TONY .. I had my lapband done on may 10th 2010 .. I was able to start on a surgarbuster diet . on march 31st. so when may 10th got here . i have lost 41 pounds . since may 10th surgery day .. I have lost a total of 117 pounds now .. Dr. Bagnato -- Albany Ga. done my surgery .. He done a awsome job . I paid cash . $15,500 . I had no-ins- . at the time ... But i have had no troble .. with mine.. If you have any thing you would like to ask me .. feel free . my e-mail is ftstomper77@yahoo.com .. I will help . My Dr. Maybe moving to Macon Ga. DUE to PHOEBE PUTNEY HOSP, buying out PALMARA HOSP, where he is now .. He maybe moving to Macon we here .. It was the very best thing I have ever done ..

  4. hello !! i have not been on in a long time .. i will give a up-date .. i started my diet on march 31st .. lost 41 pounds . by may 10th .. had my surgery .. and now at 10-11-10 i have lost a total of 85 pounds .. it has slowed way down on acount of me . i know it is my fault . i'm eating to much sometimes .. i got to get it back under controll .. and i will ..started at 478 pounds . down to 393 pounds now .. keep on praying for me . i need thta type of help ... it don't hurt anyone . I HAVE REALLY ENJOYED THE WAY I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER..

  5. hello everyone .. i am still doing great .. i had my surgery on 5-10-10 . and lost 23 pounds sence .. making the total loss . 64 pounds sence march 31 st.. yee aawww !!! I am still kinda eating my chickin broth ,and mus/milk ,and slimfast , i will fix a coffee cup about 3/4 full of ckickin-broth and add a pack of inst/grits in with it .. or oatmeal .. sounds BAD . BUT tastes good to me .. and that alone is one meal .. I started back to work last sunday . and made one trip to tx. and back .. But wound up with a bad cold . so took off the rest of the week . I am leaven today to try it again . I carrie my food with me i have a frig- in my semi truck just like a house does .. so keeping the right stuff with me is not hard to do .. I do get weak if i dont keep me Protein Drinks with me at all times .. THAT IS A MUST !!! keep a jar of JIFF creamy Peanut Butter close by .. make it last at least a week .. or more .. but it is a quik fix . when your weak .. (I STILL SAY YEE AWWW ON THE 64 POUNDS LOST )

  6. Hello !! I was up to 478 pounds on march 31st . I started on what they called a suger buster diet to help shink your liver .. I was very lucky to be able to start so early on it .. they told me to do it 2 weeks befor my surgery , but i started early .. I was able to lose 41 pounds doing .. and was not real hard on my self , but i cut off 80 0/0 of my suger , and 80 0/0 of my bread .. went in for surgery at 442 pounds ... had my surgery on 5-10-10 this had been a week and 2 days now I have lost a total of 56 pounds .. 15 of that was sence surgery date .. I feel so dang much better .. the LAP-BAND® was a very good choise I made .. no regrates .. my goal one day to see 200 pounds again and level out .. ( God ) bless all bandster's . and good luck with ya'll's .. Tony Burt .... and I was banded by :: Dr. Bagnato .. Albany Ga. ..

  7. Hello !! I was up to 478 pounds on march 31st . I started on what they called a suger buster diet to help shink your liver .. I was very lucky to be able to start so early on it .. they told me to do it 2 weeks befor my surgery , but i started early .. I was able to lose 41 pounds doing .. and was not real hard on my self , but i cut off 80 0/0 of my suger , and 80 0/0 of my bread .. went in for surgery at 442 pounds ... had my surgery on 5-10-10 this had been a week and 2 days now I have lost a total of 56 pounds .. 15 of that was sence surgery date .. I feel so dang much better .. the LAP-BAND® was a very good choise I made .. no regrates .. my goal one day to see 200 pounds again and level out .. ( God ) bless all bandster's . and good luck with ya'll's .. Tony Burt .... and I was banded by :: Dr. Bagnato .. Albany Ga. ..


  8. Hello !! I was up to 478 pounds on march 31st . I started on what they called a suger buster diet to help shink your liver .. I was very lucky to be able to start so early on it .. they told me to do it 2 weeks befor my surgery , but i started early .. I was able to lose 41 pounds doing .. and was not real hard on my self , but i cut off 80 0/0 of my suger , and 80 0/0 of my bread .. went in for surgery at 442 pounds ... had my surgery on 5-10-10 this had been a week and 2 days now I have lost a total of 56 pounds .. 15 of that was sence surgery date .. I feel so dang much better .. the lapband was a very good choise I made .. no regrates .. my goal one day to see 200 pounds again and level out .. ( God ) bless all bandster's . and good luck with ya'll's .. Tony Burt .... and I was banded by :: Dr. Bagnato .. Albany Ga. ...PS. o-ya . I was tolded by the dr. eat up untill midnight befor surgery .. and nothing after .. so i ate super about 10pm grilled hamberger patty and green bean's ... dr. said my liver had shunk good enuff .. <3

  9. hello .. I just had my sugery on the 10th of may . and doing real good so-far .. I was on my suger buster diet sence march 31st .. I lost 41 pounds in all befor my sugery .. They all at Dr. B's office was real happy that i have lost that much just on the diet .. But it was real easy for me .. I drive a truck for a liven and it is hard to diet but i set my mind to do it and i did it !! started at 478 pounds gotten down to 432 befor the sugery .making it 46 pounds total loss ..

  10. i can not say yes or no .. but i had my surgery monday . and i have been sore where they done the cuts it kinda feels like i got hit by a baseball bat . in the tummy . but it is not real bad .. i can not eat much myself .. i havt to make myself drink the amount the wont you too drink .. but i can not hardly do it .. i know my band has not been tightened up yet i go in 5 more weeks for that then i thank it will be hard to intake any Water .. keep me enformed how you doing and i will do the same .. chicking broth is good .. not crazy about beef broth but try some sometimes it's ok . chicking is better.. Fiber drink mix is good . and alot of water .. is all i have been doing ..

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